In order to get the message in this post you have to be a type of person who doesn't let anyone limit your thinking. Someone who thrives to see the world in your own hard developed vision that seeks to overthrow the oppressive status quo. This is revolutionary thinking we are engaging here. And, the first principle of revolutionary thinking is you never let your enemy define the methods in which you engage the war you are involved in.
The current reality is that the international decline of capitalism is undeniable. There was a time not that long ago, in the 1980s, where industrial and service jobs were so plentiful that wages experienced consistent growth in capitalist countries. Of course, the problem with that economic model is that "growth" has always been predicated on the continued exploitation of the majority of technologically challenged countries e.g. Africa, Asia, Central/South America, the Caribbean. As those exploited countries have gradually stepped up their opposition to their continued servitude to Western imperialism, the ability of capitalism to operate unfettered has been challenged at levels that have no historic equivalent. In other words, if you look at the world today, there is mass unrest everywhere. Sudan, the Congo, Guinea, Kenya, Azania (South Africa), Ghana, Puerto Rico, Haiti, Jamaica, Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia, South Korea, etc. And, in all of those places the core element driving the unrest is people's mass opposition to continued exploitation. Maybe the symbol of that oppression differs from place to place e.g. the president, the economic policies of certain industries, etc., but the underlining issue is the inability of the capitalist system to continue to maintain its grip on the masses of humanity. People all over the world see clearly that the few capitalists are making their lives miserable while destroying the planet in the process and people are rising up. The resistance is primarily spontaneous presently, but as George Clinton sings in the song "P-FUNK" that "is a temporary condition too!"
What all of this has unleashed is the realization on the part of the bourgeoisie (the elite classes who represent the capitalist classes) is the need for them to consolidate their forces to protect their interests. The methodology they have always used - effectively - is division and fear among the masses of people. Fear, not of them and what they are doing to destroy humanity, but fear of poor people, oppressed people - taking something from them that doesn't belong to them in the first place. Its important to understand this context because if you don't, you will be fooled into believing the myth that the elevation of Trump and other reactionary regimes throughout the capitalist world is some sort of organic manifestation all by itself. If you study history, you can see previous examples e.g. Germany after World War I. Downtrodden and defeated, the dye was cast for the rise of the Third Reich and Nazi Germany. This time, we are talking about much more than just the set back of a single capitalist country due to war. We are now talking about the complete decline of the entire capitalist system. In other words, this is huge people.
And, even if you cannot comprehend what's happening, the bourgeoisie classes understand this phenomenon fully. That's why they unleash their propaganda - "the immigrants are taking your jobs! The Africans are ready to steal your hard earned wealth, your daughter, and everything else you, and nobody but you, deserves. The s - - thole countries are threatening to take something from you by coming here and don't even think about the fact that they are coming here because you have robbed and destabilized their countries blind." So, now the environment in the world, particularly in the capitalist countries of Europe, zionist Israel, Australia, Canada, the European population of Azania, and without question the United States, is that no matter how inhumane, no matter how devoid of justice, they don't care, they are entitled and have the right to do whatever they want to maintain their position on top of the world. Even if that position is simply symbolic, at least they will have that. Or, as Lyndon Johnson said in 1967 - "if you want to get a white man to support you, just remind him that no matter how badly you exploit him, he's still better than a negro!"
Now, there's an army of people who think like this. Most of them are European (white). but since class struggle always drives other social factors like race, many of them are brown/colonized people who see a pathway for them to achieve economic prosperity by siding with the oppressors against the oppressed. This is the very same class struggle that has been predicted for centuries by people like Kwame Nkrumah, Sekou Ture, Amilcar Cabral, Franz Fanon, Walter Rodney, Ibn Kaldoun, Karl Marx, V.I. Lenin, Mao Tse Tung, Rosa Luxumberg, and countless other women and non-men who have been written out of the history books. And if the forces of justice are going to win this class struggle, we are going to have to learn how to play by our own rules and not those provided to us by our enemies.
I'm sick to my stomach from seeing openly the people infected by bourgeoisie ideology openly using white supremacy, patriarchy, homophobia, etc., without any regard for humanity, and the forces of justice disgustingly responding to this at every turn with overwhelming patience and continued attempts to use logic to confront this anti-human behavior. Kwame Ture - formally Stokely Carmichael - addressed the ineffectiveness of this approach 50 years ago when he said using morality in a struggle for justice only works if your enemy has a conscience. In the case of the U.S., and all capitalist entities, there is no conscience so morality is a completely ineffective method from which to seek social change. Ture went on to epxlain that in this instance, the issue isn't morality, but power. The bourgeoisie have it and the oppressed masses do not. In order to change the conditions, the oppressed masses must achieve power. They must create the conditions where disrespect and oppression against them comes with serious consequences for those who carry it out. Ture argues this is the only way the oppression will stop and he was absolutely correct.
So, stop trying to use civility, patience, and logic, to confront anti-human behavior. White people chanting "send her home" about an African woman who has been in the U.S. over two decades is about as clear an analysis as you can ever find to illustrate that those people don't care about logic and civility. They don't care about humanity and justice. This is inches away from lynch mobs running out into the street. Its time to meet this primitive element on levels they understand. When they start to express their vision of the world, its time for people to start telling them to shut the hell up. Come back and talk after you have read some books. Despite the fact I'm highly visible and my entire wardrobe consists of radical, revolutionary, Pan-African, socialist propaganda of some sort, these people never confront me. They mean mug, but they dare not say anything because bullies have to learn how to sense how to identity their prey. They know I'm not their prey. I'm a bigger predator than they are. They made me that way. They created and/or supported the conditions that forced me to grow up in a community where aggressiveness was a necessary survival technique. I've had decades to learn how to utilize that aggressiveness in politically progressive ways. And although people rarely confront me in person, their cowardly existence has trained them well on how to use the internet to do what they are not courageous enough to do in person. So, when people tell me to "go back to Africa" I tell them to them contribute financially to my ability to do just that (or shut the hell up). When they tell me they voted for Trump I tell them I doubt its humanly possible for me to care less what they did, what they think, or what they do. When they say if I don't like it here I should leave, I tell them this capitalist empire has stolen our African wealth for centuries so I'm just here to oversee the transfer of as much of our wealth back to us until our organized revolution is strong enough to take it all back. When they offer their opinions about white supremacy, etc., I ask them what books and/or work have they done around the topic because without those credentials it would be the same as me telling women about childbirth, worthless. I put them on the defensive. I meet their rudeness and callousness with a stern approach of my own and refuse to let them get away with passing off their foolishness on me. That's what justice loving people have to learn to do. And, when we do began to do this on organized levels we will begin to change the cultural climate which will make positive change much more possible.
This is why I attempted to weed out "liberals/conservatives" because those people will produce endless arguments about how we have to be civil, etc., because their primary interest is in sweeping the conflict under the table because that's the best way to preserve this system which is the primary objective these people have. For those of us interested in turning this backward system on its head, the best way to do that is the change the narrative and the best way we do that is by getting organized and pushing forward like we mean it instead of cowering down to nonsense and acting like we're shocked that this stuff is still happening.
So, embrace the time. These leaders are racist, xenophobic, patriarchal, homophobic, and anti-human because they have millions of supporters who support them being that way because being that way upholds capitalism and these people are convinced its in their best interests to ensure this happens. We have to recognize we are at war over people's hearts and minds. Our best weapon is dignity e.g. standing up to bullying by fighting back, not continually acting like bad acting people are just going to start doing the right thing just because its the right thing to do. Power will never concede anything without a demand. Its time for the demand to start becoming impossible to ignore.