Stop talking about achievement is based on merit and that everyone has the opportunity to "succeed" if they work hard because clearly, this isn't true. David Bowie dies and everything stops. His songs are played everywhere and everywhere you look his work is being honored and respected. Maurice White of Earth Wind & Fire dies and there is hardly a blip compared to the outcry at the loss of Mr. Bowie. This disparity is reflected in record sales, awards, and every aspect of their experiences as European (white) and African musicians/performers in a racist society. And, since no logical person can argue that David Bowie is a more talented song writer, producer, and performer than Maurice White, then there's no question that hard work and ability have absolutely nothing to do with success. Or, as the old saying says, its not what you do, its who you know. Or, who you are.
And, please stop telling African youth that the reason they are having difficulty is because they won't pull their pants up and speak "proper English." The problems they experience have absolutely nothing to do with any of those things. The problems result from African people being universally disrespected and that disrespect will remain until Africa is free, unified, and socialist. It isn't until that happens that we have the power to force people to respect us. This need for power and our lack of it is the reason why our youth are disrespected. It cannot be because of how they speak English because depending upon which part of the world you are in, and because of Britain's colonial legacy, English is spoken all over the world, quite differently. It doesn't sound in Australia like it sounds in Britain. It doesn't sound in Jamaica like it sounds in California. It doesn't even sound in Oregon like it does in Mississippi. So where does the hierarchy come in? Who decided that the African style of English was inferior? If people can communicate effectively what's the problem? And, if there was a hierarchy wouldn't the British way of pronouncing words, which is quite different from the U.S. way, be the standard since that's where the language originated from? So, by that standard, isn't everyone in the U.S. speaking inferior English, not just African people? Of course, the answer to all of that is we are singled out and disrespected because of white supremacy. It devalues everything we produce because that's its methodology for keeping us oppressed. This is also why so much time and energy is placed into shaming the way our youth dress. Please don't be simple minded and assume I'm saying I have a burning desire to see every young man's booty crack. I don't. But, what I'm saying is the standards of dress that we respect have been provided to us by the people who oppress us. Its a totally subjective standard that they created so just like language, there really is no hierarchy on dress. There's really no qualification on people not even wearing clothes as being something on a lower level of human dignity. Based on what would that have merit? How does wearing pants make you more civilized than not wearing them? My point is the issue isn't the sagging its who's doing it and how those people have to be controlled. Many Africans are confused around this question, choosing to "police" our youth for the power structure. Saying things like sagging is a prison tactic as a way of attempting to discourage our youth while at the same time continuing to ignore the blatant disrespect our people experience at the hands of the demopublican party every two years for decades. In other words, don't shame our youth for supposedly disrespecting our legacy while ignoring the ways in which you do the exact same thing.
The point here is the youth are seeing these contradictions more and more. So stop and think about this stuff a little deeper before becoming a message delivery person for the capitalist system and its chief aide - white supremacy. This system is built, run, and maintained on oppression. There's no fair opportunity or reward for the masses of African people. There's only continued exploitation as long as this system continues to exist. Possibly the force of those last statements knocks some of you over. If so, that's because their spoken with clarity straight out the front of the mouth. Not through both sides like what most of us are accustomed to.