These people are basically telling our athletes that all they have the right to do is perform for them. They keep repeating the lie that their issue with Kaepernick and others who protested is "how they did it, etc." They say "they shouldn't protest at work. I don't like politics being brought into it. I watch sports to escape politics and life issues." All stupid arguments that no one with an ounce of sense shouldn't be able to see through. The same people criticizing our athletes for "protesting at work" are the same people praising and raising money for doctors who refuse to perform abortions. People who refuse to provide service to LGBTQI people, etc. So, these liars have proven they have no problems with people protesting at work. They just don't think we - Africans - have the right to do anything except what they expect us to do. The tired statement about not wanting to deal with politics in sports is asinine because if they really believed that, they would be mad at the military which is hoeing itself out to the NFL for millions of dollars. That's how politics got into sports when political institutions are buying out sporting games to promote their propaganda so they can recruit young people to go fight and die overseas for multi-national corporations. It doesn't get more political than that, yet you won't hear a peep from any of these fools about that contradiction. So, that's not it. The issue they have is they see us as slaves who only exist to service and entertain them. That's the issue and the insults from some idiot on Twitter everyday are just more examples of that.
So, while Kaepernick and Eric Reid sue the NFL and hopefully gain some retribution for the racist collusion that has clearly been aimed against them, I'll be telling everyone I know not to watch. And, for those people, who aren't in organizations by the way, who will drone on about "what good is a boycott?" my answer is its healthy and good for me. By not watching I can claim some small measure of my own dignity in this society that is so effective at attempting to steal every bit of dignity you could ever expect to maintain for your sanity.
I'm also going to use my commitment to not watching to have as many conversations as I can about it. To help people understand that we are a people of dignity. Kaepernick has clearly demonstrated that. He has more dignity in his toenail than everyone at FOX, all the NFL owners, all the racist NFL fans, and that clown in D.C. combined. I was listening to some local sports talk idiot the other day go on and on about how his problem was Kaep wearing the pig socks. No issue with Africans being mrudered in the streets. Just some pig socks. Get down on your damn knees and thank your demons that all we are doing is wearing some pig socks at this point. The other conversation is the criticisms against Kaep wearing Fidel Castro on a shirt. Just like Kaep, Castro had more dignity in the last gas he passed than all the U.S. presidents, including the capitalist one in black face, combined.
Maybe if we work hard enough we can demonstrate enough power to shake them financially. Or, if not, we can at least continue the very important conversation about a society that claims freedom, but denies it to anyone who doesn't move like sheep behind their immoral and criminal agenda.