Look, for the record, we think anyone who goes out to challenge these cowards is to be commended. And, we believe showing up to challenge them is a very important thing for people to be doing. What we object to is people who just started showing up last week, month, or year, etc., telling those of us who have been battling those losers for decades what we need to be doing.
First, lets clarify that white supremacy was created by white people for the benefit of white people to be sustained by white people. Logically, that means white people should be out in the streets challenging it because challenging violent white supremacy isn't just something we need to do on any given weekend. Its something we have to do everyday. These people talking about "showing up" would have to show up a whole lot more times, more times than I assure you they will, to catch up to the number of confrontations I've had with violent white supremacists. From ordering a pizza, to getting gasoline, to sitting in a park, to going to a coffee shop, to just being at work, school - you know - things you do in everyday life, I've had confrontations with these people. And, that's not to mention to activism that has brought me in direct conflict with them, often when it was just me and a couple of other people, overwhelmingly outgunned. So, sorry, but you people don't get to tell us colonized people who are not physically there what opposition looks like.
Frankly, its about time white people started throwing blows at these people. We were the only ones doing it forever while most white people observed from the sidelines. And, although its certainly unfortunate that the corrupt political elite in this backward country are framing the discussion to criminalize those fighting against these fascists, we have been telling you for centuries how it feels to be criminalized just for standing up for justice. So, instead of you beating your chest and demanding that everyone acknowledge what you are doing, we have some humble suggestions for how we can expand beyond the little stuff and actually build a strong enough movement to eliminate these nasty people.
It has to be acknowledged that just "showing up", although great, is still the absolute minimum effort required in this fight. The criteria is so liberal at this point that someone can go to a rally in red, white, and blue, and fully support the imperialism of the capitalist U.S., and still consider themselves to be anti-fascist. This is an oxymoron. Any country like the U.S., and everyone who supports the U.S.,will never qualify as being anti-fascist. The U.S. claimed to be fighting fascism in Germany during World War II while supporting the subjugation of millions of people in Africa, Asia, and the Western Hemisphere. The U.S. firmly supported/supports the apartheid regime in Azania (South Africa), the zionist regime in occupied Palestine, the colonial oppression of the people of Ireland, the Philippines, etc. All of those regimes had/have strong elements of fascist oppression within them so how the hell can the U.S. be viewed as the leader against fascism? And if you support the U.S. and call yourself an American you are a major part of the contradiction that has birthed the idiots you are on the street confronting these days.
The opening requirement for any true anti-fascist within the U.S. is opposition to the criminal U.S. empire. Then, from that point, we have to start engaging in block by block to organize ourselves to win this fight. We cannot just continue to just "show up." Its such an obvious thing at this point that I can already tell you what will happen at most of these gatherings. Justice desiring people will show up with little to no organization. The police, clearly the state's official allies to the openly fascist groups, will serve to support the presence of the shoe scum while harassing any efforts to challenge their existence. Those challenging the fascists, in uniform and out, will be beat, arrested, doxxed, and other forms of oppression because of our lack of organization when what we should be doing is figuring out how to trip up the entire oppressive apparatus. What ways can We cripple the cities, etc., when these people show up? What strategies can we employ to make it painful for these people to show up? We could be doing that, which would bring us success, but we don't. Instead, we just keep "showing up" without any plan and then we wonder why the results consistently turn out against us.
We are talking to people about community defense as that is the model from which we prepare ourselves to fight back effectively to win. Its a part of our strategy to compliment our revolutionary Pan-African work which is community defense in Africa on the offensive to create one unified socialist Africa. We will continue to implore and encourage people to become open to this approach. Many of us colonized people are not "showing up" because we don't just jump into action in reaction to our enemies. Instead, we daily engage in organizing work to build capacity to permit us to no longer have to "show up." Meanwhile, we appreciate you being out there, but don't think because you don't see us operating within your world that we aren't doing anything. The world isn't an extension of your nose. We are past being excited about punching a piece of rotten toilet scum. We want their complete elimination and we want the organized power for the masses of people of earth. "Showing up" is an important part of that process, but to see it as the only part is akin to seeing taking in a breath as the complete requirement to learning how to swim. Be safe. Make strong anti-fascist statements and then after the adventure ends start thinking about how we step up the game to the next level of this fight.