The late Kwame Ture was fond of saying "capitalism never tells the truth....The only time it does tell the truth is the result of a double lie." The television and talk radio is ablaze with talk of increasing the debt ceiling. The democrats want to do this and the republicans don't. The first fact is government administrations consistently increase the debt ceiling as a rule. It's not a new idea. In fact, Ronald Reagan, the rightwing demigod, increased the debt ceiling almost 20 times during his eight year presidency. Its not that I'm advocating Obama over Reagan or the democrats over the republicans. If you have read this blog, you should know by now I'm neither a republican or a democrat...Or, as Malcolm X correctly stated "or an American and got sense enough to know it!" America's real problem isn't the current crisis. It's that the country long ago stopped being a producer nation and is now a debtor nation. The country produces nothing without exploiting foreign markets to do so. This has caused international unrest and a change in the world dynamic that will never permit things to go back to America's Beaver Cleaver golden age. In other words, capitalism as a system is in a severe state of decline. Don't panic at this because it was predicted by people like Karl Marx well over 100 years ago. Just like communalism, slavery, and feudalism, capitalism will eventually go by the wayside because human progress and needs will bypass it like it has the other systems. Yes, there are still a few feudal systems in place, primarily in the Middle East, but that system has long ago stopped being the dominant form of economic and political power in the world and capitalism is now going through the same process. What's next? Socialism of course, but most of you are not prepared to understand that yet so just focus on this simple fact. The trillions of dollars of deficit that currently exists does so not because of social programs as is constantly being claimed, but because of America's ever increasing military budget. There are a number of countries that have social programs, e.g. universal medical care, free education, etc., that do not have deficit issues, but all of those countries don't have military as their main expenditure like the U.S. The reason medicare is expensive is because the prescriptions and services it pays for are so expensive. So the real problem isn't medicare. It's the system that permits companies to profit off of people's bad health. Yes, I know...You have to have a strong military to ward off the enemies of America right? Wrong....The truth is America is her own worst enemy because of the multi-national corporate greed that keeps the U.S. illegally involved in other countries. A word for the wise...They're not mad at you because you are you....Get over yourself....They're mad because your government is stealing their resources and labor. Even the crazy people like Al Queda...If you listen to what they are talking about as their grievance against America you can't dispute their claim. They are justified at being enraged about the suffering of the Palestinian people. They are justified at disliking the puppet regimes in the Middle East that cowtow to U.S. interests. They are right to be disgusted at U.S. corporate maurading of Arab oil. The massive U.S. military is not there to protect you (do you feel any safer? Of course not). It's there to protect those economic interests. The cold hard facts
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The HIV/AIDs rate in Africa has been at a pandemic level for years now. In the U.S. and throughout the Western Hemisphere, Africans continue to maintain the highest levels of HIV/AIDs infection. At least one of the reasons for this is our inability to get into the 21st century around the question of being gay. Within African social circles, it is still quite fashionable in 2011 to refer to gay people as the F word and a complete rejection of gay people will more often meet with agreement than condemnation within African communities wherever they are on the planet. White America is shocked at the words uttered by comedian Tracy Morgan, but we know better. Why is this? I'm not sure exactly. Some of it is cultural. Some religious, but the reason I'm concerned about it is because I think it's disgraceful that a people who have suffered so much discrimination can be so heartless to the suffering of another people, especially when you consider a significant portion of the gay community is African. The other reason I'm concerned is we are so unwilling to deal with this question that I'm afraid there are a sizable population of brothers who are gay who refuse to acknowledge this fact for fear of rejection within the community. Thus the "down low" movement. I read the book. When I read the portion where the brother claims that every man has fantasized about being with another man I knew then he was tripping. Sorry dude, but I've never fantasized about being with another man. YOU ARE GAY! ACCEPT IT!! Until people like him can accept it, and more importantly, until our social institutions and culture, particularly the religious community, and evolve to a level of acceptance and tolerance, we will continue to be the only people in the U.S. and other areas where HIV/AIDs continues to raise. We will also gradually devalue the morality of our struggle for justice since we can only hear the cry for justice apparently when it comes from our lips.
With the emegence of neo-colonialism in Africa and the defeat of Black power movements in the U.S., Europe, and the Caribbean, the African world since the 70s has basically been void of any dynamic struggle for actual social progress and human evolution. Instead, we have been left with the tired old claim that Black capitalism is the solution to the age old suffering throughout the African world. Many of us know better. In fact, it is capitalism that is the root cause of African suffering throughout the planet. Africa today serves as basically a low cost mineral warehouse for Western capitalist corporations. As a result, they suck the vast bauxite, diamonds, uranium, gold, rubber, oil, and other riches from the continent while leaving nothing behind from their naked thievery. Anyone who attempts to block their exploitation, from the MNC in the Congo (Lumumba), to the CPP in Ghana (Nkrumah) to the PDG in Guinea (Ture) to People's organizations in Bourkina Faso (Sankara) to the current assault against the Jamihiriya in Libya (Khadafy) is besieged by coup attempts, assasination against the leaders, and isolation from the world community. There is absolutely no question that capitalism must be destroyed in order for the poor people's of the planet to taste prosperity. Africa, which suffers from being divided into (now with the creation of another state in the Sudan) 54 unviable countries that lack the ability to sustain themselves must unite as one country under one language (maybe Wolof) and currency. This is of course what Muammar Khadafy has been working and calling for over the last several years which is the real reason why the pimps in Washington (yes Obama is nothing, but a pimp and hoe for the superrich...He's as much my brother as Adolph Hitler) are trying to assassinate him. It doesn't really matter what they try and do though because the Pan-Africanist movement, the movement to unite Africa under one continental socialist government, is gaining steam everyday. When the All African People's Revolutionary Party emerged from the bosom of Kwame Nkrumah in 1968, the party had only a few organizers in Guinea. Today, the party has a strong presence in Guinea with thousands of members. Strong chapters in Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Gambia, Kenya, Senegal, Azania, South Africa, and Sierra Leone. The work continues so if you think this is just rhetoric don't be shocked one day when life as you know is no more. It's only a matter of time before the resources return home which means they won't be at the disposal of lazy people in the U.S. much longer. When that time comes the prophetic words of Robert Nesta Marley will come true "soon we'll find out who is...The real revolutionary....
During his classic March 1964 speech "The Ballot or the Bullet" El Hajj Malik El Shabazz (Malcolm X) articulated what I believe to be the most correct and straight to the point analysis of White America in general and the liberal (Democratic Party) and conservative (Republican Party) thought processes. Paraphrasing Malcolm, he said "The Republicans are like wolves and the Democrats are like foxes....The wolf bears his teeth at you and makes it clear to you he's going to eat you while the fox sneaks up on you and lulls you to sleep. He makes you think you don't have anything to worry about. At the end of the day both of them are members of the canine family...Both of them are dogs and both of them will eat you alive!" Since the wolves are pretty much what they are, let's talk about the foxes here because this is where there is much more confusion today. Liberal Whites generally see themselves as very progessive around the question of race and racism, but here are some qualifying questions to determine just how progressive they really are. When it comes to art, culture, science, and history, what is your basis of information that falls outside of the Judeo-Christian paradigm? You know, what do you know about African history, art, culture, fashion, food, social customs? Latin, Asian, etc.? And whatever you know, where did you obtain that information and who did you obtain it from? Do you subscribe to very subtle tenets of White supremacy like believing anyone who conducts conversation in a passionate fashion above a monotone level is screaming and disrespectful? Do you believe there is a "standard" English and anyone who doesn't speak it speaks in an inferior "less educated" method? Do you believe anyone who refuses to act like racism isn't a major issue in present day society is just creating a problem issue (although you really can't refute their premise?) If you answered honestly and you answered yes to any of those questions, then you subscribe to White supremacy. If you answered no to every question then I want to talk to you because you are either a liar or you are an exceptional person and someone who should be writing this instead of me.
"Enjoy your Fourth!" I heard that line this entire last week. Of course, the people who said it simply meant have a nice weekend right? So why do I trip on something like this? Why can't I focus on bigger and better things? Well, first off I focus on a lot of stuff, but this is worth commenting on too because it gives a lense into how ingrained and institutionalized White supremacy really is. Think about it for a moment with an open mind. The holidays are all propaganda tools to advance White supremacy and international capitalism....PERIOD....So everyone doesn't think consciously about it, but it's assumed that the 4th of July is the day of freedom and independence for everyone in America right? How does the fact that that slavery was a full blown and operational system on 7/41776 fit into that equation? How does the fact that Indian lands were being stolen by the minute fit? How does the fact that we are expected to accept George Washington as our fore father when he owned people who look like me as property? You have got to be kidding or stupid if really want to pretend there isn't a serious contradiction there....George Washington and everything he stood for has absolutely nothing to do with me (and you either for that matter if you believe in that, but that's another discussion). This weekend is nothing more than the Fourth of the Lie...A continuation of the lie to advance the notion that the U.S. stands for freedom and equality when I know deep down inside, everyone knows like I do that it's all a bunch of lies designed to fill somebody's (not yours) pocket book.
December 2024
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