That is the reason that we African revolutionaries have always, and will continue, to stand on the side of the Palestinian people in their just fight for self-determination and an elimination of the zionist entity known as the state of Israel. To us, our work in doing this revolves primarily around educating our African masses about the Palestinian question as a part of our overall strategy to achieve Pan-Africanism; or one unified socialist Africa. And, for those who wonder what our struggle has to to with the Palestinian situation, again, to those causing all of our problems, we are all the same. So, we take a page from our enemies on this question. We know that the zionist state of Israel is the capitalist/imperialist network's key ally in the Middle East. That is the reason imperialism offers unwavering support for zionism. They have done so since the imperialist Lord Balfour in Britain, as a part of their deranged dominance of the world through control of the Ottoman Empire, decreed that Palestine belonged to the worldwide zionist movement. This incident occurred in 1919, and since that time, zionism has worked overtime, with the full support of worldwide imperialism, to steal Palestinian land, culminating with the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. Like all settler colonies (Europeans stealing other people's land) e.g. Australia, Azania, South Africa, and the U.S., the state of Israel and the people who support it, will never admit to their theft. They will always claim, as the Europeans in Azania, South Africa are claiming, and as the zionists are saying today, that whenever the oppressed rise up, as the Palestinians are doing, and imperialism brutalize them, it is the fault of the people resisting oppression.
We know that no people in power, particularly these criminals who obtained power through theft and violence, have ever surrendered that power. We know that the Palestinian people, and no oppressed people, will ever achieve their liberation through bourgeois elections in these societies. We know that our freedom will only come when we organize and fight against the power structures for that freedom. This is why we know we must make sure our people are clear about why we support the Palestinian people because the more they struggle against zionism, the weaker zionism becomes. The weaker zionism becomes, the weaker imperialism becomes. The weaker imperialism becomes, the stronger all forces fighting against imperialism become. In other words, we benefit from the Palestinians winning. We benefit from the Filipino people winning their fight against imperialism. We benefit from the Indigenous people winning their struggle against our enemies. We win when the Irish win. And all of those people win when we win. So, strictly from a position of logic, it makes sense strategically for us to support the Palestinian people and all of the struggles just mentioned. And, it makes sense for them to support us. Any other argument is shortsighted, naive, and nonscientific. This is what we tell our people everyday. This is what we will be telling them all over the world during African Liberation Day in two weeks. And, representatives from all of those struggles will be there explaining that as well.
We will also add in that our reasons for being against zionism have direct connections to the suffering of African people as well. The zionist government of the state of israel relies on its illegal diamond polishing industry to provide a large sector of its gross national product. This industry depends upon the continued exploitation of African diamonds since there are no diamonds mines in occupied Palestine (israel). Since israel currently supplies about 40% of the polished diamonds on the world market right now, this is certainly no exaggeration. Again, a Palestinian victory helps alleviate our suffering.
This is our message to Africans everywhere, yesterday, today, tomorrow, and going forward. We will never accept settler colonialism and we will continue to say that zionism is the most potent face for white supremacy worldwide. We call upon all peace loving people to do any and everything you can to support the Palestinian people. Support the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign. Support rallies and protests standing with the Palestinian people. Whatever you can. We will continue to do what we have been doing for decades since Kwame Ture, as chairperson of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) led that organization to become the first national organization in the U.S. to take a clear anti-zionist position. Kwame and others from SNCC brought that principled position into the All African People's Revolutionary Party (compliments to Sister Ethel Minor). We must continue to apply more and more pressure to the zionist regime and their puppet masters in the U..S, Britain, etc. We cannot be swayed at the arrogance of the imperialists. As Kwame Ture told us, appealing to their morality is a waste of time because they have no conscience. So, don't let their arrogance rattle you. They will never admit any wrong doing. They have never admitted that their brutal savagery against the Indigenous people was/is wrong. They have never admitted their devastation of African and African people was/is wrong. And, they will never admit their oppression of the Palestinian people is wrong. We can't be confused into thinking an imperialist acknowledgement of their wrongdoing is our objective. We must gain strength in the fact we are on the right side of history. In other words, our struggles are just. And, that is more important than any of the other legitimate reasons we are supporting the Palestinian people. The Palestinian people, like the African masses, the Filipino people, the Indigenous people, the Irish, all are fighting for power. So, we have to work to develop that power. That should be our focus. Achieve power and walk right over imperialism's chest. And, even while we are doing that, they will still be denying any knowledge of the havoc they've wrecked upon the world. The difference will be, at that stage, it will no longer matter what they think.