The increasingly open and unashamedly ignorant racist comments reguarly received to these blogs is clear proof that we are striking a nerve among the weak minded White right. This is funny to me. What's funny is I post infromation on this blog and all these creampuff idiots can do is respond by yelling obsenities racial epithets. Unfortunately for them, I am such a product of racist amerikkka that they are much too late if they think they can upset or offend me. I've been called racist names by racists far superior than the lightweight scum responding here. It's also funny how they are so weak with their racist coaxing that they make grand sweeping statements that are totally off the mark (the sure sign of desperation). For example, these racists redneck cavemen tell me I'm the product of affirmative action education and that they, White people I guess, have paid for my education. Well if that's how I was supposed to have gotten my degrees somebody forget to tell me. If they had I wouldn't have worked fulltime through college. But if these ignorant fools are right than you White folk owe me about $40,000 that I spent on my BS and MS degrees and another $60,000 I've spent on my daughter's education. So I have a question for you klansmen How do I collect my affirmative action money? Like every other intellectual point I've raised, I don't expect you to answer. Just keep burning your crosses. It's clear you really don't want to debate. Seems as if what you are really doing is compensating for something?
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I'm thankful that most of my black friends and family are nothing like Mr. Umi. I guess he would consider them "uncle-toms". Most are hard working Americans and are not so feeble minded about racism to be recruited by Islam or Communism. It's the same thing as a confused teen being recruited by a gang. America is far from perfect, but I'll take it over any country in the world. Racist, foul-mouthed, hypenated-americans of any ethnic group just bring our country down. They have no idea how lucky they are to be an American, and are intent on destroying it.
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