Our African people have to accept the reality that the word is out. These racist Europeans know now that they will given the benefit of the doubt when they end our lives. The fact we are unarmed - the brother McGlockin from last week, and young Trayvon were both unarmed - is immaterial. These conditions are giving every European, or whomever it is who has a grudge against us, including some house negroes who do the master's bidding, a free pass to murder us at will. So, we know this. That means its time for us to prepare for how to deal with it so we can stay alive to fight another day. First, its important that we remember that most of these people out here aren't operating on any level of integrity and courage. The safest bet is that everyone out here is strapped, packing, whatever you want to call it, everyone has a gun. Particularly older European men. That's not stereotyping. They are by and large the typical gun owner and the most likely person out here to be carrying a weapon. And, by and large, most of them are so racist and full of animosity that they can't stand themselves. Someone recently summed it up this way; "white men have had 500+ years of privilege and still most of them are not farther along than the rest of us. If that was you, you would be frustrated and angry too!" Of course, we know the reason they are not farther along is no working people get farther along in mass under the capitalist system, but since so many people here are swooned by that lie that prosperity is right around the corner, the fact they don't have it causes them to believe there are reasons beyond their control that are prohibiting them from achieving the easy life. And, since most of these people lack moral backbones, its so easy for them to blame us for their miserable lives because doing so is sanctioned by this racist society. So, they do that. Their anger simmers against us while the capitalists, the real cause of their suffering, escape any scrutiny by these people because to challenge them requires consequences that most of these types of people just don't have the spine to carry out. Instead, they take out their frustrations on us.
What we need to do is when a European, or really anybody, but especially them, picks a fight with us, we have to start thinking automatically that it could be a set up. We cannot permit ourselves to fall victim to an emotional outburst and reaction because this is exactly what these cowards are hoping for. What we have to do is practice thinking through these situations. I've done that for years. What I do is think through scenarios. For instance, if I'm in a coffee-shop, which I often am, and someone confronts me about where I'm sitting, how loud I'm typing, what I have on, or my good looks. what are the wide range of ways these attacks would come at me and what will be my response? Then, I practice those responses over and over again. How I'll respond mentally and physically. And I practice both. On the mental level, I prefer to limit verbal to the bare minimum. In other words, you won't see me getting into an argument with anyone. If someone starts one with me I'm going to be watching what they are doing. I'm not going to be saying anything to them because that would serve only to distract me. Plus, the more you say, the more you lose the psychological edge. Let them talk because by them doing that, they will reveal, whether they intend to or not, valuable information that will help you prepare for them. While they are talking you should be observing them closely. What are they wearing? For example, if they have on a tank top, gym shorts, and sandals, its unlikely they will be carrying anything, but if they have a bag, backpack, baggy clothes, etc., you won't know if they have a weapon so just assume that they do. Another benefit to not talking is if they continue to harass you, and you aren't responding, that's a clear sign that they are trying to bait you. In this instance, the wisest thing is to try to remove yourself from the situation. I realize this is very hard to do because no one with dignity wants to be disrespected and just leave without the disrespect being addressed, but its open season on African people and your primary obligation is to stay safe. So, unless you have strong confidence in your ability to physically defuse a situation, meaning disarm someone, etc., its best that you just leave if that opportunity is there. And, usually, in the very beginning of a conflict, that opportunity is always there, but most of the time, people stay there arguing and don't take it. Don't make that mistake. If for some reason you cannot leave, you need to be making an assessment, based on your analysis of how they are presenting themselves, what they have on, what they have with them, if they have a weapon or not. If you are sure they don't, then you should still leave because they could still be setting you up. They could have an accomplice who could supply them with a weapon. If its not feasible or possible for you to leave and you are reasonably sure they have no weapon or accomplice than your next move is to mentally establish your demarcation line. What is it that this person will do that will trigger you to take action? You need to have that worked out in your mind. Its best if you establish that when you are practicing your scenarios I mentioned earlier so that you can institutionalize it in your mind. If you do that, you will perform with much more confidence when the conflict happens because you will have prepared for it. That confidence will be evident to the sick person confronting you and that will influence how they proceed with you. That happens to me quite often.
Once the protagonist crosses your demarcation line, you need to have established, during your practices, what your course of action will be. Whatever it is, you need to do it and you need to do it without hesitation. And please make sure your plan is complete. Meaning, if your plan is to level the person, do that and make sure they can't get up, get to their car and get a gun before you can get away to safety. You need to think through your scenarios all the way to you being out of the situation and how you will do that. The more work you do on this when no danger is present, the better you will execute it when danger is present. Or, as a friend once told me "the more you sweat now, the less you will bleed later."
If during your assessment you realize chances are probably good that your protagonist has a weapon, you are going to have to have a plan in your head for distracting, disarming, etc. The key to survival is not panicking. And, by panic I mean not knowing what to do (so you react emotionally, stand in shock, etc.). In 2015, when I got into that skirmish with that domestic abuser, that person made a serious attempt to run me over in their car. The only reason they weren't successful is because when they drove at me, I didn't panic. My head was clear and I was able to dive out of the way. Had I frozen, no one would be writing this right now. And, despite whatever you are thinking in your head that you will do, the only proven way to avoid freezing is to practice. Sekou Ture said "quantity makes quality!" Or, doing something over and over makes you better at it. I have practiced getting out of pretty much anything you can think of and I'm adding more everyday. That's why I have been fortunate enough to survive attempts made against me by deranged members of this society and you can too. I feel utter sadness for that African in Florida who was gunned down by that coward earlier this week. I don't know why the Africans parked in the disabled parking space. And, that's another thing, take time to ensure you aren't doing things like that which gives these cowards grass under their feet to feel justified in confronting you. Act in ways that respect everyone while at the same time demanding everyone respect you. That was that African's first mistake. Once the confrontation apparently started between the European and the African woman, its completely understandable that the African man would want to defend his partner. I certainly would do the same for mine, but his second, and fatal, error was once he decided to push the guy down, he needed to finish it e.g. make sure the guy was disabled from getting to a weapon or doing anything to cause harm. He shouldn't have assumed that pushing that terrorist down would end the conflict. If the African would have followed and hemmed up the European long enough to disarm him while he was down, that African would still be alive right now. Instead, he pushed the guy and stood there. Even after the European pulled his weapon, that African spent his last surviving moments standing there, staring at this man who had a history of provoking confront. That was evident by the fact the European didn't hesitate to fire. This is what I'm saying here. Have a plan. That African's lack of a plan cost him his life.
Finally, all your practice and preparation has to be based in a philosophy of humanism and respect for humanity. Unlike that European terrorist, you aren't out here looking for trouble at every turn. Having a humanist philosophy is actually your best weapon. These Europeans running around hiding behind these racist laws are complete cowards. Everyone knows that Zimmerman provoked that young man to the point where a physical fight ensued. Everyone knows that Zimmerman was weak and unable to defend himself against that teenager so his plan was to carry a gun and shoot him. And, despite whatever all these spineless and soul-less defenders of Zimmerman vomit out their primitive mouths, everyone knows he provoked that situation because the 911 call clearly told him, multiple times, to not leave his house. So, how the hell do you provoke a situation, then when you are getting your ass kicked, now you suddenly fear for your life? This, and the fact Africans in Florida, like Marissa Alexander, had more evidence of stand your ground in their flatulence than Zimmerman had on his best day, and she was still convicted of a crime, should tell you the deck is stacked against us. We have to organize to protect ourselves. And, yes, part of that means us starting to do all the necessary things to prepare to be armed as well, but more than anything else, that will take serious organization, preparation, planning, practice, maturity, and discipline. On a collective and individual level. And, a philosophy of justice as your foundation. Let's get going. Let's organize to protect ourselves because if we don't, clearly no one else is. Any of you still believing that the capitalist system is going to bring you justice at this point deserve whatever sad ending you end up with.