For sensible and sincere people reading this, and there are quite a few people who do (thank you), use this as a case study to evaluate how really stupid these people are. They excitedly write things about me that are public knowledge and they make a lot of really stupid assumptions. Then they try to intimidate people by using terms like DHS (Department of Homeland Security) like that really scares us. If you pee brains believe that then you more stupid than I thought. Even a child knows the worst thing you can ever do is underestimate your enemy, but you people have brains capacity that is lower than an adolescent child so you probably don't get what I'm talking about right now.
The main point is welcome back. PLEASE keep the insults coming. My book is selling better than ever and the activism work has never been better, but that's really the point isn't it @ssholes? We are winning and you people can't handle that. You can't handle the fact that people are listening to people like me, not idiots like you (and the desperate way in which you stage your amatuer attacks clearly reveals that).. You fools better get used to that and you better learn how to provide a comprehensive and fact based critique of people beyond personal insults and attacks. I'll continue my work which gives you time to step up your game. You won't need to worry about me investigating anything you do because I couldn't care less.
As usual, I'll close by saying I'm in the streets daily. Speaking at a major rally against homelessness today actually in downtown Portland. If you want to do something to me or whatever, I'm there for the picking because unlike you cowards, I don't hide behind stupid names and stupid ideas.