I think this question was probably most logically answered by El Hajj Malik El Shabazz (Malcolm X) shortly before he was assassinated. When asked to comment on his view of interracial relationships after his break from the Nation of Islam, Malcolm responded that the issue is really one of two people falling in love with one another, regardless of their "racial" background. I agree 100% with Malcolm's analysis, but with that being said, it's important to also acknowledge that whether you want to accept it or not, the concept of race as a social construct is real and something you will have to deal with if you enter one of those types of relationships. Especially if the person of color has knowledge of their history and doesn't compromise who they are as an African, Latino, Asian, etc. If they are that type of proud person, then I guarantee you the issue will come up because history, current events, social norms, attitudes, and values are all taught and respected in this society strictly from the European/Judeo/Christian perspective of the political and economic elite. This ideology is dominant in the school system, the work place, the church, and every institution in this society. As a result, most White people accept this as gospel. Many people of color do too, but there are a significant number of us who challenge that concept on a daily basis. When we do, in the classic realm of blaming the victim, we are accused of being antagonistic, difficult, negative, and everything to suggest the problem is us and not this system. If you are White in an interracial relationship, and you truly believe the relationship should be equally respectful, then that means you must be willing to challenge White supremacy. Unfortunately, most White people aren't willing to do that because they benefit from it. Consequently, many of these relationships are doomed because the person of color feels marginalized and the White person feels attacked. This isn't to discourage anyone. Love who you love, but recognize the contradictions and challenge them. If you do that, your relationship can work, but if you try to believe this is some sort of colorless society (and you lie to yourself and claim you don't see race), unless your partner is an oreo, banana, apple, etc., there's going to be drama. We are all imbued with the ideology I mentioned and in many ways, our choice to be in relationshps is shaped, at least partially, by the negative stereotypes that construct "race" in this country. You have to be aware and accept all of this, not pretend it doesn't exist. Do this and respect each other and work through and communicate the issues, and things can work. Good luck to those who journey down that path!
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On this 86th commemoration of the birthday of El Hajj Malik El Shabazz (Malcolm X), I want to express that I celebrate African Liberation Day and I have for the last 35 years. I don't celebrate Miss-Christ (because the way Christmas is celebrated today, it passes right on by the supposed reason for it's existence), Thankstaking (celebrating that is like having a holiday for every thief in prison), or the Fourth of the Lie (anybody of African descent who celebrates this one should do the math). Unlike African Liberation Day (ALD), those other so-called holidays are all just carefully crafted by the merchants to encourage us to spend money we don't have. That's why there's an empty feeling behind all those days because their meaning is shallow. In comparison, ALD represents a day of positive unity and solidarity with all people fighting for a better world. ALD was started on April 15th, 1958, in Accra, Ghana. It was originally called Africa Freedom Day, but in 1963, the named was changed to African Liberation Day. The purpose of ALD is to highlight the struggle to achieve Pan-Africanism which is the total liberation and unification of Africa under one scientific socialist government. ALD is commemorated today in every part of the African world or wherever African people reside. This year, organizations like the All African People's Revolutionary Party (A-APRP) are hosting ALD commemorations throughout Africa, Europe, the Caribbean, and North America (the U.S. and Canada). If there's one reoccuring theme in this blog, its that the time is ripe for thinking people to start doing critical research to understand the problems in the world and how to solve them. Its no longer acceptable to form opinions based on lazy emotionalism (the dominant method today). For example, when you read this, don't react negatively because you see words like Pan-Africanism and socialism. Ask yourself honestly if you know what those words mean and if you know anything concrete about the movements to bring those things about. Learn solid facts about ALD before you form an opinion such as the fact the day is commemorated by non-African movements and struggles such as the Irish Republican movement, Palestinian movement, and Native American and Latino movements. Understand that ALD recognizes and respects the struggles of all people fighting for a just world. Understand that when I say socialism I'm not talking about anything you heard about on FOX, MSNBC, CNN, or any uninformed blog you think you learned something from. I''m talking about a planned economy based on the people's interest in society where education is free legally. Rent is regulated and limited legally. Where childcare is free along with healthcare. Where racism, sexism, and any type of oppression are illegal, period. Where having a job is guaranteed by law and homelessness and illiteracy are non-existent. I'm not afraid to tell you I want all of those things in the world I live in. On Malcolm's day of birth I want to express how happy I am to acknowledge ALD. I thank Malcolm, Betty, Marcus, Amy, Kwame Nkrumah, Sekou Ture, Cabral, Lumumba, Camara, Nzinga, Rodney, Maurice Bishop, James, Padmore, Elijah Muhammad, Assata, Huey P., and all those who sacrificed for a better world for all of us! ALD commemorations are taking place this weekend and next weekend all over the world. Check them out! You can get more info by going to websites like the A-APRP's at aa
Someone who responded to one of my posts said these blogs seem aimed at White America. Unfortunately, the level of misinformation is so rampant that I don't think many African people have much more of a scientific understanding of social relations and racism in this society today than most Whites. Evidence of that is to simply ask the question titled in this blog post. You will get any number of answers. Most of which are not very well thought out. I think the answer isn't that complicated. I think African people want the same thing everyone else wants. The opportunity to be judged based on your contribution, commitment, skills and abilities, and character. We want balanced perceptions of our history and current reality. We want an honest portrayal of what has happened, and continues to happen, to us. And, we want a just analysis of how the wealth of this country was developed, the role we played in developing it, and the honest admission of how we have been denied the opportunity to benefit from our work and sacrifices. The problem really isn't want we want because these are all logical and legitimate things that no one can dispute. The problem is to provide us with those things would cause a chain effect that would essentially bring down the power structure of this country and those who have that power will never permit that to happen. Consequently, they will keep the same racist perceptions circulating. They will keep the same misinformation and mis-education operating, posing as legitimate scholarship. They will keep the same systematic inequities in place and they will continue to use their most effective weapon, fear, to keep people from thinking through these problems. That's what the power structure is going to do. What are you going to do?
Just be honest. The primary reason so many people are being locked up today is becasue it's profitable for companys to have a cheap labor source. There is ample evidence to support that supposition. There is no proof that crime is a primary motivation for imprisonment. Several states have programs like the Joint Venture program in California that permits companies to lease land at overwhelmingly cheap rates on prison grounds while employing prisoners to service computers (Dell Computer), make airline reserverations (TWA), or sew clothes (Lee Jeans). This cheap labor source has replaced sweatshops which are no longer morally acceptable. This is the reason there are absolutely no resources for former inmates to find jobs and function within society when they get out. Those people are ostracized and pretty much prohibited from moving on from their mistake. Anyone who has a loved one who is struggling to find work, only to be rejected time and time again because they mark "yes" in the box about previous convictions knows this. This is a sham and should be cause for massive revolt, but as usual, no one cares until it impacts their family. Shame.....
If an alien who had truly studied this planet's true history landed on Earth that being would be completely confused by the rhetoric taking place around immigration in this country. The confusion would result because the argument that Mexicans are coming "here" as illegals defies all logic. Let's kick the facts. Arizona, New Mexico, California, Texas, and Colorado were stolen from Mexico in the so-called Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago. What this means is imgaine you have a house. Someone comes and takes your house by force. Then, when you try to just live in the house, not even reclaim it, which you have the right to do, but just live in it, you are accused of trespassing. How many of you would accept that? Don't lie. None of you would. So your argument about illegal immigrants is full of holes. IT'S THEIR LAND! THEY CAN COME AND TAKE IT IF THEY WANT TO!! THEY HAVE THAT GOD GIVEN RIGHT!! Ok,Let's back up off that point and talk about why they are coming "here" in the first place. How about looking at the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) structural readjustment program and how it has drastically reduced social programs and services in Mexico because public funds allocated to those services are redirected to payback IMF loans to industrialize in ways that make corporations richer, but don't do anything to improve the conditions of the Mexican people. Think about it for a minute! No social programs means no police. Maybe that's why the drug cartels are all of a sudden running rampant in Mexico. Let's see....No health care. No protection. No social programs. Its time to get out of here! Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out so stop talking about illegal aliens and start talking about corporate pimping and the commodification of an entire country for private profit. I know...Some of you are going to continue to talk about illegal aliens because....Well...You can end sentence for yourself....
So they are claiming to have killed Osama bin Laden, the so-called founder and leader of Al Queda, the so-called terrorist network the government has everyone convinced pulled off the 9/11 attacks. There are so many contradictions in this story its truly difficult to know where to start attacking them so instead, I'll just focus on one thing....Pay close attention to what's going on in the Middle East right now. Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, and Syria are all experiencing conflict right now. There are many variables and players in all of those situations. Its difficult to discuss because people in the U.S. know absolutely nothing about any of it outside of what they read online or see on television (or hear from other people). PLEASE, its critical that we learn to study these events and find a critical analysis of these situations. By study I mean do research. Reading a non-supported article online (that you can't confirm or deny) isn't academic research. Study history, develop an understanding of the situation, and compare what you are reading. Learn to find substantiated research that is supported by evidence that stands up over the test of time. If you are really serious, find others around you who are also willing to read and develop study groups where you study the material and discuss what you've read with one another on a consistent basis. It will take time, but you will be shocked at how strong your ability to read between the lines becomes. You will fast realize how little you previously knew and it will become much more difficult to pull the wool over your eyes. The future depends upon us getting more serious about knowing what this government is doing in other countries in our names. For those serious about learning and expanding your minds, start by picking up "Rogue State" by William Blum. There are many others. If you want a book list, drop me a line. The late Kwame Ture said it best: "When you are sick you take an aspirin....Why when you are ignorant don't you read a book?"
January 2025
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