Now, back to African people. Stop reacting to being called African by letting me know you are an amerikkkan. If you were an amerikkkan, we wouldn't even need to have this discussion. Or, as Malcolm X so correctly pointed out, "if you were an amerikkkan, you wouldn't need legislation to protect your rights. The fact you need that is because you aren't an amerikkkan!" And stop only using the term Black to define us simply because you are ignorant and/or ashamed of Africa. Time to get deeper into that concept. This country as we know it today is the direct result of industrialization taking place from the exploitation of Africa, the Americas, Asia, and the people who descend from those places as well as working class white people. Without this system of exploitation and discrimination there would be no capitalism. There would be no banking system, no insurance industry, no fine clothing industry, no agriculture, and no disparity in riches. You can get mad at me for saying it, but you cannot refute it so just acknowledge it because doing so is healthy. Its liberating when you realize that it's unhealthy for you to continue to try and become a part of the very capitalist system that is working to destroy you. Stop trying to recreate, redefine, and reintroduce capitalism as any type of solution for African people, anywhere. If you knew how to pay any attention, you would see that the entire world is rising up against capitalism. This is happening in Eastern and Western Europe. It's certainly happening in Central and South America and Africa. Even here in amerikkka, white people are more against capitalism now than ever. Critiques against this system are rising up everywhere and here you are trying to put lipstick on a dying system that's maintained on exploiting us. Wealth building. Investment. "Black business." These are all cute ways of trying to put a new face on capitalism. the truth is you can't have police terror without racism and you can't have racism without capitalism, but you are so busy trying to redefine the system that's oppressing you that you can't see it. You can't see it because you are working so hard to find your little piece of capitalism in your own little space in amerikkka. You ignore the fact this land was stolen from another people. You selfishly dismiss other people's suffering, but then you are angry that those people don't acknowledge your pain. Stop living a fantasy and wake up and see that some of our very best leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Kwame Ture, Huey P. Newton, Assata Shakur, Malcolm X, etc, have been telling us what I'm saying here for 50 years, but we are so hypnotized we can't see it. We think our laziness, ego, and uninformed opinions are more relevant than the hard study and dedicated work of the revered ancestors and elders previously mentioned. That's a manifestation of an exploitative system that is built and maintained on our ever so willing backs.
It's 2014. Anyone who has even rudimentary research skills knows that police terrorism exists because of the need for the state to repress the people who's oppression fuels this system. When these ignorant/arrogant white people (and the many trained dark people they have working alongside them) say anything ignorant why do you get upset? If I were you, I'd ask myself what they have studied to produce their empty analysis? What books they have read? You already know the answer is zero. You can listen to or watch Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, etc., and you will know instantly where these backward views are coming from and O'Reilly, Hannity, Limbaugh, etc, are just mouthpieces for capitalism. It's the type of poor information that any trained person can obliterate in seconds. "African on African crime." Are you kidding me? Saying that is supposed to be some sort of counter position against police terrorism? There isn't any group of people that doesn't kill its own kind disproportionately. In fact, there is only a 6% difference between the consistency from which Africans, Europeans, Indigenous (Latino), and Asian people kill within their own communities. Yet, there you are parroting that nonsense. In fact, I've had more Africans attempt to argue the "African on African" argument to me then white people. At least white racists seem to have sense enough to avoid trying to talk to people who they know will destroy them intellectually, but not you. You prefer to mimic the insane. You couldn't wait to stand up and agree with Bill Cosby when he dishonestly attempted to portray himself as the moral voice of the African community. You didn't even have the political sophistication to de-construct his very backward arguments. Now look at him and look at you who supported him. Could it be that it's finally time for you to wake up and realize that anytime any African is given space and time to articulate anything in this backward system it's only because that African is speaking for moneyed interest who are sticking it to you. Think about it. When is the last time you heard a coherent African on national television? Or maybe you are so confused that you thought the steady stream of house negroes that make it on your T.V. are coherent? You are the only people who look to idiots like Bill Cosby, and Pharrell for an analysis about your people. What Chinese entertainer do you know that is the go to person to articulate the conditions of Chinese people? Even if there is such a thing, what Chinese community do you see perpetuating that foolishness? Can't you see that it's time for us to learn to see through these types of contradictions? Can we learn to ask ourselves what's really going on? Can we make a commitment to start doing that dirty four letter word - READ? Can we stop rushing to express opinions that have been handed to you by the very same people who despise us and start developing some comprehensive opinions of our own about the world we live in and our future in it?
It's time for us to sober up and realize that we have never fit in this society and we never will. For those of you who refuse to accept that reality, it's ok, but if you really care about our future - and aren't just trying to find a comfortable place from which to be oppressed - at least make a commitment to arm yourself with knowledge so you won't be so easily manipulated. At least resolve to start reading, regularly. Have the desire to stop being intellectually lazy. Stop parroting what you hear and start learning how to think critically. If you can think critically then you can act critically. But first, stop worrying about what our enemies think about us. The minute we decide to fashion our own destiny independent of what the capitalist system thinks of us is the moment we begin to seriously solve all the problems that we face. Our enemies know this and that's why they are so invested in keeping you tied to their system of power. That's why they desperately need to prevent you from identifying with the righteous anger many of our people are expressing. They know they are pulling a scam over you so that they can continue to maintain their empire on your backs. The moment you wake up and stop reacting to them is the moment you begin the process of helping us move forward. And if you have been paying attention, since this is all maintained on us, when we move, everyone moves, whether they want to or not. Your enemies know this. That's why they come at you with all barrels blazing. Stop making it so easy for them. Stop working so hard to become the first generation of Africans who refused to resist our oppression before it's too late. Wake up African! Stop being afraid to trust in your people, in yourself. Stop believing you can't exist without this backward system. Your best days will take place the minute this system no longer exists. Stop acting like you know everything when you know you are lazy. You should be reading a book a month. You should be reading one book on history, economics, philosophy, etc., for every television program you watch. If you aren't willing to do that then at least do us all a favor and shut up - PLEASE?