So today we are left with the ACA and idiots of all shapes, sizes, and colors, are trying to convince people that Obamacare is some boogie man that will keep people, primarily small business owners, from being able to turn a profit by demanding that they cover their employees if there are 50 or more of them. First, from a cost analysis standpoint, there is plenty of data available to illustrate clearly that healthy people are much more productive workers. That's a simple common sense argument. Obviously, if you don't have any issues with your vehicle, but you take it into the shop for a diagnostic check, just to make sure nothings wrong, and you do this on a regular basis, you are going to spend much less money on repairs than you will if you wait until something's wrong before you get that diagnostic exam. This principle is also true with health care. We know...Not we think...We know that preventive care lowers health care costs over the long haul. So why are these people so opposed to it? Because they're greedy and they don't even care enough about their employees to pay for the premiums up front. They're rather just take the risk that you won't get ill or injured to save a few dollars in their pockets. The fact that this strategy has reaped traumatic consequences for millions of workers and their families when they get sick, these employers couldn't care less about that because the capitalist business model tells them they can just get someone else to replace the sick or dead worker.
Yes, we want to completely eradicate health insurance and the profit margin in health care. This can only happen through socialist revolution and socialist free universal health care. This is where providing health care for everyone is identified by the people as a priority for your society/economy. As a result, production is organized around how much will need to be produced in order to produce enough surplus to provide health care for everyone. You know, you estimate production, how much your industries produce and how much your society costs e.g. schools, hospitals, road maintenance, etc., and then your production is organized around providing for those societal requirements and commitments. This is socialism folks. Plain and simple. Decisions made by the people. Anyone who tells you otherwise doesn't understand what socialism is and is reacting to capitalist propaganda. My personal experience with socialism is from visiting Cuba in 1994. I got a toothache. Went to the dentist and they sat me down for 45 minutes and explained oral care to me in a way that I hadn't had explained to me before. I got a root canal that day and 18 years later, that root canal is praised by every dentist I see here in the U.S. Plus, the advice they gave me has prevented me from having a cavity since 1994. How much did my root canal cost? 0, zero, nada, zilch, nathan! FREE! That's what free universal health care looks like. It's a part of a society organized around production being a tool to meet the needs of the society, not provide profit for private citizens who are exploiting the pain and suffering of others. This is what socialism is and that's what we propose you think about instead of reforms like ACA and single payer that only give the people crumbs while the corporations continue to come out on top at the end of the day. Think about it. Thinking ain't illegal yet? Is it?