Yesterday, we leveled a critique against the White left and it's weak kneed racist analysis of the thuggish attack against Libya. Today, just to be fair, we will address the equally sorry and punkish approach of so-called African leaders in the U.S. to the attack against Libya. Besides a few scattered voices of reason, and there are some, most of whom don't have the facilities to reach any type of main stream audience, the dominant voice being heard from the African community is that of the sellout Democratic Party, Black face capitalist apologist element that can be heard on so-called "Black Talk" radio and other corporate controlled mediums. As I listened to callers on the Warren Ballentine show yesterday I was pushed to the brink of vomiting from hearing the arrogant and completely ridiculous arguments being presented by callers who before recently probably thought Libya was an astrological sign. To make matters worse, the host continuously expressed agreement with claims that Muammar Khadafy is a dictator and "communist thug." First off, African people! You know damn well you don't have a clue what communism is. Not a clue. If I told you communism has never happened because in order to have communism the majority of the world would have to be socialist I know I've lost 99% of you already. Communism is a state we have not reached yet as a civilization. The level of human consciousness necessary to insure there is no state appratus or class system, the definition of communism, is still very much a ways off. So, please, stop saying stupid things and spreading further confusion. Instead, get serious about finding out what's really going on and pick up a book...Actually several books. Form study groups, and get adequately informed. Libya, or the Libyan Arab Jamihiriya to be exact, is a socialist state founded on the principles of socialism on 9/1/69. What that means is the state apparatus in Libya has put in place free education, health care, and limits on housing expenses while outlawing racism, sexism, and the ills that keep people permanantly entrenched in an oppressed condition. All of this is done with the objective of permitting people previously denied opportunity the chance to develop thus eliminating the underclass that capitalism depends upon. So all of the accomplishments in Libya e.g. eradicating illiteracy, poverty, and human suffering, are accomplishments of the Libyan people and their struggle to build socialism, not the results of one man as the capitalist media machine would have you believe. So please stop listening to foolishness in blackface. Further more, we're sick and tired of these colored pimps trying to play off the same old tired capitalist agenda as some sort of new age plan to eliminate poverty. Capitalism is the reason we're impoverished! Therefore the laws of nature dictate that it can't also be the solution to our problems! We're impoverished not because we are lazy, haven't worked as hard, don't understand economics, or have some mental deficiencies, although some or all of those things can be true with many of us. No, we're poor because Africa has been, and continues to be, raped for her human and material resourrces. That's why African people are at the bottom of the society regardless of where we are e.g. France, Germany, Britain, Austrailia, throughout the Caribbean, the U.S. Canada, Brazil...and of course Africa. Doesn't seem to matter where we are does it? We're at the bottom. In fact, we aren't on top of any society anywhere. If you listened to these turncoat fools who claim to speak for us you would think we were the stupidest people in human history. That's not the case. Instead, its a case of being victimized by the capitalist/imperialist network which is led by the U.S., presently by it's leader in blackface. So understand that you don't speak for many of us. We aren't down with this American agenda. We side with the majority of the people of the world. We side with people who don't look like us against those of you who may look like us, but who work on behalf of the interests of the superrich. The Democratic Party is not our friend. The Republican Party is not our friend. The American government is not our friend, regardless of whos the spokesperson and whether or not he can bump fists or shoot hoops. The Libyan government is our friend, whether we have sense enough to know it or not. The challenge is for you to stop listening to idiots and find out on your own. Have you read the Green Book? Do you even know what it is? I can go on and on, but the point is its time to get serious family. We are running out of time so stop wasting it by playing egotistical games with our children's future.
Again, the so-called progressive White community, White liberals, White progressives, the White left, has failed miserably in making any type of quality assessment and statement about the re-colonialization of Africa e.g. what's happening case in point in Libya right now. Not that I'm surprised. Most of the White left in the U.S. appears to be diminished into being simply the weak left end of the Democratic Party which is such a sorry statement it doesn't warrant any further attention. The rhetoric from so-called White progressives about Libya is so offensive to me as an African that as far as I'm concerned I can't tell the difference between you that call yourselves progressives and those who you label neo-cons. You use the same tired dogma to describe the September 1, 1969, revolution in Libya; Khadafy's an evil dictator....He kills his own people....He's a despot....One man runs an entire country. Just like other reactionaries, you completely ignore the facts. You ignore that Libya has by far the highest standard of living in Africa and this wasn't the case when the country was ruled by U.S. puppet King Idris. This has only happened in the last 42 years since the Libyan Arab Jamiyiriha was established as a socialist state. The Wasra dam system, which was completely destroyed by imperialist NATO bombs, was the most dynamic and developed water system in Africa that supplied sustainable drinking water to millions of people, but that's all gone now. You forgot that literacy has been virtually wiped out in Libya as well as homelessless. You ignore that the women in Libya enjoy the highest standard of education and participation at the highest levels of that society that is unheard of in Arab countries and I don't mean that as an attack against Arab culture. It's just a fact. You continuously level the charge that Khadafy is a "mad man" but you never offer any evidence to substantiate this claim besides the tired accusation about Lockerbie flight 103 from 1988. Who the hell is the U.S. to criticize someone for being a terrorist anyway? What country produces the overwhelmingly majority of arms that are in the hands of those labeled as terrorists? Who produces sarin gas and other weapons of biological warfare? If you answered Al Queada its' to the back of the classroom for you. The answer is U.S. based chemical corporations. So how do those weapons get in the hands of so-called enemies of the U.S.? If you don't know how to answer that question, stay tuned. In the meantime, the White left has also ignored that Khadafy's call for a United States of Africa and one African currency and Libya's efforts to bring that badly needed movement into fruition is the real reason for the assault against Libya, along with of course the need and desire for the oil. You ignore Libya's Green Book philosophy which has governed it's society through its people's congresses, but all of this is lost on the White left because your racism prevents you from being able to see an African society govern itself so it must be the result of one madman....of your racism and ignorance you continue to take backward positions on political developments in Africa. In fact, you continue to dismiss Africa all together as if our homeland has no place in the struggle for justice in the world today. In the A-APRP we used to have a saying when we were in our twenties. We used to say "Left or right, still White." Sadly, I'm forced to believe that humorous statement actually has more merit than I used to give it credit for.
This Saturday, August 13, 2011, there will be historic march in Harlem, New York, against the U.S. illegal war against Libya. We're tired of the lies being told about Libya. It's all being done to justify this attack which is really being carried out to rob Libya of it's oil wealth. No one outside of people in this country are confused about that. The All African People's Revolutionary Party supports the Millions March Against Libya 100% and we encourage you to do the same. Minister Louis Farrakhan is the keynote speaker on Saturday. Go to the Nation of Islam's for more information. For more information about the A-APRP go to and for more alternative perspectives, insights, and teeth rattling truth serum, stay tuned right here friends.....enemies....and those undecided!
There are plenty of White people around who consider themselves progressive around the issue of race. As I planned, my book serves as an excellent conversation piece around this issue. Unfortunately, I've been disappointed because I haven't come in contact with a so-called progressive White person yet who passes the litimus test.....The ability to see racism outside of your White privilege experiences. What I mean, is they will give you all of the obligatory acknowledges about racism and its impact on people of color, but then they always start talking about how they themselves never did anything to cause racism so they don't understand why African people treated them a certain way at a certain time. Why is it that we can't see they are here to help? First, the fact you didn't do anything is errorneous. Every time you wake up you benefit from racism plain and simple so it's not about what you didn't do. Its about what you are doing to eradicate the system that created privilege for you at the expense of peopel of color. I mean damn! Can't you get it through your head that racism isn't about you?! The discomfort and even trauma you may have experienced is simply a part of the process produced by the racist system we live within. Maybe you could see that if you weren't so much more focused on your feelings instead of the suffering the victims of racism experience. Maybe if you tried looking at this trauma from the perspective of the people experiencing it you would see that suffering is so psychologically devastating that what you experience is only the residual impact of the problem, not the equally damaging element you try to make it out to be. Realize that your ability to see things in such a selfish way is the manifestation of your White privilege....Everything is always seen from your White perspective and that perspective is the only one that really matters right?. Our suffering e.g. the fact we die faster, live a much less quality life, and have an income that is the smallest percentage of yours than it's been in the last 25 years is much less important than your hurt feelings because an African yelled at you or even beat your ass years ago. If you really want to be anti-racist get over yourself. As an African man, I realize there are privileges to being a man and I'm not going to insult women of any nationality by trying to argue that my suffering due to racism reduces in some way the suffeirng women as a whole, especially women of color, experience. I'm not going to try and always force women to see my suffeirng and reduce the impact that sexism has. I'm going to listen to them and learn because that's really the only way we can get stronger, how I can get stronger, to become an even better fighting machine to bring about justice on this planet....That is if that's really what your objective is.....I don't know....It may be that all you really care about is just to get sympathy for being disrespected by some African years ago. If that's the case you should know you won't be fooling any of us
Is never acceptable under any circumstances by anyone, regardless of your race/nationality....Period.....I'm a brother who organizes among African people so believe me....I've heard all the tired weak kneed arguments.....Its a term of endearment....We mean it differently than other people.....Yeah yeah....I grew up using the word and hearing everyone in my house use it on a regular basis, including my grandmother...My mother, who died in 2009, used the word all the way up to her death at age 80....So, I know all the arguments....Still, all those people who justify using the word cannot refute these facts. Number one, the term has undeniable negative effects on a people who struggle to define themselves in a positive light in a society that negates our history, our culture, and our positive contributions to human civilization. In other words, if there was a strong understanding of African culture, experiences, history, contributions, language, etc., then we could absorb whatever negative impact a word may have, but in the absence of those positive characteristics, a negative definition comes to define who we are and this is why our regular use of the word is accompanied by our continued negative treatment of one another and ourselves and the continued disrespect others have for us. Second, those who use the word haven't demonstrated an understanding and appreciation for the suffering those who experienced the word accompanied by the horror that engulfed its earlier usage have endured. If you haven't had those horrifying experiences then you aren't qualified to use the word and you look stupid trying to argue that "its just a word." Easy for you to say when nobody's calling you the word with a rope around your neck or raping your wife, castrating your husband, or burning your house down. Finally, the n word has always been profitable in America's sick money before people capitalist culture. The word has been used to sell a number of products from nuts to hair creams to skin conditioners for almost 100 years. So it's recent proliferation and profitability in the rap music industry is nothing new and simply reflects the new age transformation of Step in fetchet to modern day hip/hop personalities. Same old process. We use the word, we make some money doing it, but White corporate capitalist America reaps the real profits while the same negative messages are perpetuated to continue to destory our people and our communities. And other people who use the word? My mother said it best. "Who's the biggest fool? The fool, or the fool who follows?" So here's a call for us to just stop using the word. It isn't funny and it isn't fun. It's also a call for us to hold those of us who use the word to make money e.g. musicians accountable by not buying or supporting their products. Then we have to hold other people accountable who use the word. Just this simple act would so so much to improve the mental health of our people and communties that it may help us realize our tremondous potential to achieve even higher achievements towards our liberation.
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