By 1630 the Pequots were virtually wiped out as a result of the war waged against them by their ungrateful visitors. Consequently, the White folks took over this territory in the Virginia area and this illustrates one of the first examples of how wealth was created, or stolen, and why those that have it now have it and those who don't, don't. You can trace the history of the so-called Fourth of July (we call it Fourth of the Lie). In that instance, a so-called free country is celebrated while completely ignoring that the initial wealth was built on the backs of African slaves. In fact, the banking and insurance industries, and basically the seed money to finance industrialization, or the development of capitalism, was generated by the tri-angular slave trade.
Of course, the point of telling this history is to highlight that the superrich who own all the wealth didn't get it through hard work and diligence. They got there through theft and murder. Likewise, the people who are poor today aren't that way because they are lazy and want handouts. They are the people who work the lowest paying jobs, if they have one at all. The hardest jobs. That's why wherever there are people of color you see them cleaning the rooms, carrying the bags, working in fastfood places, and generally monopolizing the minimum wage no benefit jobs. That's why it's thankstaking. Everything in this nation is a lie except the fact working poor and people of color are the backbone of this society. Everyone else, I hope