Can I share something with you that just irritates me to death? Have you ever had dinner with a doctor, dentist, attorney, garbage collector, meter maid, McDonalds frycook, whomever, and that person began to talk about their profession. When they did so, did you immediately cut them off and start disagreeing with their assessment of what they do for a living? Of course you didn't because you would look like an absolute fool if you did. So, since we all understand that, why is it that the minute someone like me makes a statement about race relations, most, not all, but most White people immediately disagree and start spouting off about something that has nothing to do with the topic?
I'm not saying I'm the world's top expert on racism, but there are not many who have my credentials. I've studied the issue for the last 35 years. I've obtained a masters degree in social relations, but more important than that, I've experienced it my entire life and I've worked for over 30 years to eradicate racism. I think that gives me the right to have a qualified opinion on the subject.
Its not that I don't mind listening to people, but its hard to listen to ignorant opinions about race and racism when its obvious the minute you open your mouth that you have no experience with the issue, haven't read a single book about it, and really don't ever think about the topic until you are forced to.
Everyone has the right to be ignorant I guess if that's your choice, but humble yourself. When you have the opportunity to hear an informed opinion on racism, shut up! I know it will be hard because that opinion attacks your desire to see this nation as the perfect Disneyland, but try to realize and accept (for a change) that this discussion isn't about you right now. Shut up, listen, and learn something. You'll make the world a better place. I promise you that when you talk to me about something I don't know as much about that I'll extend you the same courtesy :)