I'm going on my 34th year being an active member of the All African People's Revolutionary Party (A-APRP). I think that qualifies me to make several observations. I can guarantee you that you cannot find a more selfless and dedicated cadre of revolutionary organizers than those within the A-APRP. You will also not be able to find better trained, skilled, knowledgeable, and experienced on the ground organizers than those of the A-APRP. This is proven by the fact that with very few material resources and even less backing and support, over the last almost 50 years, the A-APRP has been able to establish a physical presence throughout much of Africa, Europe, including places like Russia, North, South, and Central America, and the Caribbean.
Despite this wide international presence and the amazing amount of work this presence has produced, you will not hear the A-APRP mentioned within typical activist circles within African communities and our existence is completely ignored within white left environments, but there are clear reasons for this.
The A-APRP has always concretely expressed our commitment to revolutionary transformation. Consequently, we have never sought to use the capitalist media to advance our work. In other words, we are the living embodiment of Gil Scott Heron's song "The Revolution will not be Televised." And, despite the fact A-APRP cadre are disciplined, well informed, and highly skilled, our commitment to revolutionary work means we never seek personal attention in our work. Therefore, most of the time, the work we do we don't even claim because our objective is the work, not the credit. For example, most everyone has heard the call to action for people to join organizations working for justice. This has been the core organizing principle for the A-APRP since our inception. We have done extensive on the ground work to get everyone from Minister Louis Farrakhan (study the history of the first Million Man March and our role in it) to Muammar Qaddafi to advance this join an organization line. You can also study the advancing consciousness among African people all over the world to connect and relate our liberation struggles to our African identify and culture, a clear hallmark organizing foundation of the A-APRP. In fact, it was during the A-APRP's introduction press conference in 1972 at Howard University where it was declared that we would "put the word African on the lips of every African everywhere."
All of that work, and much more like our "Smash the FBI/CIA" campaign which people thought the A-APRP was crazy for launching in the early 70s, has done wonders in advancing the consciousness of African people worldwide to our connection to each other and the need to recognize that in order to bring us closer to liberation. This work has also greatly influenced our people and other justice loving people as well, but all of this outstanding work isn't even the most incredible thing about A-APRP organizers to me.
The most outstanding element of the A-APRP is how the structure of this political party prepares its cadre to develop a selflessness and commitment that makes its organizers worth recognizing. I have a saying I use to describe this. I often state that I'm in environments I don't agree with 95% of my life. What that means is our life as revolutionary organizers is about raising the consciousness of all of our people. We take this approach because we realize we cannot have Pan-Africanism without Pan-Africanists. We cannot have revolution without revolutionaries. And, we cannot have socialism without socialists. So, the core of our work is raising that consciousness among the masses of our people. This work has taught us that political education is the most potent weapon at this time to move us closer towards our objective. That's why we are always suspect of any organization that places militarism over political education, regardless of their good intentions. The focus on political education has permitted us to produce a multitude of organizers on the ground all over the world who work selflessly. If you have attended any type of A-APRP event you know this to be true. No organization promotes other organizations as much, and even more, than it does itself than the A-APRP. No other African organization promotes other non-African struggles for justice as much as the A-APRP. People who lack revolutionary consciousness have a very difficult time understanding why we do things the way we do them because these people are not focused on transforming mass consciousness. We are. So, that's why we have no issue working below the radar. Working to build relationships while asking nothing in return. Working to help support all work within our communities. No one in any organization who has had any contact with on the ground A-APRP organizers can say anything different than we worked to support their work, even though they possibly cannot tell you in clear terms what our mission is (it should be said that often, those people end up joining the A-APRP and becoming some of our most effective cadre).
This isn't the place to explain why we are willing to do that. If you don't understand it, I can assure you its because you don't understand what it takes to create conditions for revolution. That's why we so fervently love and support the Cuban revolution the way we do because unlike so many so-called revolutionaries, we understand their struggle. They helped liberate the entire Southern portion of Africa asking nothing in return. This is what revolutionaries do and this is exactly how the A-APRP approaches our work.
So, to all those past, present, and future A-APRP cadre, here's a nod of respect for your work. They may not see you, but for those of us who know, you are organizing right now in the cold, racist, and unforgiving environment in Europe. You are dong the same in the same backward conditions throughout Western Hemisphere. You are certainly wading in difficult conditions at home in Africa that exist because of imperialism, but yet you shine in our work among our people. Some of you are establishing the A-APRP in places where it doesn't have much or any history at all. This is overwhelmingly challenging because our people have been completely programmed to reject any suggestion of independent African liberation. Yet you will continue. You will be constantly disrespected, yet you will continue because that's who A-APRP cadre are. And eventually, the seeds you plant will start to germinate.
This isn't a cry for recognition or thank yous. In fact, many A-APRP cadre will probably be uncomfortable with this writing. As Kwame Ture, one of the greatest A-APRP cadre, stated "we don't want fame, we don't want money...We only want the power of the organized masses!" As a result, I know A-APRP organizers don't need recognition. If we did we would have quit years ago because God knows we won't get it. I just wanted to let you know that the next time you hear people say our organizations aren't doing anything, think of the fact we are established all over the world. That cannot happen with no resources without some hard and consistent work taking place. Without something that resonates with our people. The next time you hear that our organizations are corrupt think about the fact you don't hear of the A-APRP stealing one penny although our contributions to our people can be seen with clear vision by the visually impaired. You don't hear about us permitting oppressive behavior from our members. You don't hear about us trying to manipulate a roach. We are not perfect, but we are always honest, consistent, and determined. No matter how much you understand or don't understand about our political party, you cannot question that if everyone operated with the same principles we bring to the table with everything we do, our people would advance quickly towards justice and liberation.
So while others may be consciously or unconsciously seeking positions, respect, acknowledgement, money, etc., we continue to work tirelessly and selflessly to create the conditions for the final battle that will bring true liberation to not just token members of our community, but to the masses of African people everywhere. And to those A-APRP organizers on the ground, we see you. We see your work, and we appreciate everything you do. You inspire us and we hope our work inspires you. Together we will grow and become strong enough so that those who ignore our work will be forced to see it. That day is coming and coming fast.