During his classic March 1964 speech "The Ballot or the Bullet" El Hajj Malik El Shabazz (Malcolm X) articulated what I believe to be the most correct and straight to the point analysis of White America in general and the liberal (Democratic Party) and conservative (Republican Party) thought processes. Paraphrasing Malcolm, he said "The Republicans are like wolves and the Democrats are like foxes....The wolf bears his teeth at you and makes it clear to you he's going to eat you while the fox sneaks up on you and lulls you to sleep. He makes you think you don't have anything to worry about. At the end of the day both of them are members of the canine family...Both of them are dogs and both of them will eat you alive!" Since the wolves are pretty much what they are, let's talk about the foxes here because this is where there is much more confusion today. Liberal Whites generally see themselves as very progessive around the question of race and racism, but here are some qualifying questions to determine just how progressive they really are. When it comes to art, culture, science, and history, what is your basis of information that falls outside of the Judeo-Christian paradigm? You know, what do you know about African history, art, culture, fashion, food, social customs? Latin, Asian, etc.? And whatever you know, where did you obtain that information and who did you obtain it from? Do you subscribe to very subtle tenets of White supremacy like believing anyone who conducts conversation in a passionate fashion above a monotone level is screaming and disrespectful? Do you believe there is a "standard" English and anyone who doesn't speak it speaks in an inferior "less educated" method? Do you believe anyone who refuses to act like racism isn't a major issue in present day society is just creating a problem issue (although you really can't refute their premise?) If you answered honestly and you answered yes to any of those questions, then you subscribe to White supremacy. If you answered no to every question then I want to talk to you because you are either a liar or you are an exceptional person and someone who should be writing this instead of me.
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