With the recent death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez from an undisclosed form of cancer, many people around the world began asking the question, why is it that so many revolutionaries are recently being afflicted with cancer? There's not only Chavez's case, but Cuban leader Fidel Castro was forced to step down from his position as Secretary General of the Cuban Communist Party in 2006 because of colon cancer. Castro and Chavez aren't the only revolutionary/progressive leaders from that region of the world to be afflicted by this disease. Argentine president, Nestor Kirchner (colon cancer) Brazil’s president Dilma Rousseff (lymphoma cancer), her predecessor Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (throat cancer), and Bolivian President Evo Morales (throat cancer) have also suffered from the disease. This could all be considered simple coincidence, but it was Chavez himself who posed the question about the CIA weaponizing cancer when he was first diagnosed. He admitted then that he had no hard proof, but that "it would probably be another 50 years before that proof would be revealed." Since we have the Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) sabotage in Guatamala in 1954, the Congo in 1960/61, Ghana in 1965, Dominican Republic in 1965, Indonesia in 65, Haiti in 1994, and numerous other case studies that were never confirmed until public pressure forced the CIA to only recently admit it's role in each of those scnearios, Chavez's statement carries an ominous warning for all of us who are concerned about justice.
The above is especially true since there is one piece to this that we do know. Wikileaks has reported that the Paraguay Embassy to the U.S. admitted that in 2008, the CIA requested that they collect and turn over to them the biometric data of all presidential candidates in the upcoming election in that country. Oh, and it should be noted that Paraguayan president Fernando Lugo also was diagnosed with lumphoma. This theory is of essential importance to me personnally because Kwame Ture (formally Stokely Carmichael) was diagnosed in 1996, and died in 1998, of prostate cancer. Kwame declared repeatedly, up to his last breath, that "the CIA gave me cancer!" Then, in 2001, Sister Mawina Kouyatte, the person some considered the spirit of the All African People's Revolutionary Party and the All African Women's Revolutionary Union, reportedly died from cancer. This is significant because Kwame and Mawina represented probably the two most influential A-APRP members during their life and truthfully, the party is still reeling in many ways from losing them. I know some of you may say that besides knowing about Stokely Carmichael and what you read here, you never hear anything about the A-APRP so why would the CIA be that concerned about this organization and it's leaders? If you think that way, just remember Gil Scott Heron's words that "the revolution will not be televised (and we'll update that and include that it won't be on Facebook either)." Just because you don't know something doesn't mean it isn't happening. A hard fact that the CIA certainly would be very well aware of, is that when Kwame moved to Guinea-Conakry in 1969, he became the A-APRP's only fulltime organizer in Africa. In 2013, the A-APRP and it's revolutionary Pan-Africanist message and organization has strong foundations and work being carried out in Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Gambia, Senegal, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Azania, South Africa, and Tanzania, well as Europe, and the Americas. You may have missed this, but we can bet the CIA hasn't.
I believe the CIA has been weaponizing whatever they can for decades, but say Chavez's cryptic statement is true and the CIA is weaponizing cancer? What can we do about it? The answer is that it is the masses of people who possess the power, not individuals. Yes, Chavez is gone in the physical sense, but I believe the Venezuelan people will move forward with their Bolivian socialist revolution. Yes, Fidel has transitioned out of active political life, but Cuba is moving forward with socialism. Yes, Kwame and Mawina have physically left us, but the A-APRP is here and building everyday from their examples. So for each one of us they take away we must replace them with multiple soldiers. That's the answer. I just hope we won't have to wait 50 years for the information here to come out "officially" before many of you decide to start doing something.