Meanwhile, we have learned that Jean's neighbor, an African named Joshua Brown, who testified effectively at killer cop's murder trial, has been shot and killed. This has happened to a young African man who, according to everyone, had no enemies and absolutely no explanation for why or how this could happen to him. Also, the African woman, identified as "Bunny" who videotaped the killing, has been terminated from her job. For this piece, we wish to focus on the tragic turn of events for these two Africans who simply tried to contribute to bringing justice to the loss of life of Mr. Jean who was killed for just returning to his house safely as all of us wish to do each and everyday.
The capitalist media is continuing to depict the circumstances of Brown and Bunny as unexplained or random. We instead suggest people take a somber and sober look at the Dallas area, and even national/international, police agencies as the culprits for the attacks against these good people. We recognize fully that this allegation will shock and even offend some people. In this backward society, truth and justice is completely divorced from material reality. So, most people operate under subjective narratives e.g. "my dad is a cop, so therefore they all aren't bad." This type of thinking is equally as absurd as me claiming that I'm a man so all men are not capable of rape and other forms of sexual assault. Clearly, when we talk about police agencies, we are talking about the institution of people, on all levels, which has never been, nor will ever be, there to "protect and serve" the masses of oppressed people. The role of all police agencies is to control the populace for their continued exploitation by the capitalist system, plain and simple. And, the evidence supporting this definition of police is overwhelming, starting with the origins of police agencies and that connection to enforcing terrorism against Africans liberated from slavery, and the unending examples of institutional police terror against colonized and poor people. Then, there is also the reality that so many of us still operate under the fantasy that police agencies, despite their clear history and practices to the contrary, are still here to help us, or at least there is potential that we have to figure out to force them to protect us.
The subjective desires some of us have to gain acceptance from the system that was built and is maintained on keeping us oppressed aside, there are overwhelming examples of police agencies engaging in terrorism against the populace to intimidate and/or punish people for standing up against them. When this happens, police always have the benefit of cover from being detected. Either by having most people believe police terror is not a possibility because of the benevolence of police e.g. "my father would never do something like that" or because most people are just plain naive about what the militaristic arms of this capitalist system will do. The lengths it will go, to preserve capitalist dominance and continued operation and control.
Again, examples are endless. Declassified Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) documents confirm that reactionary anti-revolutionary so-called Cubans, as well as common car thieves from inner cities within the U.S., were recruited and utilized to pose as opposition fighters to the legitimately elected National Congolese Movement i(MNC) n the Congo in 1961. This was done to convey the image internationally that there was massive opposition to the progressive politics of the MNC and Patrice Lumumba. Since this was the lying rhetoric used by capitalist media to justify the continued sabotage against the MNC, including the brutal murder of Lumumba, the images of these fake Congolese resistance fighters served to support the narrative capitalism wanted to promote. Examples like this are everywhere. In 1992, after the fall of the Soviet Union and the urban rebellion in the city of Los Angeles, in California, U.S., the Bush administration dispatched over 300 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents from work in Eastern Europe to Los Angeles. Despite repeated efforts by activists, and even politicians, to secure the reasons for this, no explanation was ever provided by the FBI as to what exactly these agents would be doing in L.A.. What we do know is none of this happened until after the thousands of street organizations in L.A. began seriously working for a city wide treaty that extended even beyond just African street organizations to include treaties with the Indigenous street organizations as well. For those who aren't getting it, this represents the development of a people's army. What we also know is once these agents made this switch, driveby shootings in L.A., which were at an all time low since the 1960s, began to happen consistently again. And, despite the efforts by local activists to highlight the point that no one could identify or recognize the culprits, meaning they probably didn't even live in L.A., tensions arose again, thus stalling the sincere efforts to stop the street violence, taking the focus away from fighting the system, and back on fighting each other.
The point of the above is to demonstrate that police agencies have always utilized counter intelligence to punish their enemies. Whether its the unexplained killings of Furgeson, Mo, U.S. activists who brought pressure against racist police there, the framing and harassment against the person who filmed Eric Garner being killed by police in New York, or the tragic instances happening to innocent people in the Dallas area around the Botham Jean murder trial, police will certainly act against the populace in violent and terrorist ways when you challenge them. And, we know that police have a history of having serious problems with people who hold them accountable. The almost 300 illegal counter intelligence actions against the Black Panther Party from 1967 through 1971 are clear evidence of this.
Unlike some of you, we have no illusions about police agencies. They are the enemies of the masses of people everywhere on earth. Most of their function is to ensure crime continues because that's the only way to ensure their continued existence. They do constant political work to fan the flames of racism and fear in all communities and these practices go hand in hand with gentrification land grab practices that are happening everywhere. We know that the police are not our friends. They are not here to help us and even your dad, brother, sister, friend, whatever, who is the police cannot effectively argue for their credibility when the departments they work for are engaged in wholesale terror against our people. Your people on these police forces have proven worthless in being able to stop this terror with just their shear presence. In fact, they cannot even expose the corrupt practices of their "colleagues" because of the so-called "blue wall of silence." In other words, the police, who criticize and complain about the unwillingness of people in communities to snitch to them, actually have the strongest and most developed anti-snitch network of anybody.
With this context, its easy for us to conclude that police, who effectively operate as gangs, would retaliate against people that they deem held their colleagues accountable for their criminal actions. Its in the interests of police to engage in this nefarious work because it frightens others from stepping up and being willing to testify and provide evidence against police misdeeds. This is no different than the age old practice of not testifying against the mob because of what they can come back and do to you and your families.
Sadly, just like all of the previous examples provided, the actual proof to demonstrate police roles in terror are very difficult to come by, especially due to the blue wall. The proof usually isn't tangible until decades later. For most people, its much more convenient for them to believe in mythical concepts like "black on black" crime to explain Joshua Brown's sudden death, but we have history to serve as our guide. We know police have been guilty of these types of things often in the past. We know that many of these crimes that are passed off by racists as us killing each other, are actually police instigated. The largest obstacle we have is in reminding people of this so that we can effectively attack this blind faith in the benevolence of police. The system works overtime to tell us police agencies, military, etc., are here to protect us and that we should "honor their service" as a result. The truth is those agencies are here strictly to uphold capitalism and imperialism. And, anyone who challenges their ability to do whatever they damn well please is placing their lives in danger. For everyone who refuses to believe and accept this reality, it further protects these illicit criminals while making it extremely dangerous for anyone who decides that truth is more important than personal safety.