Energy around the event feels and seems good. I'm hoping for a great turnout, not for personal ego purposes, but to provide the greatest opportunity for connecting with people who potentially wish to engage the type of work that needs to be done here. We are revolutionaries which mean we recognize revolutions cannot happen without revolutionaries so I need to connect with people here if the work is going to happen.
The interesting thing about organizing this event is I chose to use the picture above to promote the event. Its a picture of three European (white) young women that is floating around on the internet. In this Trump era we are in where so many people have found it acceptable to reveal to the entire world how completely excited they are to be as ignorant as human capacity permits, pictures of these idiots wearing these "make america great again" or some variation thereof, hats, shirts, whatever, have become commonplace.
What's interesting is how many people, upon seeing the picture in relationship to the event, have asked me about the women in the picture. The people asking me this have nothing, I believe, except the best of intentions. I'm convinced they are asking because of the sorry state of truth and justice in this society today. As I've said often, truth and justice should always, 100% of the time, go hand in hand with the material reality we live in. In other words, one plus one equals two. That's objectively true and there is absolutely no way to discuss that question and conclude with a different result. This is true because material reality demands that we recognize the truth that there is only one answer when you take one and add it to one and that universal answer is two, period. The problem we have today is the enemies of humanity understand clearly that the dominance over the world that they wholeheartedly support is rooted in injustice, lies, murder, sabotage, terrorism, and immorality. Therefore, in order to continue to perpetuate this fraud against humanity, these people have had to develop a propaganda mechanism that promotes bourgeoisie idealism as the dominant methodology in which to evaluate everything that happens on earth. By bourgeoisie idealism we mean normalizing the absurd belief that whatever subjective concepts we have floating around in our heads supersedes the material truths that exist in front of us provided those subjective concepts fit the narrative we wish to promote. That's the idealistic part. The bourgeoisie part is those subjective ideas have been supplied to our brains courtesy of the capitalist system. So, in this environment, European men who have been only ever so slightly pushed to make room for the rest of us, a just consequence of a system built on subjugating the rest of us to the benefit of the majority of European men, can claim confidently that they are being discriminated against. White people as a whole can claim the same in this alternate universe. Systemic oppression that is documented by unquestionable data can be summarily dismissed in favor of subjective and unsubstantiated individual interpretations of reality. Material reality in today's realm means whatever confusion floating around in my head that I can convince you is real. For most Europeans, this means they have every right to make us feel guilty for calling them out for supporting our oppression. For us, this means us feeling guilty for calling them out for supporting our oppression.
In this dysfunctional experience, people can look at these women in the picture above and actually see them as potential victims. Some people say they appear to be possibly intoxicated in the picture with their "keep america great" and pray to our savior white God messages. Some people have suggested to me that possibly, these women didn't know what they were doing. Some even consider the fact that I am harming these women by presenting them as the face of white supremacy. And, everyone making these suggestions isn't European. The discussions have resulted from all types of people because everyone under this capitalist empire is trained by the same so-called schools, churches, work places, and social environments that are all dominated by curriculum supplied by white supremacist indoctrination. An indoctrination that trains us to elevate the conditions of Europeans above everyone on earth as policy, even if their interests collide with our own just interests.
Honestly, I haven't spent two seconds wondering anything about these young women and I will never spend any time thinking about that. To me, people like these young women and everything they represent, everyone they know, are walking breathing contradictions. They preach individual choices e.g. people who are oppressed, incarcerated, poor, houseless, etc., are that way because they didn't make the right choices. Well, these idiots chose to display themselves with racist messages. Even a grade school child can understand that a country built on injustice and oppression has absolutely no potential to have ever been "great" so if you are wearing that stupidity you don't get to claim historical ignorance. The information confirming your greatness is built on our shoulders is all around us. If you don't see it, its at least partially because you don't wish to see it since it conflicts with the world you wish to see. These people need to take responsibility for being this weak and sorry. You have made a decision to side with the oppressors of the masses of humanity because this belief that "america is great, was great, and will be great" is nothing except the wicked and corrupt ideology of the ruling capitalist classes who wish to wipe away forever the true history of this backward country. No one can convince me that these people have no clue about what I'm talking about. They have made their decision and clearly, they don't care what trauma it metes out for the rest of us.
So, understand if I don't care how they are portrayed in the process. I intentionally didn't want to use a picture of neo-nazis, etc., because that's a major part of the problem today. Too many people mistakenly view systemic white supremacy as an action someone overtly takes against colonized people. In other words, if a person isn't physically attacking a colonized person for being dark, or calling them names, etc., to far too many confused souls, there's no white supremacy taking place. I chose this picture because the face of white supremacy should be all of those people who uphold Western capitalism because that system is inherently racist. The neo nazis, klan, etc., are simply products of capitalism, but they are just different components of the system from the bankers, politicians, and bureaucrats who actually do more harm to us than the violent groups do.
These women in this picture are white supremacy, no less than a robed klan member. Plus, I think its important to challenge the myth that European women are any more an accomplice to us against white supremacy than their men. Without question, the overwhelming majority of European women have consistently chosen over history to side with their men against us at every turn. And, along with that, for those who argue for multi-racial class organizing, its equally true that the majority of working class Europeans have chosen consistently to side with capitalism against us. The fact so many working class white people voted for Trump, including an overwhelming number of white women, says all that needs to be said to confirm this. And, yes, the majority of men also choose patriarchy over solidarity and justice for non-men. The difference with me is I will always fully acknowledge and will continue to fight against this contradiction. You will never see me defending patriarchy the way most white people defend white supremacy. White supremacy and patriarchy (and homophobia, ableism, ageism, are byproducts of capitalism and imperialism).
On November 14th, we will be discussing white supremacy, its historical origins, and the systemic way in which its upheld and carried out. We'll also be discussing the ways we organize against this system. A component of this will be what serious and honest Europeans need to do in order to side with the masses of peace and justice loving people in the world. This is clearly the foundation of all of the work that we do. No one can say otherwise and suggest we are in any way attacking white people. We attack those who side with our enemies against justice. If you are white, and many of these people are, then yes, we attack you and anyone else who makes this historical error.
'm trying to do my absolute best to make these young women in this picture famous. Like all of the villains who define this decadent society, they deserve no less.