Ill-refutable fact. What part of the world has produced all - that means 100% - of the weapons, guns, bombs, tools of destruction that exist in the world today? Is the answer any or all ghettos? No. Is the answer the Barrios? No. Asia? Africa? Central and South America? Still - no, no, and no.
Of course, the answer is the U.S. and the capitalist/imperialist network of countries. There has been a combined total of less than 10,000 U.S. citizens killed in the Iraq/Afghanistan imperialist wars and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Afghanis killed. This country is a criminal war machine that only prospers because of what it steals from other countries which makes it a pimp on top of everything else. Yet, they have effectively convinced too many people that they can kill whomever and whenever they want and it's ok, but the minute you stand up to them then you are a terrorist? Then they attack our heroes and heroines like Assata, Huey, Malcolm, Marilyn, Fidel Castro, etc. Look at their heroes? George Washington - a syphillis carrying slave owner. No good two bit scum. Andrew Jackson - A lying Native American killer.
The 500+ year lie is losing momentum fast. We know it. You people perpetuating it know it. And, you know that we know it. That's why it's fun to watch you self destruct while trying to spin the actions of your immoral and evil empire. You're too stupid to realize obama or romney don't represent you or me. You're beyond help. You're constant being on the wrong side of history is catching up with you.
As for the strong people. Stand true to the game. We have wonderful heroes/heroines, and inspirations all around us. Give thanks to the soldiers from the Black Panther Party, Black Liberation Army, Weather Underground, Young Lords, etc. Thank you for the spirit of Huey, Fred, Mark, Bunchy, John, Lil Bobby, Marilyn, Geronimo, and all the others. Give strength to Mulutu, Assata, Sundiata, and the living freedom fighters. You're story will be told!