"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, Feburary 2, 2025, 4 to 5pm PST. - "What Exactly is the All African People's Revolutionary Party"?
From 1968 through 2025 and beyond, the A-APRP has been working for revolutionary Pan-Africanism. Tune in and find out exactly what that means!
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, January 19, 2025, 4 to 5pm PST. - "The Legacy of Martyrdom - Lumumba, Carter, Huggins!"?
January 17, 1961 and January 17, 1969 signifies the lost of some outstanding African freedom fighters. In 61 it was Patrice Lumumba, Maurice Mpolo, and Joseph Okito in the Congo. In 69 it was Alprentice "Bunchy" Carter and John Huggins in the U.S. Join us as we commemorate these freedom fighters and the sacrifices they made
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, January 12, 2025, 4 to 5pm PST. - "What Would Dr. King say About Today?
As the Dr. King holiday approaches, we can look forward to the annual efforts by the capitalist system to sanitize and water down the work of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. from that of principled work to change injustice at any cost, to that of a cowardly turn the other cheek "Christian" who loved his enemies more than he loved himself. Join us as we discuss thoughts on how Dr. King would see how society currently exists/functions.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, January 5, 2025, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Revolutionary at 20, Moderate at 30, Conservative at 40, and Reactionary at 50!"
George Padmore, a great revolutionary Pan-Africanist, made this statement almost 100 years ago. Join us as we dig down deep to discuss why people start out firing on all cylinders to change the world just to see that gradually change as people get older while their commitment to organized political education in their life diminishes.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, December 29, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "66 Years of the Cuban Revolution!"
The reason for the season is supposed to Jesus Christ, but in truth any semblance of the values and principles represented by Jesus Christ in the flesh is missing in action from 98% of the churches who claim his name,
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, December 22, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "The Lost and Found Jesus Christ!"
The reason for the season is supposed to Jesus Christ, but in truth any semblance of the values and principles represented by Jesus Christ in the flesh is missing in action from 98% of the churches who claim his name,
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, December 15, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "AIDs and Africa in 2024!"
From slanderous accusations that falsely blamed the entire AIDs epidemic on Africa to the devastating impacts of the actual virus on the continent, join us as we provide an update on the status of AIDs in Africa in 2024.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, December 1, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Why the Police State Killed Fred Hampton & Mark Clark the Way They Did!"
Unless you have been hiding under a rock, you probably know something about the U.S. government's covert war against liberation movements in general and African liberation movements in particular. This episode is dedicated to discussing the intentionally planned raw terror in the assassinations of Fred Hampton, Mark Clark, and many others as imperialism's strategy to traumatize us against fighting back.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, December 1, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Pan-Africanism and Environmental Justice!"
The struggle to liberate Africa and African people travels hand in hand with the struggle to save the planet and ensure people have viable environments from which to live and prosper. Of course, capitalism is committed to dealing with the world as if its simply a treasure chest to be exploited. As a result, the work they do to exploit Africa's resources do considerable harm to the ecological balance required for that prosperity. Join us as we discuss these contradictions and how our Pan-African work seeks to address this problem.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, November 24, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Commemorating Guinea's Courageous Stand against Portugal's violent Invasion"
November 22, commemorates the Portugal's 1970 invasion against Guinea because of Guinea's support for Guinea-Bissau's independence, Guinea's protection of Kwame Nkrumah and Guinea's continued support for the African revolution. Join us as we explain how Guinea stood up to Portugal and inspired the entire African world!
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, November 17, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Heathy Alternatives to Celebrating Thanksgiving!"
Join us as we discuss the problems with what this day actually represents, how we celebrate or think are are not celebrating it (but really are) and some real alternatives to creating more healthy environments for our families and communities.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, November 7, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "The Dignity of the Indigenous Struggle for Land Reclamation!"
The Indigenous people of the Western Hemisphere within the U.S. have been engaged in a dignified struggle for their just land reclamation and no monetary offer to sell out their demand will replace it. We as African people can learn much from this example.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, October 20, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "The Unknown Contributions of Ancestor Sekou Odinga!"
Many of us are aware of the Black Panther Party, its International Section in Algeria, Assata Shakur, and the Black Liberation Army, but the unknown contributions of ancestor Sekou Odinga were and are critical to all of those entities
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, October 13, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "What's Happening with Nigeria's Uprisings?!"
Over the last several weeks, uprisings are happening in the West African country Nigeria. These uprisings exist within the context of uprisings happening all over Africa. Join us as we breakdown what this means.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, October 6, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "CIA Lies about Che Guevara!"
With capitalism declining everyday and people growing more and more dis-satisfied as a result, the capitalist system has very little live evidence to support its continued existence so they seek to discredit deceased socialist examples in a backward attempt to discredit socialist revolution. The lies and attacks against the legacy of Ernesto Che Guevara and the Cuban Revolutioan are clear examples of this.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, September 29, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Does a President Really Impact Your Daily Life?"
Every four years here in the capitalist U.S., presidential candidates talk constantly about improving our lives; making groceries and gasoline more affordable. Making healthcare affordable, etc., etc. Are these really things that presidents can impact in your daily lives.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, September 22, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "International Day against Police Terrorism!"
No matter how much pro-police propaganda comes out from the capitalist mass media, your family, your friends, etc., you should still repeat after us - the police are never your friends!
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5ur Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, September 15, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "When They Tell you Go Back Where you Came From!"
We live in a time when racism is completely normalized and as a result, people want to make us believe the dysfunction in this society is all in our heads. Meanwhile, capitalism has redefined justice as being simply the will and interests of the capitalist system. As a result, colonized people all over the world are treated as if we are pulling the capitalist societies down so "go back to Africa, Mexico, Vietnam," etc., are heard commonly throughout these capitalist countries. Join us as we break this down and provide some effective ways to deal with this.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, September 8, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Analyzing the 2024 U.S. Elections!"
"Its the most important election we have experienced! We have to do everything to stop Trump! Copmala! The economy! Etc. Join us as we breakdown the U.S. Presidential elections from a revolutionary Pan-Africanist perspective!
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, September 1, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Commemorating the Great September Revolution in Libya!"
On September 1, 1969, the people of Libya began a 42 year effort to build and sustain the Libyan Jamihiriya. During that period, Libya was unquestionably the highlight of Africa, but in 2011, U.S. imperialism worked tirelessly to bomb Libya into submission to ultimately destroy everything the Jamihiriya built. Join us when we detail the accomplishments Libya achieved during this time and what all of that means today.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, August 25, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Why and How are There so Many Anti-African Identity Videos Today?"
Everywhere, all day, there are plenty of videos of African (Black) people making a concerted effort to make sure you understand that they are not Africa and they have no connection to Africa. Confusion is always a key ingredient within the capitalist system, but why so many of these backward videos? So many that it has to be coming from an organized place. Join us as we discuss this phenomenon.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, August 18, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "The Incredible Contributions of Marcus Mosiah Garvey!"
His vision gave us the red, black, and green flag and the belief that we can come together as African people to collectively solve our problems. Join us as we commemorate Garvey and Garveyism.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, July 28, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Why Pan-African Women's Day is so Critical!"
The enemies of humanity use propaganda institutions as major mechanisms to advance values of loyalty by the oppressed to their systems of oppression. To combat this, the people's classes need people's institutions to dismantle the reactionary propaganda. Pan-African Women's Day is an institution designed to uplift the contributions of African women while combatting the dominant patriarchal values that are an inherent aspect of capitalist societies.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, July 21, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Key Points of Clarity about Solidarity!"
Solidarity is not selling out our African liberation struggle. Solidarity is not pretending we are somebody we aren't. Solidarity is not supporting any people who do not support us. Solidarity is building international relationships that help all of our struggles to be successful based upon common enemies and a concern for collective humanity.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, July 7, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "The U.S. 2nd Amendment is Racist AF!"
jJoin us as we explore the history of this article amendment in the U.S. constitution and the reasons we say it, like that entire document, is racist AF!
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, June 30, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "The Kwame Ture We Knew!"
Reclaiming and reflecting on the magnificent legacy of the work and struggle of Kwame Ture (formally Stokely Carmichael)
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, June 23, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Revolutionary Fatherhood in a backward society!"
Respective of our opinions, feelings, and hopes, capitalism is a system and so it operates systemically. That means regardless of how we feel about it, race is a factor in everything that happens within the capitalist system. That doesn't mean every European is our problem. Some of them are more productive against the problem than some of us. What this means is we must do the work to understand the role class, race, and gender play in everything that happens within this world today.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, June 16, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Revolutionary Fatherhood in a backward society!"
Healthy notions of being a man and father, especially an African man and father, don't exist within this backward capitalist world, but that hasn't stopped most of us from challenging racist narratives and stepping up to being the best fathers that we possibly can be.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, June 9, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and its Organizing Model!"
In 1960 SNCC emerged as a new youthful activist entity for African forward progress. Within the next six years, SNCC would develop into a creative and innovative organizing model that has influenced the entire activist landscape.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, June 2, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "What's Happening in Haiti?!"
Since the masses of Africans in Haiti rose up and made Haiti the first and most successful slave revolt throughout the Western Hemisphere against the French colonizers in 1804, France, the U.S., and all the imperialist powers have worked overtime to sabotage any possibility of stability in Haiti. Join us as we breakdown this terror and why it won't succeed.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, May 26, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "African Liberation Day Report Back
African Liberation Day means Africans demonstrating unity all over the world at the same time despite different time zones, languages, and other artificial differences we have as a people. Join us as we discuss this weekend of African unity and what it means for us moving forward
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, May 19, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Malcolm X and the Campaign to De-militant African Youth!"
May 19th signifies the 99th born day of El Hajj Malik El Shabazz - Malcolm X. Instead of us commemorating the clear revolutionary Pan-Africanist message Malcolm advanced in the last year of his life, most of us who have Malcolm pictures up, and those who don't, are attempting to represent our struggle for justice as being framed within the context of acceptance and advancement within the capitalist system. Join us as we deconstruct this reality in 2024 and beyond.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, May 12, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "The 1985 Bombing of the Movement Organization by the City of Philadelphia!!"
On May 13, 1985, the city government police apparatus of Philadelphia - on the orders of neo-colonial mayor Wilson Goode - attacked the Move Organization's house with C-4 bombs, killing almost everyone in that house and destroying the then, primarily African neighborhood around it. Join us as we chronicle and commemorate this horrendous event.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, May 5, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Cinco de Mayo and Where is Mexico?!"
May 5, 1870 signifies Cinco de Mayo. Colonialism, of course, makes every effort to distort every struggle by colonized people to reclaim our dignity, but an even larger question is where is Mexico and what does Chicano nationalism mean in the context of the U.S. empire?
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, April 28, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "African Liberation Day 2024"
The 2024 theme is "Same Struggle - Smash Settler Colonialism in Palestine, Africa, the Americas, and Oceania!" Join us as we discuss the importance of African Liberation Day for all peace and justice loving people on earth.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, April 21, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "When Fidel Castro Came to Harlem!"
In 1960, newly independent and revolutionary Cuba sent a delegation to the United Nations in New York, led by Fidel Castro. After being refused access to the United Nations hotel facilities (and other New York hotels) that are supposedly there for all United Nations participants, regardless of their political affiliations, Castro threatened to take the Cuban delegation to sleep out in Central Park before the African people of Harlem invited Castro and the Cuban delegation to stay at the Hotel Theresa in Harlem.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, March 31, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "An Analysis on What's Happening in Sudan"
Like the Congo and other areas in Africa, Sudan has experienced a great share of tragedy and trauma that has caused the people there to suffer immensely. There are clear reasons for this and this broadcast will flush out some of those reasons, why we should care about Sudan, and what must be done to address this situation.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, March 24, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Negro Spokespersons for the Capitalist White/Right!"
April 4, 2024 represents 56 years since the assassination of Reverent Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Join us as we resurrect his radical tradition while smashing the lies about his legacy presented by our enemies to weaken his historical relevance.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, March 17, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Negro Spokespersons for the Capitalist White/Right!"
Their everywhere in 2024. Nonstop spokespersons who cannot wait to trash the African masses while representing and articulating the views and agenda of the capitalist system against all of humanity (for a fee or the potential of a fee). Join us as we continue to expose these low life scum while discussing what we need to do to ensure the dignity of our people is always upheld.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, March 3, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "The Old Sneak(er) Attack!!"
The Trump Administration released a new sneaker this week with their unashamed focus of using those sneakers to appeal to African (Black) youth. Join us as we discuss the continued exploitative and disrespectful ways that these capitalists continue to do as little as possible to exploit our consciousness.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, February 25, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "What's Happening in Guinea-Bissau and Why You Should Know/Care!"
The events taking shape in Guinea-Bissau presently are blatant examples of anti-democratic imperialism in operation in 2024. Join us when we discuss how this is a direct attack against African people's desires to be free worldwide.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, February 11, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Examples of Africans who Have Committed Class Suicide!"
Join us when we highlight Africans from all over the world who achieved high level educational achievements within the capitalist system, but instead of using those resources to enrich themselves, they used their knowledge to make contributions to better our people and the world.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, February 4, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "The Continued Attacks against African Women!"
All over social media there are daily attacks, many of them carried out by African women, against African women depicting them as problematic in every single way. Join us as we expose the roots behind these attacks and the reasons why African women deserve respect and support
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, January 28, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Was Kwame Nkrumah Assassinated?!"
Imperialism made multiple documented attempts to to murder Kwame Nkrumah while he was still president of Ghana and while he was co-president of Guinea, but the common narrative of his death is that it resulted from prostate cancer. A cancer that appeared suddenly and happened rapidly. Join us when we raise critical questions not about the cancer, but where and how it came about.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, January 21, 2024, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Patrice, Martin, Bunchy & John!"
From the Congo to the U.S. civil rights movement, the enemies of humanity have silenced some of our best, but as Fred Hampton said they can kill revolutionaries, but they can't kill revolution! Join us as we discuss the immortal contributions of Patrice Lumumba, Martin Luther King Jr., Bunchy Carter, and John Huggins
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, January 14, 2023, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Crisis in the Congo!"
Since the Berlin Conference in 1884, King Leopold from the beginning of the twentieth century, to the promise of Lumumba to present day, the Congo has been in crisis. Join us as we explain the what, who, and why.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, January 1, 2023, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Commemorating 65 Years of the Cuban Revolution!"
On January 1, 1959, a contingent of revolutionary Cuban combatants marched into Havana, driving out the last vestiges of the U.S. backed Batista regime. Since that time, the Cuban revolution has demonstrated to the world that despite overwhelming odds against them, socialism can and will be built everywhere. Join us when we explain why and how.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, December 24, 2023, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Christ and Christians!"
Every December 24th, people all over world, but especially within the capitalist centers, engage in this fantasy that Jesus the prophet was born on December 25th and that his life of sacrifice and service is somehow connected to the capitalist system's efforts to tie him into consumerism and exploitation. Join us as we deconstruct this backward institution known as Christmas
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, December 17, 2023, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Remembering Anna Mae Aquash!"
In December 1975, dedicated American Indian Movement activist Anna Mae Pictoh Aquash disappeared until her frozen body was found on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, U.S. in February, 1976. Join us as we discuss her contributions and how the U.S. COINTELPRO is directly responsible for her murder.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, December 10, 2023, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Take Cuba and Assata off Your Terrorist List!"
The U.S. continues to advance the notion that socialist Cuba and our Sister Assata Shakur (who lives in Cuba) are terrorists when its the U.S. who is - in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - the largest purveyor of violence on the planet Earth!
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, December 3, 2023, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Zionist Israel and Africa!"
Zionist Israel's oppression and exploitation of Palestine and the Palestinian people could not and would not exist without the zionist movement's 100 year exploitation of Africa
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, November 26, 2023, 4 to 5pm PST. - "The Propaganda War Against You!"
Social media and capitalist media as a whole are being organized to destroy militancy and activism from the African masses.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, November 19, 2023, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Assata Shakur and the Black Liberation Army!
Discussing the work of the Black Liberation Army and the contributions of Assata Shakur , and lessons we should take from the sacrifices of our elders/ancestors
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, November 13, 2023, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Why We Push Calling it thankstaking!!"
The battle against capitalist institutions is real so we know that we have to create and sustain institutions that push justice and forward human progress. The so-called thanksgiving holiday is such a backward institution. Join us for this program when we discuss the critical importance of dismantling these types of backward institutions in real and concrete ways.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, November 5, 2023, 4 to 5pm PST. - "The U.S. Lie Called Veteran's Day!
Every year the U.S. capitalist system pumps millions of dollars into propagating its chief institutions of misinformation and lies designed to keep the masses of people confused about what and who the U.S. actually is. One of those lies is Veteran's Day which promotes the lie that the U.S. government cares about people who participate in its military mercenary activities and that those actions somehow equate to more freedom for the people who occupy this country.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, October 29, 2023, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger, the Sahel and Pan-Africanism!
Based upon the A-APRP event in Oakland, California on 10/5/23 and the A-APRP event featuring our organizer from Burkina Faso in San Jose, California on 9/19/23, we present the reasons for the uprisings in the Sahel region of Africa and why and how Pan-Africanism is the solution.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, October 22, 2023, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Commemorating the Black Panther Party for Self Defense!"
October 22 is commemorated worldwide as a day against police terrorism. We refocus this day to look at imperialism and police on a worldwide basis in 2023 and beyond
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, October 15, 2023, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Commemorating the Black Panther Party for Self Defense!"
On October 15, 1966, the Black Panther Party for Self Defense was founded in West Oakland, California, U.S., by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale. Join us as we commemorate their existence, struggle, and contributions, while assessing the challenges they faced that can help us become stronger today
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, October 8, 2023, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Che Guevara All Day Long!"
October 8, 1967 commemorates imperialism's assassination of Ernesto Che Guevara in Bolivia. Join us on October 8, 2023, when we smash the lies about Guevara being a killer and a racist.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, October 1, 2023, 4 to 5pm PST. - "The Complete Failure of the African (Black( Church Everywhere!"
Faith and church, Mosque, etc., are often fused into making us believe they are one and the same. Join us as we make clear distinctions between faith organizations, their practice within a capitalist world, and the faiths themselves as it relates to the only relevant thing - how the masses of our fare worldwide.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, September 24, 2023, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Imperialism's Sabotage against the Congo & how Pan-Africanists Tried to Prevent it!"
Yes, the immoral imperialist coalition of the U.S., Belgium, etc., plotted to destroy the democratically elected government of the National Congolese Movement and Patrice Lumumber in 1960, ending with Lumumba and other leading Congolese cadre being assassinated, but Africans united to try and prevent that from happening. Join us and find out how.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, September 17, 2023, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Your PhD from Social Media!"
In today's capitalist dominated reality, a dedication to study, critical thinking analysis, and accountability has long since given way to the social media friendly subjective and anedotal approach to information gathering and sharing. Everyone is an expert on everything because the only thing required for expert status is a computer and and internet account. Join us as we discuss the reasons this reality is dangerous and must be confronted.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, September 10, 2023, 4 to 5pm PST. - "9/11 - The Lie that Keeps Going!"
Supporters of the U.S. imperialist version of what happened on September 11, 2001, are always quick to criticise the plethora of so-called conspiracy theories that arose after 9/11. In this program we point out that the most prolific conspiracy theory about 9/11 is the officially accepted version that that 19 hijackers from the Middle East caused the events that happened that day.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - Sunday, September 3, 2023, 4 to 5pm PST. - "Obama, Qaddafi, Libya, and Africa!"
On September 1, 1969, Libya initiated a 42 year revolution that led to support, progress and unity throughout Africa that all came down to a roaring halt in 2011 when the Obama Administration led an effort to assassinate Qaddafi and destroy the Libyan revolution. In 2023, Libya is one of the most dangerous places on earth. Africa is without its shining light and capitalist U.S. continues to set up its eventual demise.
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Our Ancestor's Voices - 171st Edition - "The Legacy of the Garvey Movement!". Sunday, August 27, From 4 to 5pm PST.
Regardless of your political orientation today, every African who fights for our liberation owes a debt to the Garvey movement
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Our Ancestor's Voices - 170th Edition - "What the Montogery Boat Ramp Fight Should Mean to Us!!". Sunday, August 20, From 4 to 5pm PST.
The reasons the boat ramp fight inspires so many people and what we should take away from that and other similar incidents.
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Our Ancestor's Voices - 169th Edition - "The Liberation Act of Breast Feeding!". Sunday, August 13, From 4 to 5pm PST.
Discussing how society embracing breast feeding as a valued and necessary act is a socialist act and a major contribution towards our liberation efforts
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Our Ancestor's Voices - 167th Edition - "Its Time for Black August". Sunday, July 30th, From 4 to 5pm PST.
Our annual observance of the question of African political prisoners. What they represent on a worldwide basis, and how we best honor them everyday!
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Our Ancestor's Voices - 166th Edition - "Revisiting the challenges of worshipping & following Celebrity analysis!". Sunday, July 23th, From 4 to 5pm PST.
The traps of looking to celebrities within the capitalist system for guidance on how to deal with that system.
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Our Ancestor's Voices - 165thh Edition - "Father/Daughter in Same Revolutionary Organization!". Sunday, July 16th, From 4 to 5pm PST.
Ahjamu and Shukura Umi discuss what it means to be a father/daughter in the same Revolutionary African Organization
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Our Ancestor's Voices - 164th Edition - "The Rebirth of African Radicalism!". Sunday, July 9th, From 4 to 5pm PST.
After years of seeing an international neo-liberal rightwing swing among African people the forces of justice are on the move in 2023 and beyond in some exciting and productive ways!
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Our Ancestor's Voices - 163rd Edition - "Reframing the 4th of July Correctly!". Sunday, July 2th, From 4 to 5pm PST.
Reframing this so-called "holiday" based upon principles of truth and justice.
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Our Ancestor's Voices - 162nd Edition - "Preparing for White/Right Violence!". Sunday, June 25th, From 4 to 5pm PST.
Join us as we discuss best practices for preparing for the unfortunately inevitable escalation of racist violence across the globe
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Our Ancestor's Voices - 161st Edition - "The Immortal Kwame Ture!!". Sunday, June 18, From 4 to 5pm PST.
Join us as we highlight Pan-African Women's Day as a distinct and critical institution for African dignity.
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Our Ancestor's Voices - 160th Edition - "Reclaiming Juneteenth!". Sunday, June 11, From 4 to 5pm PST.
Join us as we highlight Pan-African Women's Day as a distinct and critical institution for African dignity.
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Our Ancestor's Voices - 159th Edition - "Pan African Women's Day!". Sunday, May 27, From 4 to 5pm PST.
Join us as we highlight Pan-African Women's Day as a distinct and critical institution for African dignity.
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Our Ancestor's Voices - 158th Edition - "African Liberation Day 2023!". Sunday, May 21, From 4 to 5pm PST.
Join us as we discuss African Liberation Day 2023 as an institution designed to help facilitate revolutionary Pan-African thought and action.
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Our Ancestor's Voices - 157th Edition - "What's Happening in the Sudan?!". Sunday, 14, From 4 to 5pm PST.
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Our Ancestor's Voices - 156th Edition - "May Day and African Liberation!". Sunday, May 7, 2023, From 4 to 5pm PST.
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Our Ancestor's Voices - 155th Edition - "Raising Youth WIth Revolutionary Consciousness!". Sunday, April 30, 2023, From 4 to 5pm PST.
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Our Ancestor's Voices - 154th Edition - "African Women Mortality Rates!". Sunday, April 23, 2023, From 4 to 5pm PST.
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Our Ancestor's Voices - 153rd Edition - "The Unknown Radical Dr. Martin Luther King Jr!". Sunday, April 16, 2023, From 4 to 5pm PST.
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Our Ancestor's Voices - 154th Edition - "The Poltiical Strategy behind the Black on Black Crime Narrative!". Sunday, April 9, 2023, From 4 to 5pm PST.
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Our Ancestor's Voices - 153rd Edition - "Lessor Known African Resistance Partners!". Sunday, April 2, 2023, From 4 to 5pm PST.
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Our Ancestor's Voices - 152nd Edition - "Revolutionary African Women's Orgs!". Sunday, March 26, 2023, From 4 to 5pm PST.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 151st Edition - "The Contributions of Marilyn Buck, 2023. Sunday, March 19, 2023, From 4 to 5pm PST.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 149th Edition - "African Women in History!" Sunday, March 12, 2023. From 4 to 5pm PST.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 148th Edition - "The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee's Influence against Modern Day zionism!" Sunday, March 5, 2023. From 4 to 5pm PST.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 147th Edition - "French Get Out!" How the African masses in Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Senegal, etc., are protesting/demanding France's withdrawal of all military troops and France's overall presence in Africa and what this means to efforts to advance revolutionary Pan-Africanism!" Sunday, February 26, 2023. From 4 to 5pm PST.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 146th Edition - "We Love Africa and Why you Should Too!
Sunday, February 19, 2023, from 4 to 5pm PST, join us as we reveal why and how our love for Africa isn't based upon idealism and fantasy, but the concrete reality of how to improve the lives of the African masses everywhere.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 145th Edition - "The FBI's Secret War against the Black Panther Party and the American Indian Movement!"
Sunday, February 5, 2023, from 4 to 5pm PST, join us when we discuss the many ways capitalism works to undermine the militancy of African History Month
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You are invited to an informational session for the All African People's Revolutionary Party (A-APRP). All are welcome. Saturday, February 4, 2023, from 1pm to 2pm. Cal State University, Sacramento, 6000 J St, Sacramento, Calif. Third flr library room. Reach out here if you wish to attend as the rooms are not the easiest to locate. Hope to see you there!
"Our Ancestor's Voices - 146th Edition - "Report back from Guinea-Bissau"
"Our Ancestor's Voices - 1443rd Edition - "Unknown Facts about Marcus Garvey and the UNIA!"
Sunday, January 8, 2023, from 4 to 5pm PST, join us as we unveal interesting facts about the Garvey movement that resonate today.
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1st"Our Ancestor's Voices - 142nd Edition - "Viva Socialist Cuba!"
Sunday, January 1, 2023, from 4 to 5pm PST, join us as we commemorate the 64th birthday for the Cuban Revolution.
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1st"Our Ancestor's Voices - 141st Edition - "Santa Claus and the Masses of People!"
Sunday, December 25, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, join us when we have some fun messing with the myth of Santa Claus, especially as it relates to the real life experiences of the majority of people on earth!"
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 140h Edition - "Pan-Africanism and Ableism
Sunday, December 18, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, the work required to creat a truly collective, humanist and egalitarian society for everyone regardless of their physical realities!
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 139th Edition - "The Dangerous Reliance on Celebrity Leadership!
Sunday, December 11, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, the extreme danger of paying so much attention to what African petti bourgeoisie celebrities think about our conditions as a people.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 138th Edition - "The Legacy of Fred Hampton and Mark Clark!"
Sunday, December 4, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, Commeorating the 54th year since police terrorists brutally assassinated Black Panther leaders Fred Hampton and Mark Clark.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 137th Edition - "Resist thankstaking!"
Sunday, November 30, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, Resist thankstaking and Normalizing the Theft of Indigneous lands!"
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 136th Edition - "Kwame Ture - The Eternal Organizer!"
Sunday, November 30, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, Commemorating 24 years since Kwame Ture's (Stokely Carmichael) physical disappearance. His life and legacy.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 135th Edition - "Kyrie, Kanye, and Korrect Education!"
Sunday, November 13, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, understanding the difference between zionism and Judaism and where Kanye and Kyrie fit into that analysis
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 134th Edition - "Veteran's Day is Capitalist Propaganda!"
Sunday, November 6, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, We discuss the basics of understanding socialist revolution and construction.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 133rd Edition - "The Important Impact of Portugal's 1970 Invasion against Guinea-Conakry on the Worldwide Pan-African Movement!"
Sunday, October 30, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, We discuss the basics of understanding socialist revolution and construction.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 132nd Edition - "Commemorating the 1995 Million Man March!"
Sunday, October 23, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, We discuss the basics of understanding socialist revolution and construction.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 131th Edition - "The Americas are Indigneous Lands, Africa for the Africans!"
Sunday, October 16, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, We discuss the basics of understanding socialist revolution and construction.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 130thth Edition - "Oppressed Communities & the Scam of Crypto Currency!"
Sunday, October 2, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, We discuss the basics of understanding socialist revolution and construction.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 129th Edition - "Socialism 101!"
Sunday, September 25, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, We discuss the basics of understanding socialist revolution and construction.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 128th Edition - "Patriarchy and Nationalism"
Sunday, September 18, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, We discuss the mental and physical health benefits of women having an environment and resources to breastfeed our children.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 127th Edition - "An African Cannot be a Foreignor Anywhere in Africa!"
Sunday, September 11, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, We discuss the mental and physical health benefits of women having an environment and resources to breastfeed our children.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 126th Edition - "Che Guevara in Africa and Unravering Imperialism's lies about Che to try and discredit him to African people and all of humanity!"
Sunday, September 4, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, We discuss the mental and physical health benefits of women having an environment and resources to breastfeed our children.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 124th Edition - "The Basic and Revolutionary Act of Women Breastfeeding
Sunday, August 21th, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, We discuss the mental and physical health benefits of women having an environment and resources to breastfeed our children.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 123rd Edition - "Explaining What's Happening with Assata Shakur!"
Sunday, August 14th, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, We discuss an update on the current situation with Assata Shakur
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 123rd Edition - "Marcus Garvey's Unknown Contributions!"
Sunday, August 7th, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, We discuss the outstanding contributions of Marcus Mosiah Garvey.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 122nd Edition - "Commemorating Black August!"
Sunday, July 31, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, Discussing the legacy of Black August, our political prisoners, mass incarceration, and redefining our movement around these questions.
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 121th Edition - "Organization and Mobilization!"
Sunday, July 24, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, Discussing the critical differences between the organization and mobilization work approaches!
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"Our Ancestor's Voices - 120th Edition - "Commemorating Pan-African Women's Day!"
Sunday, July 17, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, Make Pan-African Women's Day a worldwide institution for justice, humanity, and forward progress!
Join through:
Facebook - Our Ancestor's Voices page (Scroll down to the livestream)
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitter - aacpc channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
"Our Ancestor's Voices - 119th Edition - "The Fourth of July is a Damn Lie!"
Sunday, July 10, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, Why no African or oppressed people should respect their Fourth of July.
Join through:
Facebook - Our Ancestor's Voices page (Scroll down to the livestream)
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitter - aacpc channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
"Our Ancestor's Voices - 117th Edition - "Exposing Imperialism's Strategy to Suggest Fidel Castro sold out Che Guevara
Sunday, June 29, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, breakdown the false CIA inspired story that Fidel Castro set up Che Guevara for murder in Bolivia.
Join through:
Facebook - Our Ancestor's Voices page (Scroll down to the livestream)
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitter - aacpc channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
"Our Ancestor's Voices - 116th Edition - "Juneteenth Episode - We can Do So Much Better than Police!!"
Sunday, June 19, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, we discuss the contradictions in corporate Juneteenth related to police and how they can never be anything to us beyond armed guards for the capitalist system.
Join through:
Facebook - Our Ancestor's Voices page (Scroll down to the livestream)
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitter - aacpc channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
"Our Ancestor's Voices - 114th Edition - "Kwame Nkrumah's Handbook & A Proper Understanding of Pan-Africanist Organizing Work!"
Sunday, June 12, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, we compare and contrast the Pan-African and American Descendants of Slave movements.
Join through:
Facebook - Our Ancestor's Voices page (Scroll down to the livestream)
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitter - aacpc channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
"Our Ancestor's Voices - 113th Edition - "The March against Fear - From Black Power forward to Pan-Africanism!"
Sunday, June 5, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, commemorate the march against fear and how that march triggered the transformation of the civil rights movement to the Black Power movement.
Join through:
Facebook - Our Ancestor's Voices page (Scroll down to the livestream)
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitter - aacpc channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
"Our Ancestor's Voices - 112th Edition - "Pan-Africanism Compared to ADOs!"
Sunday, May 29, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, we compare and contrast the Pan-African and American Descendants of Slave movements.
Join through:
Facebook - Our Ancestor's Voices page (Scroll down to the livestream)
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitter - aacpc channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
"Our Ancestor's Voices - 111th Edition - "Neo-Colonialism Defined!"
Sunday, May 22, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, we discuss neo-colonialism which is part of the 2022 African Liberation Day theme. What is neo-colonialism? How does it impact us today and what must we do to address it?
Join through:
Facebook - Our Ancestor's Voices page (Scroll down to the livestream)
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitter - aacpc channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
"Our Ancestor's Voices - 110thh Edition - "African Liberation Day and Malcolm X!"
Sunday, May 15, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, we discuss African Liberation Day, Malcolm X, and this growing Pan-Africanist consciousness which is typified by the principles African Liberation Day represents!
Join through:
Facebook - Our Ancestor's Voices page
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitter - aacpc channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
"Our Ancestor's Voices - 110thh Edition - "African Liberation Day will Change Your Life!"
Sunday, May 8, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, we commemorate and discuss African Liberation Day 2022 and events scheduled for May 24 and May 25, 2022. African Liberation Day is an institution for African freedom and dignity and a day of solidarity for all oppressed people worldwide
Join through:
Facebook - facebook.com/ahjamu.umi
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitter - aacpc channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
"Our Ancestor's Voices - 109th Edition - When armed Black Panthers Stormed the California State Capitol!"
Sunday, May 1, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, we commemorate the May 2, 1967 event where 29 Black Panthers entered the California State Capitol in Sacramento to protest the racist Mulford gun control bill and the subsequent impacts of that bill, turned to law, and the effects on the Panther's work.
Join through:
Facebook - facebook.com/ahjamu.umi
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitter - aacpc channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
"Our Ancestor's Voices - 108th Edition - Stop Doing Police Work against Movement!"
Sunday, April 24, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, we focus on Well meaning, but devastating practices where people wittingly and unwittingly do police work against movements.
Join through:
Facebook - facebook.com/ahjamu.umi
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitter - aacpc channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
"Our Ancestor's Voices - Comparing Health for Women in capitalist U.S. to Socialist Cuba
Episode 107, on Sunday, April 17, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, we focus on the disparity of health issues for women in capitalist U.S. compared to socialist Cuba where people come before profit.
Join through:
Facebook - facebook.com/ahjamu.umi
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitter - aacpc channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
Episode 106, on Sunday, April 10, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, we focus on maternal mortality challenges for African women that exist today all over the world due to capitalist exploitation and domination.
Join through:
Facebook - facebook.com/ahjamu.umi
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitter - aacpc channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
Episode 105, on Sunday, April 4, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, we focus on the Radical Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Join through:
Facebook - facebook.com/ahjamu.umi
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitter - aacpc channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
Our Ancestor's Voices" - "Revolutionary African Women's Wings!!"
Episode 104, on Sunday, March 27, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, we focus on African women wings within revolutionary African organizations.
Join through:
Facebook - facebook.com/ahjamu.umi
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitter - aacpc channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
Our Ancestor's Voices" - "The Lesser Known Women Partners in Freedom Fighter Relationships!"
Episode 102, on Sunday, March 20, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, we focus on African women freedom fighters and their contributions to our liberation.
Join through:
Facebook - facebook.com/ahjamu.umi
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitter - aacpc channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
Our Ancestor's Voices" - "African Women Freedom Fighters!"
Episode 102, on Sunday, March 13, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, we focus on African women freedom fighters and their contributions to our liberation.
Join through:
Facebook - facebook.com/ahjamu.umi
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitter - aacpc channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
Our Ancestor's Voices" - "The Legacy of Kwame Nkrumah"
Episode 101, on Sunday, March 6, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST, we take the 65th commemoration of Ghana's independence to highlight to revolutionary legacy of Kwame Nkrumah
Join through:
Facebook - facebook.com/ahjamu.umi
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitter - aacpc channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
Our Ancestor's Voices" - "Special 100th Edition Episode - Insights into a Radical Life"
With a different format to commemorate 100 weeks, we will have a panel discussion of newer organizer Salifu Mack, Less new organizer Jamilah Bourdan, and not new organizer Ahjamu Umi about why we will by radical principles and practices.
Join through:
Facebook - facebook.com/ahjamu.umi
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitter - aacpc channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
Our Ancestor's Voices" - "Lies Exposed Around Malcolm X's Assassination!"
On Sunday, February 20th, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST. We commemorate the 57th year since Malcolm X's assassination by exposing the lies about who, what, why, and how he was assassinated.
Join through:
Facebook - facebook.com/ahjamu.umi
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitter - aacpc channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
Our Ancestor's Voices" - "Revolutionary and Healthy Love!"
On Sunday, February 14, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST. We discuss the differences between building a healthy love relationship rooted in principles of justice compared to perpetuating the superficial and symbolic rituals of love this capitalist system promotes (which of course requires money spent to make the ritual complete).
Join through:
Facebook - facebook.com/ahjamu.umi
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitter - aacpc channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
"Our Ancestor's Voices" - "Hollywood's Defanging of African Militancy!"
On Sunday, February 6, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST. We discuss the necessity for correct education of our youth against the misinformation beamed regularly at us through the capitalist system.
Join through:
Facebook - facebook.com/ahjamu.umi
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitter - aacpc channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
"Our Ancestor's Voices" - "Africa & Identity Confusion!"
On Sunday, January 30th, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST. We discuss the necessity for correct education of our youth against the misinformation beamed regularly at us through the capitalist system.
Join through:
Facebook - facebook.com/ahjamu.umi
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitch - umifam channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
"Our Ancestor's Voices" - "Correct Education for Our Youth"
On Sunday, January 23, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST. We discuss the necessity for correct education of our youth against the misinformation beamed regularly at us through the capitalist system.
Join through:
Facebook - facebook.com/ahjamu.umi
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitch - umifam channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
"Our Ancestor's Voices" - "COINTELPRO Weekend & Why they cannot win against us!"
On Sunday, January 16, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST. We commemorate the 1/15/29 born day of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the 1/17/61 assassination of Congolese National Movement leaders Patrice Lumumba, Maurice Mpolo, and Thomas Okito, and the 1/17/69 assassination of Black Panther leaders Bunchy Carter and John Huggins. We will discuss how imperialist intelligence agencies oversaw sabotage against all of these leaders and how no matter what they do they cannot win against us.
Join through:
Facebook - facebook.com/ahjamu.umi
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitch - umifam channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
"Our Ancestor's Voices" - Does your College Education/Degree Belong to you as a Personal Achievement?"
On Sunday, January 9, 2022, from 4 to 5pm PST. We focus in on the disrespect and contradictions between DuBois and Garvey. Who/what instigated that disrespect. Who benefitted from their very public fight and what each of their contribution looks like for our forward progress.
Join through:
Facebook - facebook.com/ahjamu.umi
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitch - umifam channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
"Our Ancestor's Voices" - Discussing the Conflict between W.E.B. DuBois and Marcus Garvey."
On Sunday, January 2, 2021, from 4 to 5pm PST. We focus in on the disrespect and contradictions between DuBois and Garvey. Who/what instigated that disrespect. Who benefitted from their very public fight and what each of their contribution looks like for our forward progress.
Join through:
Facebook - facebook.com/ahjamu.umi
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitch - umifam channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
"Our Ancestor's Voices" - Discussing a Pan-Africanist Perspective of the Conflict in Ethiopia.
On Sunday, December 26, 2021, from 4 to 5pm PST. We focus in on the disrespect and contradictions between DuBois and Garvey. Who/what instigated that disrespect. Who benefitted from their very public fight and what each of their contribution looks like for our forward progress.
Join through:
Facebook - facebook.com/ahjamu.umi
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitch - umifam channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
"Our Ancestor's Voices" 90th Edition - "Why International Solidarity is So Important.
On Sunday, December 12, 2021, from 4 to 5pm PST, we discuss the importance of international solidarity with other social justice movements and why its important for our struggle for African liberation.
"Our Ancestor's Voices" 89th Edition - "Why These African Reovolutionaries Support the Irish Struggle." Sunday, December 5, 2021 from 4 to 5pm PST. Join us when we discuss the history of British colonialism against Ireland and why the Irish struggle is just and why we should support it. Join through:
Facebook - facebook.com/ahjamu.umi
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel
Twitch - umifam channel
ZOOM - www.abetterworld.me for the link
"Our Ancestor's Voices" 88th Edition: "Kwame Ture & Black Power" Sunday, November 28th, 2021 from 4 to 5pm PST. Join us as we discuss the legacy of Kwame Ture and the true meaning of Black Power as a concept usable for the African masses in 2021 and beyond. You can join through:
Facebook - facebook.com/ahjamu.umi
Youtube - aaprpca channel
Twitch - umifam channel
www.abetterworld.me for the ZOOM link
"Our Ancestor's Voices" 11/21/21 Edition - 87th Episode - "Thankstaking & amerikkkan Identity! Join us on Sunday, November 21, 2021, from 4 to 5pm PST when we make the immoral uncomfortable by exposing the lie of this so-called November holiday and how all of it results from the lie of amerikkkan identity. Join us through:
Facebook - facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or
Youtube - aaprpca Youtube channel or
Twitch - umifam channel or
www.abetterworld.me/contact for the ZOOM link
"Our Ancestor's Voices" the 86th Edition 11/14/21. "A Pan-Africanist Perspective of Colin Kaepernick's Netflix Mini-Series!" Sunday, November 14, 2021 from 4 to 5pm PST. Join through:
Facebook - facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or
Youtube - the aaprpca channel or
Twitch - the umifam channel or
www.abetterworld.me for the ZOOM link
"Our Ancestor's Voices" 11/7/21 edition: "Chap 8 Breakdown of Organizing Defense against White Supremacist, Patriarchal, and Fascist Violence. - the final chapter - "The Summation." We break down each chapter each week in an effort to clarify how to carry o steps of organizing self determination in communities. Join us on Sunday, November 7th, from 4 to 5pm PST. Join through facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or the aaprpca Youtube channel or reach out here for the ZOOM link.
"Our Ancestor's Voices" 10/31/21 edition: "Chap 7 Breakdown of Organizing Defense against White Supremacist, Patriarchal, and Fascist Violence. - "Once Your Project is Underway" We break down each chapter each week in an effort to clarify how to carry o steps of organizing self determination in communities. Join us on Sunday, Oct 31th, from 4 to 5pm PST. Join through facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or the aaprpca Youtube channel or reach out here for the ZOOM link.
"Our Ancestor's Voices" 10/24/21 edition: "Chap 6 Breakdown of Organizing Defense against White Supremacist, Patriarchal, and Fascist Violence. - "Steps in Carrying out the Work!." We break down each chapter each week in an effort to clarify how to carry o steps of organizing self determination in communities. Join us on Sunday, Oct 24th, from 4 to 5pm PST. Join through facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or the aaprpca Youtube channel or reach out here for the ZOOM link.
"Our Ancestor's Voices" 10/17/21 edition: "Chap 5 Breakdown of Organizing Defense against White Supremacist, Patriarchal, and Fascist Violence. - "Sustaining Community Defense work." We break down each chapter each week in an effort to clarify how to carry o steps of organizing self determination in communities. Join us on Sunday, Oct 10th, from 4 to 5pm PST. Join through facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or the aaprpca Youtube channel or reach out here for the ZOOM link.
"Our Ancestor's Voices" 10/10/21 edition: "Chap 4 Breakdown of Organizing Defense against White Supremacist, Patriarchal, and Fascist Violence. - "Building Political Education Processes." We break down each chapter each week in an effort to clarify how to carry o steps of organizing self determination in communities. Join us on Sunday, Oct 10th, from 4 to 5pm PST. Join through facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or the aaprpca Youtube channel or reach out here for the ZOOM link.
"Our Ancestor's Voices" 10/3/21 edition: "Chap 3 Breakdown of Organizing Defense against White Supremacist, Patriarchal, and Fascist Violence. - "A Case for Organizing against Capitalism." We break down each chapter each week in an effort to clarify how to carry o steps of organizing self determination in communities. Join us on Sunday, September 26, 2021, from 4 to 5pm PST. Join through facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or the aaprpca Youtube channel or reach out here for the ZOOM link.
"Our Ancestor's Voices" 9/26/21 edition: "Chap 2 Breakdown of Organizing Defense against White Supremacist, Patriarchal, and Fascist Violence. - Africa and the African Diaspora!"
For week two of eight weeks, Shukura and Ahjamu breakdown each chapter of the book in an effort to clarify how to carry out the steps of organizing self determination in communities. Join us on Sunday, September 26, 2021, from 4 to 5pm PST. Join through facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or the aaprpca Youtube channel or reach out here for the ZOOM link.
"Our Ancestor's Voices" 9/19/21 edition: "Chap 1 Breakdown of Organizing Defense against White Supremacist, Patriarchal, and Fascist Violence."
For the next eight weeks, Shukura and Ahjamu breakdown each chapter of the book in an effort to clarify how to carry out the steps of organizing self determination in communities. Join us on Sunday, September 19, 2021, from 4 to 5pm PST. Join through facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or the aaprpca Youtube channel or reach out here for the ZOOM link.
"Our Ancestro's Voices" 9/12/21 Edition: "Remembering the Libyan Jamahiriya and U.S. Imperialism's Sabotage against It!
The LIbyan Jamahiriya was a shining light in Africa for decades until U.S. imperialism viciously wiped it out in 2011. Join us as we dissect what Libya accomplished and how the U.S. sabotaged their great achievements. Join Sunday, September 12, 2021, from 4 to 5pm PST. Join through facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or the aaprpca Youtube channel or reach out here for the ZOOM link.
"Our Ancestor's Voices" 9/5/21 Edition: "What's Happening in Afghanistan from a Revolutionary Pan-Africanist Perspective. U.S. tax revenues, generated from the hard labor of working class people in this country, has funded death and destruction in Afghanistan for four decades, yet the overwhelming majority of people in the U.S. couldn't point out Afghanistan on a map if you placed a gun to their head. Join us on Sunday, September 5, 2021, from 4 to 5pm PST, when we break down events in Afghanistan and what they truly mean for all of us. Join through facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or the aaprpca Youtube channel or reach out here for the ZOOM link
The Murder of Huey P. Newton and COINTELPRO.
On August 22, 1989, Black Panther Party co-founder and ideologue Huey P. Newton was murdered on an Oakland street. The capitalist system dubbed this a "drug deal gone bad" but we know that his murder was part and parcel of the U.S. government's plan to eliminate his physical body in the hopes that this would prevent his political mind from ever being reactivated. Join "Our Ancestor's Voices" on Sunday, August 29, 2021 from 4 to 5pm PST when we break down this situation. Join through facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or the aaprpca Youtube channel or reach out here for the ZOOM link.
Our Ancestor's Voices - 8/22/21 Edition - "Why Oppressed People Don't Trust the Vaccines!"
Beyond social pressure to get the vaccine or not get it, join us when we discuss legitimate reasons why people are distrustful. Sunday, August 22, 2021. 4 to 5pm PST. Join through facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or the aaprpca Youtube channel or reach out here for the ZOOM link.
"Our Ancestor's Voices" edition 8/15/21. Why so-called "Black People" Reject Identifying with Africa. Sunday, August 15, 2021, 4 to 5pm PST pst.,
There are those who believe their PhD's from Youtube qualify them with zero study of Africa's glorious history have concocted this myth that African people are indigenous to the Western Hemisphere. This is extremely disrespectful to our African ancestors as well as the Indigenous people of the Western Hemisphere. Join the A-APRP and Ahjamu and Shukura for that discussion. Sunday, August 15, 2021. Join through facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or aaprca Youtube channel or reach out here for the ZOOM link.
Tune in on Sunday, August 8, 2021, when we commemorate Black August!
The events in Northern California involving George and Johnathan Jackson, Ruchell Magee, and the other comrades initiated Black August, but the movement has since evolved to be an expression of opposition to the mass incarceration system in these backward united snakes. Join us Sunday, 8/8/21 from 4 to 5pm PST when we commemorate our fallen freedom fighters and the system of oppression that produces mass incarceration. Join through facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or the aaprpca Youtube channel or reach out here for the ZOOM link.
"Our Ancestor's Voices!" Sunday, August 1, 2021. Ahjamu and Shukura will pay tribute to our July 31st Pan-African Women's Day program while also honoring legendary African woman freedom fighter Mawina Kouyate. Join us from 4 to 5pm PST. Join through facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or the aaprpca Youtube channel or reach out here for the ZOOM link.
Cuba, Protests, and U.S. Imperialism
The capitalist media is working overtime to convince us that these so-called "uprisings" in Cuba are being fueled by people's resistance to the government's lack of ability to protect the people against covid as well as provide food due to "Cuba's failed socialist society." During this A-APRP Sunday seminar we will provide counter views to these backward arguments. Join us Sunday, July 25, 2021, from 4 to 5pm PST. Join through:
the aaprpca Youtube channel
Reach out here for the ZOOM link
African and Palestinian Solidarity!
Join A-APRP team Shukura and Ahjamu when we follow up on our workshop two weeks ago about zionist sabotage in Africa with a presentation on African and Palestinian solidarity. Join Sunday, July 18, 2021 from 4 to 5pm PST. Facebook.com/ahjamu.umi and aaprpca Youtube or reach out here for the ZOOM link
How to Build a Political Education Program!
Sunday, July 11th, 2021. 4 to 5pm PST. Taking from the book "A Guide for Organizing Defense against White Supremacist, Patriarchal, and Fascist Violence", Shukura and I will discuss how to build a political education process. We will provide the step by step guide for how to accomplish this.
Join us through:
aaprca youtube channel
Or reach out here for the ZOOM link
Sunday, July 4th, 2021. Join us for "The Fourth of July is a Lie!" We will discuss the contradictions that make it impossible for the July 4th to represent anything except oppression, violence, and murder and why justice loving people can never acknowledge, accept, or ignore these so-called "holidays."
4 to 5pm PST. Join through:
aaprpca youtube channel
www.abetterworld.me for the ZOOM link
Being an Accomplice against Patriarchy
On Sunday, June 27th, 2021, Ahjamu & Shukura focus this A-APRP Sunday Seminar on Best Practices for battling systemic patriarchy i.e. the institutional oppression of women and women identifying people.
Sunday, June 27th, 2021, 4 to 5pm Pacific time. Join through facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or the aaprpca youtube channel, or reach out here for the ZOOM link.
Myths and Truths about Nationalism and Patriarchy
"Who We Fight! Why We Fight and How We fight!"
The History of zionist israel in Africa!
Join Shukura and Ahjamu for this weeky A-APRP workshop when we discuss the history of zionist israel's interference in Africa's political realities. The zionists exploit the Palestinian people ruthlessly and much of their capacity to do that results from their exploitation of Africa, but most Africans, and everyone else, knows little about this. Tune in on Sunday, June 13, 2021, from 4 to 5pm PST. facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or the aaprpca youtube channel or reach out here on this site for the ZOOM link
Growing Up Revolutionary Pan-Africanist/Socialist in a Reactionary Society
Join us on Sunday, June 6, 2021, from 4 to 5pm PST when Shukura and Ahjamu discuss aspects of Shukura's upbringing in an environment of revolutionary values/principles and practices. The positives/challenges and some best practices for raising children in a profit over people society.
Join through facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or the umifam youtube channel or reach out here for the ZOOM link
Why Pan-Africanism is the Highest Expression of Black Power.
Join us Sunday, May 30, 2021, from 4pm to 5pm PST when we discuss why Pan-Africanism is a qualitative leap forward in making Black Power reach its highest manifestation. Join through facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or the umifam youtube channel or reach out here for the ZOOM link
Malcolm X and African LIberation Day!!
A special broadcast scheduled for Wednesday, May 19, 2021 from 4pm to 5pm PST, join us for this program which is part of our series of events for African Liberation Day 2021. We will be discussing Malcolm's Pan-African work in commemoration of our 2021 African Liberation Day theme; "Forward Ever to Worldwide Pan-African Unity!" We will rebroadcast the same workshop on Sunday, May 23, 2021 during our normal broadcast time of 4 to 5pm, Sunday, May 23rd.
4 to 5pm, Wed, May 19th. Join through facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or the umifam youtube channel or reach out here for the ZOOM link.
Creating Revolutionary Families in Reactionary Societies.
The 411 on how to implement revolutionary principles and practices with your family and how to combat the attacks and challenges that come from attempting to live a principled lifestyle.
Sunday, May 16, 2021. 4 to 5pm PST. Facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or the umifam youtube channel or reach out here for the ZOOM link.
Organizing 101. Step III. How to Maintain Healthy and Effective Organizing Spaces.
Much of the organizing taking place today exists in toxic environments. This session is designed to provide tools coming from the book "A Guide for Defense against White Supremacist, Patriarchal, and Fascist Violence" to create healthier environments to do this work to get free.
Join us Sunday, May 9, 2021 from 4 to 5pm PST. Join through facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or the umifam youtube channel or reach out here for the ZOOM link.
Join us on Sunday, May 2, 2021, when we continue dissecting the book "A Guide for Organizing Defense against White Supremacist, Patriarchal, and Fascist Violence." In Organizing 101 - Step II, we build on the foundation of setting ourselves up to do organizing work by transitioning to what steps we take to begin our organizing work. Join us on Sunday, May 2, 2021, 4 to 5pm PST. facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or the umifam youtube channel or reach out on this site for the ZOOM link.
Organizing 101 - Step 1. Taking steps from "A Guide for Organizing Defense of White Supremacist, Patriarchal, and Fascist Violence!; we will discuss ways to begin your Organizing work!"
Join us Sunday April 25, 2021 from 4 to 5pm PST. facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or the umifam youtube channel or reach out here for the ZOOM link.
The word solidarity is so misused and abused today. Join us on Sunday, April 18, 2021, for this important A-APRP weekly workshop where we discuss what Princiled Solidarity Should Look Like in 2021 and Beyond!
4 to 5pm PST. Join through facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or the umifam youtube channel, or reach out to this site at www.abetterworld.me for the ZOOM link.
Gestational Diabetes and women's health within the capitalist system!
Join us on Sunday, April 11, 2021, when we discuss the tragedy of gestational diabetes and the impact it has on African and other oppressed women.
Join us on Sunday, 4/11/21, from 4pm to 5pm PST. You can join through facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or the umifam youtube channel or you can reach out here for the ZOOM link.
Celebrating Real Women/women identifying soldiers for justice!
The Benefits of Breastfeeding for Women, Children, and Families
African Women's Health & the Capitalist System.
African Liberation Month - Not Black History Month.
The Manipulation around Malcolm X's Assassination.
Reparations; African Intellectual Creation & African Liberation!
African Intellectual Creation Stolen by Capitalism!
Hollywood & Destroying African Militancy
The Unknown Contributions of Sekou Ture!
U.S. Intelligence Agency Sabotage against the National Congolese Movement, Patrice Lumumba, and the Black Panther Party and Bunchy Carter and John Huggins
Pan-Africanism v.s. ADOs & Confusion
The Radical Side of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Organizing Best Practices in 2021 and Beyond.
The Difference between Organization & Mobilization
Land = Power
Patriarchy! An Enemy of Humanity!
True & Just Solidarity with the Indigenous People.
Your Election is Over. What's Next?
Uncovering the Insidiousness of the Black Bourgeoisie.
A virtual book release event for Ahjamu Umi's recently released 69 page manifesto "A Guide for Organizing Defense against White Supremacist and Fascist Violence. 4 to 5:30pm PST Sunday, April 4, 2021. Join us as this dynamic panel of African revolutionaries discusses this manifesto which exists to help show sincere souls successful techniques to engage local communities throughout the U.S. in revolutionary organizing while linking those neighborhoods to international anti-imperialist struggles. facebook.com/ahjamu.umi or reach out on this site for the ZOOM link. |

The Politics Behind these Right, White Protests
Hundreds of primarily European people are staging protests challenging shelter in place tactics. This Sunday's one hour seminar will examine this phenomenon. Who these people protesting are, where their support comes from, and how insane what they are demanding is for the vast majority of working people in this society. Finally, what we need to be thinking of doing to protect ourselves from this premature "opening up" these people are pushing for.
Sunday, April 26th
4:00pm to 5:00pm
Facebook live streaming
Ahjamu Umi's page
Africans, Asians & White Supremacy
White supremacy is an international system organized specifically to protect the interests of international capital accumulation. The myth of European culture, politics, religion, and ways of life have been perpetuated for 500+ years simply to justify the brutal exploitation of colonized people worldwide.
Join us Sunday at 4pm PST Facebook live streaming Join us for a discussion about this wicked system of white supremacy and how it is working overtime right now to target Asian people while manipulating all of us, especially African people, to join in on this charade. Join us through Facebook live streaming through Ahjamu Umi's page. Community Defense cuz No One Saves us, but Us!
30 Days to Lift Social Distancing is a Death Sentence. RESIST; Sunday March 29th
This Sunday's training focuses on how we have basic organizing conversations with our families, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc., about how to resist the insanity coming from the political leaders of this empire that coronavirus will be eliminated in 30 days. All are welcome. The only thing you need to participate is internet and the ZOOM app (you can download it free on your smart phone). Info on this virtual training below:
Sunday, March 29, 2020
4:00pm to 5:00pm PST
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/853743074?pwd=dU5wdzJCSHhBOEtOb0lJaHFRdmIvdz09 Meeting ID: 853 743 074 Password: organize One tap mobile +14086380968,,853743074# US (San Jose) +16699006833,,853743074# US (San Jose) Dial by your location +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 876 9923 US (New York) +1 253 215 8782 US +1 301 715 8592 US Meeting ID: 853 743 074 Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ab8en9voPy
10 minutes before, as email 30 minutes before
A Virtual seminar on Scientific Socialism
With the coronavirus pandemic and all the discussion about how societies address and solve problems, since capitalism has clearly demonstrated its inability at addressing people's needs (it was never created to do that), more people than ever are talking about socialism, but clear analysis of Scientific Socialism and quality study around the concepts and places who have implemented socialist construction is extremely rare. The point of this seminar is to provide people with the ABCs of Scientific Socialism. What it is. What it looks like, and how we achieve it.
All are welcome. All you need is internet and the ZOOM platform (you can download it free on smartphones if you don't have it). Login on a Sunday and lets build!
Sunday, March 22, 2020
11:00am PST to 12 noon PST
Sign on @
Ahjamu Umi is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Ahjamu Umi's Zoom Meeting
Time: Mar 22, 2020 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 854 676 690
Password: Organize
One tap mobile
+14086380968,,854676690# US (San Jose)
+16699006833,,854676690# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 253 215 8782 US
+1 301 715 8592 US
Meeting ID: 854 676 690
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ab8en9voPy
Thursday, November 14th, 2019.
SEIU 1000 Event Room
1325 S Street, Sacramento, California
6:30pm to 8:30pm
Ahjamu Umi - activist/organizer and author will lead and facilitate a presentation and discussion discussing concepts explored in his latest book - "The Paradox Principles." The three focuses for this event will be:
1. Building Community Defense models in colonized communities
2. The Critical Importance of leadership from Colonized People and women in the Fight for Justice
3. Effective ways to an a true accomplice against white supremacy
Everyone is welcome!
SEIU 1000 Event Room
1325 S Street, Sacramento, California
6:30pm to 8:30pm
Ahjamu Umi - activist/organizer and author will lead and facilitate a presentation and discussion discussing concepts explored in his latest book - "The Paradox Principles." The three focuses for this event will be:
1. Building Community Defense models in colonized communities
2. The Critical Importance of leadership from Colonized People and women in the Fight for Justice
3. Effective ways to an a true accomplice against white supremacy
Everyone is welcome!
Community Discussion on Creating a Better World

Tuesday, July 30th, from 6pm to 8pm at Otherlands Coffee Bar.
641 Cooper St. Memphis, Tennessess, U.S.
Pan-African Fiction. "The Paradox Principles", and movement work to achieve justice for all of humanity. Come join us! Admission is free and its a family friendly event.
641 Cooper St. Memphis, Tennessess, U.S.
Pan-African Fiction. "The Paradox Principles", and movement work to achieve justice for all of humanity. Come join us! Admission is free and its a family friendly event.
6th Annual Sacramento Black Book Fair
Saturday, June 1, 2019, Ahjamu is participating in the Black Book Fair and will use his time to launch his latest novel "The Paradox Principles." Visit the Black Book Fair website for more details.
Are Black People Really Africans?
There is a lot of talk today about whether "Black" people in the Western Hemisphere are really descendants from Africa? There is also an equal amount of discussion taking place about whether Africans born in Africa feel a connection to "Black" people in the West. Also, what about Africa in all of this discussion?
This event explores the on the ground work taking place by those within the Pan-Africanist movement, a movement that believes all people of African descent are Africans and belong to the African nation. The presentation will provide visual acknowledgement of work taking place to unite African people everywhere and why these anti-African arguments are getting all the platform they are receiving.
When: Tuesday, February 27th, 2018
Where: SEIU Local 1000 - 1325 S Street. Sacramento, CA
Time: 6:30pm to 8:30pm
All are welcome and admission is free!
This event explores the on the ground work taking place by those within the Pan-Africanist movement, a movement that believes all people of African descent are Africans and belong to the African nation. The presentation will provide visual acknowledgement of work taking place to unite African people everywhere and why these anti-African arguments are getting all the platform they are receiving.
When: Tuesday, February 27th, 2018
Where: SEIU Local 1000 - 1325 S Street. Sacramento, CA
Time: 6:30pm to 8:30pm
All are welcome and admission is free!
African Liberation Day 2017. Theme: "African Youth Organizing against All Settler and Neo-Colonial Regimes: from DRC (Congo), to Standing Rock, to Palestine!
African Liberation Day 2017 in Oakland will be lit with former Black Panther Party Chair Elaine Brown as the keynote speaker. There will be performances by Carmen Antigua, Kujichagulia, Val Serrant steel drumming, and much more! A community African meal will be served. Children's activites
27 May 2017 - 11:00am - 5:30pm Tassafaronga Center 975 - 85th Avenue Oakland, CA |
School of African Roots (SOAR) Schedule of Events in Portland
Starting in January 2017. The All African People's Revolutionary Party will host SOAR at the Abbey Arts Center in Portland every first and last Sunday of the month. Stay tuned for details!
"Liberation Literature! An Event talking about Using Fiction to Inspire People to Act!"
Oregon based author/activist Ahjamu Umi - author of "The Courage Equation" and Florida based author/activist Michelle Mattisons - author of "Left to our Own Devices" speak on using literary fiction as a tool to inspire people to get involved in the fight for justice, liberation, and forward progress!
Saturday, February 6th, 2015. "In Other Words" Bookstore. 14 N.E. Killingsworth St. Portland, Oregon. All are invited!
Saturday, February 6th, 2015. "In Other Words" Bookstore. 14 N.E. Killingsworth St. Portland, Oregon. All are invited!
Our Trip to Ghana - A Community Report Back Event

On Saturday, January 9, 2016, we will debrief our trip to Ghana. We will be exposing the misinformation about Africa and clarifying the relationship between Africa and Africans in the diaspora. All are invited. 6:30pm to 8:30pm. In Other Words Bookstore at 14 N.E. Killingsworth Street in Portland, Oregon. Food will be served. All are welcome!