We're talking about this entirely common, racist, approach by many of these people in viewing African, Indigenous, and other colonized folks as incapable of standing up for our own dignity. This view, promotes the completely a-historical perspective that when white supremacy assaults us, we are incapable of doing anything besides suffering from these assaults while being defeated. A consequence of this paternalistic view is its therefore the job of Europeans to protect us from this suffering because of their dysfunctional belief that if they don't protect us, we are defenseless. Manifestations of this behavior are the unwillingness of Europeans to listen to our definition of our struggle as it relates to fighting back against neo-colonialism in Africa, police terrorism, self sufficiency, etc. What I'm saying is, in spite of the disorganization of our people and our movements, our message to our so-called White accomplices has been incredibly consistent for the last 50 years. Stay out of our way and go organize your own backward communities! Still, so many Europeans continue to define their participation in the struggle for justice as that of playing a central role in our organizations, protests, and programs. Or, in other words, defining our message for us. They see it this way because they do not see us having the capacity to develop our own ideology and direction. This explains why they label our revolutionary ideologues - Kwame Nkrumah, Sekou Ture, Amilcar Cabral, Mangeliso Sobukwe, Amy Jacque Garvey, etc - only within the construct of their European lenses e.g. Marxist/Leninist, back to Africa, etc. They do this without even studying one paragraph written by our immortal leaders.
It should also be said that in conjunction with the dysfunction mentioned above, its overwhelmingly shocking how little knowledge these so-called accomplices have of basic African or Indigenous ways of life, philosophy, customs/practices, and ways of viewing and engaging in the world on a daily basis. On top of this, most of these people have absolutely no knowledge of African organizations e.g. what they did, how they organized, and what capacities they developed. Without any of this information, these White people are left to accept the narrative of us provided by our enemies. And that narrative is that we are lesser and incapable of determining our own destiny. I'll give a simple example here to illustrate the point. Several very well meaning people have expressed to me over the last several weeks their concerns about some backward right wing propaganda that is being aimed against our independent freedom school effort here in Portland, Oregon. These White people have expressed concerns for our safety and they have offered to "come by" in order to support us. Some may see no harm in any of this, but the problem is we have made it clear that we don't want you to "stop by" because we are building a base of operations and organizing work with our people. And you "dropping by" obviously gets in the way of that taking place. Also, what is it that makes you think that if those cowardly white supremacists/nationalists did decide to make an appearance, with the intention of disrupting our work, that we are not prepared and equipped to welcome them in the only way they deserve? We can certainly assure all of you that we are better prepared than you are because you just started dealing with all of this within the last year or two while we have been dealing with it for our entire 500 years of colonialism and slavery, in every corner of the world where we exist.
These so-called well meaning people have such little interest in learning anything about us that they aren't even serious enough to study even cursory history of these types of things. If they did, they would realize how stupid they sound to us, in spite of their good intentions. I mean, when is the last time you heard about a group of white supremacists/nationalists confronting a group of organized and militant Africans? You haven't heard of that because it has never happened. And it never will, but as long as most White liberals/so-called radicals still continue to view us all as non-violent, singing, pacifists, then they will never realize that although there is absolutely nothing wrong with non-violence and pacifism, we are as complex a people as White people are. This means we have people from all walks of life just like you do. Some are non-violent and some will knock a cracker's head off his shoulders if he tries to assert violence against us. And, if you were really serious, instead of content to just front like you are our accomplice, than you would take time to learn about the Universal Negro Improvement Association, the African Blood Brotherhood, the Land and Freedom Movement (Mau Mau), African Party for the Independence of Guinea-Bissau, Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola, Republic of New Afrika, Nation of Islam, Black Panther Party, and many, many, others, that clearly demonstrate that there have always been, and will always be, many of us who will give violent Whites more than what they bargained for.
So, my advice to you all who truly want to make a contribution is to turn off the television. Turn off youtube. Take time to read whatever you can about organizations like the ones listed above and any others who work for African self determination. And, finally, accept once and for all the indisputable truth that the only meaningful accomplice work you can do is organizing your people for revolution, or at least militant reform. Go ahead. You can do it. Don't worry about us. Whether you are here are not, we are going to do just fine with what we have to do.