The capitalist news media, the unconditional enemy of African people everywhere, has perfected the art of depicting African on African violence as some sort of dysfunctional affirmation of the mental and spiritual inferiority of "these primitive people". Racists of all stripes use subtle and overt language to demean and disparage African people for being “such violent people.” Of course, the capitalist analysis is skilled at deftly avoiding any critical approach to understanding why these issues take place. A simple discussion about the impacts of the colonial legacy, coupled with poverty, coupled with systematic exploitation and repression, provide the perfect ingredients for violence. If you don’t believe that, place yourself in a room with your favorite person with no way to get out, not enough food, and no process in which to express your desire to be free. Then, add the availability of weapons, and provide a method in which you can observe, but not participate, in other people’s advancement through life. Create a scene with those ingredients, and in time, you will find that you are trying to kill even your most favorite person due to the circumstances you find yourself in. This is a model example of the real life conditions that the masses of African people find themselves in every day. So, no trained sociologist has a difficult time realizing that the manifestations of our conditions i.e. the violence we perpetuate against each other is not a reflection of our nature as a people, but a consequence of our oppression.
By the same token, if African people take the initiative to organize our people, we can resolve these problems relatively fast. For example, there is no magic potion needed to stop the violence in places like Chicago. All we would have to do is organize women and men into formations that are trained with conflict resolution and weapons and self-defense skills. Then you send those teams of people into the community to knock on every door and talk to the inhabitants about the need to take responsibility for our communities. Does any logical person truly believe that the majority of people, who are terrorized by the violence they live under every day, are going to reject this message? In fact, history has shown us that people will respond overwhelmingly to that message and in thus doing so, they will provide the mass support for the following campaign of approaching the instigators of the violence and giving them a time frame to put down their weapons and accept our help in developing them into productive citizens of the community, or face the wrath of the community. A simple solution that is proven to work, but it requires organization. This is the same with the situation in Sudan. African people are not anti-Islam, anti-Christianity, anti-Arab, or anti anything. Our culture is humanistic. We are accepting of any people. So, once we organize the All African Command, which is the combined military of the All Committee for Political Coordination (A-ACPC), which is the united political parties that form the All African People’s Revolutionary Party) then the All African Command, or All African People’s Revolutionary Army (A-APRA) goes into Sudan, and taking a humanistic approach that is pro-African, puts a stop to the violence, and insures unity is the priority for all. And, in the same spirit of the Chicago example, people are encouraged to cooperate and help build up the Sudan and Africa and if they refuse, they are subjected to the wrath of the masses who are backed by African political and military power.
Again, this is not some solution that will take 100 years to develop, but it will take strong organization. The problem isn’t guns in the African community. Unfortunately, our enemies have guns. Lots of them. So we are going to need guns for a long time my friends. The problem isn’t a spiritual and moral breakdown in the African community. We have more spiritual and moral strength then everybody else combined. If not, for what we have suffered, we would have waged war against humanity a long time ago and if we had, no honest person could have blamed us. The problem is not anything except our inability and unwillingness to stop talking so much and posturing, and to start organizing. When all the ego, blustering, and fronting is peeled back, we all know this is true. The only question is when we will start to make it a reality.