Instead, all I want to do is make a simple ask to those of you have have your social media PhD's (or maybe some of you put a little extra effort into it - you got your Masters and PhD from CNN, FOX, CIA, etc) to please think of those of us who take this liberation work seriously. Help me keep the headaches caused by overwhelming nonsense to a minimum. Just please think about what you are saying, posting, etc., before you do it. I mean, you have to admit, its really hard for those of us who live for Africa's liberation. Those of us who dedicate our lives 24/7 to this cause, to listen to you with your overnight expertise on Africa after you saw the Black Panther movie. Then, to add insult to injury, you actually had the nerve to get offended when we checked your perspective of the movie. You apparently only believe in freedom of speech when it comes out of your mouth. And, you definitely believe that your 24 hour degree has more credibility than our life long work for this cause. When we made critical assessments of Killmonger's role, you know the subtle elements behind it that quite possibly many of you aren't trained yet to see, we have a lot of science behind our analysis. I can assure you it isn't just an emotional reaction like...Well, you get the point. So, I know you only really give respect to whomever the capitalist system tells you to respect, like its mercenaries in its military, or bourgeois politicians, or corrupt religious leaders, etc. But, although many of you see absolutely no value in respecting the people who genuinely stand up for you everyday, can you at least give us headache breaks by thinking first?
And, speaking of respecting those who genuinely stand up, I realize people like Bill Cosby, R. Kelly, and Kanye West are role models in some way or another to many of you, but do you have the capacity to imagine a slightly different world? One where clowns and jesters within our enemy's system aren't the people that represent our dignity. Instead, could it be possible that some of us choose people who sincerely represent the best of our dignity by standing up and fighting the system that oppresses us instead of entertaining for it? That there are those of us who instead choose to honor people like Malcolm, Assata, Kwame Nkrumah and Kwame Ture, Sekou Ture, Carmen Pereira, Amy Jacque Garvey, etc? And, since those courageous and principled people are our role models, can you understand for one moment that since we have those giants, we could never pay one second to anything Kanye says, thinks, or does? And, since that makes sense e.g. meaning we seem to be doing pretty well in knowing what we are talking about right (you are reading what we have to say), then could it be possible that you could maybe consider our approach? Just for one moment consider it?
Lastly, let us remember the ill refutable words of one Kwame Ture. "One cannot understand something unless one participates in that something." You cannot intelligently discuss Physics unless you study the science, engage in experimentation, understand the natural and universal laws that guide the laws of physics. The same principle is true for our struggle for liberation. You cannot understand the elements of our struggle just by reading social media articles and watching Youtube videos. You can only understand our struggle by participating in organizations that are fighting for justice for our people and humanity. This is ill refutable truth because individuals cannot change the social conditions. Only the masses of people can do that so just engaging on an individual level does not, and can never, quality you to understand our struggle. Or, as Marcus Garvey put it "no one person who lives 70 or 80 years will live long enough to understand the forces that have shaped a world that has existed millions of years." That's why collective struggle is essential to being able to understand our struggle. If you aren't involved in organized study against our oppression, you can vent, post, yell, all you want...Your analysis has to be somewhat limited. Or, at the very least, even if you are the most intelligent person on Earth, if you united with others and participated with them, your greatness would only be expanded. No one can argue we would benefit from that boost right?
We know your opinion is the most important thing in the world to many of you, but if you care at all about actually solving these problems, and not co-existing with them, can you consider these points the next time Kanye vomits? The next time Hollywood produces a movie about us? The next time one of these system clowns takes action. Any type of action? Unfortunately, I can promise you plenty of opportunities to practice because if we hold our breath long enough, their next manifestation of stupidity should be upon us any second from now.