By not being physically prepared, I use examples like the young Hitler follower who shot and killed nine (9) people in the South Carolina church. That coward went to the church, pretended to be coming to worship, was treated respectfully by everyone there, and then proceeded to suddenly blow their brains out. There is probably no better example of barbarism and cowardice. Equally lacking of any signs of courage are the actions of those "macho macho man" types who are apt to surround Masjids and Mosques around the country and yell at the inhabitants about being Muslims, terrifying everyone in sight. People who are there to peacefully worship God. Then, there are the multitude of politicians - yes they are white supremacists also - who can't wait to jump on a microphone and proclaim their desire to keep out people seeking safety from war torn lands whose instability results from criminal capitalist policies, both economic and military. Last, but not least, there are the millions of mindless minions who follow these deranged fools and by your silence fuel their gangster pursuits.
You are all cowards because if you are really feeling unsafe you would direct your attention towards talking to your sick fathers, sons, brothers, cousins, nephews, wives, sisters, daughters, nieces, who - so filled with white entitlement - are unable to grasp the reality of a crumbling capitalist system where they're prized vision of a superior standard of life is beaten back to Earth, forcing them to (gasp) face the same uncertain future as the rest of us. These are the people who represent the highest terrorist threat. Your cowardice won't fact that though. Instead you will remain a worthless cowards because if you really wanted the race war you claim you want, you wouldn't go to a church, pretend you are there in peace, and then kill everyone in sight. You would go into any inner city ghetto community and unleash your drunken tirade to the masses of suffering people there. Many who are waiting and wishing for some fool like you to come by and give them an outlet for the frustration that capitalism has institutionalized in their daily lives. You wouldn't be targeting immigrant Muslim communities, people who are fleeing violence and/or still in a place where they respect "Murica" as a place where they think they want to fit in. You would have brought your message to the Million Man March, which by the way was organized by probably the most militant Muslim group in "Murican" history. Yet you didn't show up in D.C. for the march and you won't take your sickness to people who are prepared to provide you with the cure you need. You will continue to pry upon the people who are unable to defend themselves. You will be prying upon people who have no idea you are coming. You will probably even issue threats to this post because that's what you do and that's who you are. Either way it doesn't matter though. It doesn't matter if you kill more people, including myself. No matter how many cowardly acts you complete we are going to win and I'm not telling you anything about it that you already don't know. You have been foolishly living on the promise of a stolen system for years and now the people who have been victimized are coming back for what rightfully belongs to them. You have the opportunity to jump from the sinking capitalist ship and proclaim your solidarity to the masses of people on the planet. Some of you will wake up and do the right thing and for those of you that do, we welcome you with open arms. For those of you who continue to be hoes for the capitalist system, just realize, your time of catching us by surprise is withering away. That door is closing fast. Your terrorism over the last 500 years has effectively eliminated the "we shall overcome crowd" to a much smaller segment of our people. Plus, there are many more European people who are growing tired of your cowardly ways. These people are prepared to do whatever it takes to undermine your cowardly acts up to and including infiltrating your work so that you can be exposed for the coward you are. I recently released a 542 page novel "The Courage Equation" which demonstrates how a white woman can go undercover and undermine the work of a white supremacist organization. Your wives, daughters, sisters, etc., are loving this story. Activists are talking about new strategies to take you down. Soon, we will start to see art imitate life. Your sheets, which used to promote fear, now promote anger. You can hide behind all the flags you want, soon, none of that is going to save you. There is a chance for you though if you can stop being a coward and face some truths. This is not your country now, nor has it ever been your country and everything the country has is stolen from the rape of Africa and other parts of the world. Stop listening to ignorant @ssholes on television and the radio. Start picking up books and doing that dirty four letter word - READ. In essence, stop being a loser. There is an old African proverb that says "even a dead fish can go with the current." Wake up and start aiming your attack at the only entity that deserves it, the capitalist system and all it's appendages of injustice. Start entering into sincere solidarity with legitimate causes for justice and forward human progress. Start being real people and stop blaming innocent people for what's not going right in your lives. I have faith in you because I have no reason to fear you, but are you willing to face truth and stop living a lie? Do you have faith in yourself? Time will tell, but either way, your ability to shape the narrative, whatever way it goes, is fast running out.