Continuing on, millions of persons are experiencing serious financial difficulty in this society. These hard working folks have lost their jobs for extended periods of time and fell behind. They have lost their houses and many have been forced to rely on public assistance. For their troubles, these people are told they are experiencing the problems they face because they haven't worked hard enough, or they have made bad decisions. Meanwhile, the multi-national banks, many whose trickery and fraud is the real reason behind the suffering these people are experiencing, were awarded an $873 trillion "bailout" five years ago for their crash and financial problems. This bailout was supplied courtesy of the working class tax payers, many who fall within the category that started this paragraph. No one ever questions the decision making of these big banks as the reasons for why they ended up in their poor financial position. In case you forgot, I'm talking about Chase Manhattan, Lehman Brothers, AIG, Wells Fargo, Wachovia, etc. Yes, these are all the very same culprits who's financial foundation is based on capitalizing on the tri-angular slave trade that horribly exploited Africa and millions of African people while stealing the land of the Indigenous people's of the Western Hemisphere. These people have never worked an honest day in their lives. They exploit us to do that for them, yet no one ever accuses them of lacking a work ethic. In fact, most people are so brain dirtied that they don't even think to question the absurd logic that the purpose of the bailout was to create jobs. Five years later, where are those good bank jobs? The only job growth is in service industry; low pay, no benefits. Don't hold your breath waiting for those office bank jobs to surface.
The final example for this testimony is around the question of justice. African people have a history of standing up to resist this racist system. As Kwame Ture said it "we have burned this country from plantations to cities." What we have seen when people have justifiably risen up to express outrage against police terrorism is our people characterized as thugs and criminals for our righteous rebellion. Meanwhile, the descendants of Europe are given to setting fires, breaking windows, and turning police cars over, not to protest an injustice, but because their football or baseball team won a meaningless championship. Or, as in the case of New Hampshire, because they could not purchase the pumpkin size of their choice. None of these people are labeled as thugs. Instead, FOX News, CNN, and others characterize them and vicious killers like Dyann Roof as misguided and psychologically troubled.
These contradictions illustrate that this capitalist system can never be based on freedom and democracy. Instead, its about today what it's always been about; murder, theft, and injustice. Twenty years later they are still mad at one Orenthal James Simpson for employing the same strategy the capitalist system has always employed; creating the reality you want to justify your actions. The masses of Africans see this contradiction clearly. That's why they cheered the O.J. verdict. Not because we like O.J. Africans know he abandoned our people back in the 1960s. It was an exercise in the U.S. getting as Malcolm X said "a case of chickens coming home to roost." Our vision is becoming clearer everyday and many other people are also finally starting to wake up to these contradictions. This is how we know the days of the capitalist system are numbered. Despite the smoke and mirrors, the old African proverb will eventually come true; "when you boil dirty water, the scum always rises to the top!"