"A Guide for Organizing Defense against White Supremacist, Patriarchal, and Fascist Violence!"
A 76 page manifesto that provides a toolkit for how to organize in the African diaspora (and within non African communities) for revolutionary consciousness and action while supporting the revolutionary Pan-African work in Africa.
"The Paradox Principles"
The third literary fiction installment centered around the revolutionary Pan-African party based in Ghana that decided to let a few European (white) women join as members and the resulting chaos that is manipulated, largely, by forces outside of the organization.
"Mass Incarceration"
A study of policies and practics designed specifically to make California prisons cheap labor for multi-national corporations
"The Courage Equation"
A literary fiction installment about a group of revolutionaries who decide to wage a guerrilla war campaign against a violent white supremacist organization.
All books are available through (yes we know) amazon.com.