Every year, imperialism prepares for its presentation of this day. They display red, white, and blue everywhere to spark you to see your interests as the same of those of imperialism. This is especially the strategy with our European/White family. Imperialism's wars, fought for its multi-national corporate interests, are presented as if they are being fought for you. The images of fallen soldiers are depicted everywhere. all the time, and you are encouraged to see the day as a day that is all about you if you served in the military. A day that's all about your loved ones who have served. Many people buy this narrative, but if you examine Memorial Day closer, its clear that it has absolutely nothing to do with you or your loved ones. If that were true, U.S. military veterans who return from war wouldn't be facing such an uphill battle to receive benefits. They wouldn't be forced to fight post-war trauma on their own. They wouldn't be forced to stand on highway off ramps to beg for resources. You wouldn't be able to identify veterans everywhere who struggle to find basic resources for finding jobs, counseling, and housing. And don't tell me there are so many resources for these people. I've sat with and worked with to many vets who get nothing from these programs to believe that nonsense.
The sad truth is imperialism promotes Memorial Day in order to justify its illegal domination of the planet and its exploitation of you and your relatives. And most people support Memorial Day not based on any type of solid principles, but because the subtle messages being transmitted are that somebody is trying to take something away from you. So, in order for your way of life to be protected, those wars have to happen and these people have to be defeated. The message is if this doesn't happen, you will lose everything. Even if you already have nothing. You will lose the opportunity to get something that doesn't belong to you in the first place. All of this thinking is just the continued manifestation of white supremacy and manifest destiny which promotes that European people deserve the riches of the planet and everyone else isn't fit to lead the world. And, the message to people of color is that your only way to win is to side with imperialism against the masses of people on the planet. This is the real propaganda value of Memorial Day and all of the manifestations of imperialist propaganda. The truth is imperialism, will reap the spoils and you, white or not, will get nothing.
I am sure that all of you reading this know that Iraq and even Osama bin Laden couldn't have posed any real threat to you because if this was true, how is it that all the chemical weapons Iraq had were provided to them compliments of U.S. companies like Dow Chemical? That would be like someone telling you somebody is a threat to you when the person telling you has consistently armed and trained the person they are now warning you about. You may keep an eye on the person you are being warned about, but common sense would dictate that your first concern should be the person talking to you since they created the problem in the first place. All the hardware Iraq possessed was provided to them by the U.S. Saddam Hussein and Iraq were set up by the U.S. to wage an eight year war against Iran in the 80s and even Iraq's claim to Kuwait in 1990 was a challenge to Britain's imperialist partitioning of that region in connection to the Ottoman Empire. The point is if the U.S. was searching for mass weapons in Iraq, they shouldn't have had any problem finding them since they provided Iraq with whatever they had. And, the U.S. so-called opposition to the Taliban in Afghanistan was simply a ruse to convince you that imperialism was the good guy and those evil Muslims were the enemy trying to steal your birthright. If bin Laden was so evil, why has the U.S. had a strong business relationship with bin Laden International, one of the largest construction companies in the world and the source of all the money they loved to tell you Osama had at his disposal? The real story is with the fall of the Soviet Union the U.S. finally had its opportunity for Uniocal Oil, to build the Caspirian pipeline. They actually tried to work with the Taliban to build this piepeline for decades. The U.S. was working with the Taliban to build this pipeline because Afghanistan was the best geographical route to make this happen. The Bush family had meetings with Omar Mullah, the so-called evil leader of the Taliban in the 90s to try and work out this deal. When the Taliban wouldn't cooperate, the next step was military engagement and thus the propaganda started. They said they wanted to protect women in Afghanistan from militant Islam. They told you the Taliban was behind 9/11 and had to be stopped before you woke up and they were in your bedroom, etc. And, you and your relatives were sent there to die, be dismembered, and traumatized, to advance the imperialist agenda. So, instead of you being able to figure out that you and your people are being used, they present to you Memorial Day, to try and suggest that there was some noble cause behind your efforts. There wasn't. Its a difficult pill to swallow, but its ill refutable.
As much as we may love our people who served for imperialism, we do them a disservice by perpetuating the lies. Start telling the truth. They were used by imperialism and the reason they struggle now is because their purpose for imperialism had expired. Tell the truth that the real heroes are those who have stood up against imperialism. In fact, I would like to honor some of them here. The courageous people of the Cuban revolution. The people of the Democratic Party of Guinea. The people of the Philippines. The Palestinian people. The Irish Republican socialist struggle. The American Indian people. The Universal Negro Improvement Association. The Black Panther Party. The Land and Freedom Movement of Kenya. The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee. The Vietnamese people. These are the types of people you should be honoring today. Nothing against anyone, but it takes nothing heroic for someone to follow criminal orders. The true test of a hero is someone who will stand up against injustice, especially when it produces consequences for them to do so. The best thing you can do for veterans is to guide them to outstanding anti-war vet groups and continue to build the movement for justice and liberation by joining organizations that are fighting against imperialism. The system can consistently pump their propaganda on time every year because they have organization. That's why even some of you who consider yourselves conscious still cannot resist submitting to the emotional tugs of imperialism by calling out support for your loved ones who served imperialism. We don't blame you because without organization, that's exactly what will happen. Instead, we encourage you to stand up on the right side of justice. Imperialism has its institutions and we have ours. We just concluded an outstanding week of African Liberation Day commemorations all over the world. These are institutions being built to battle against imperialism. Let's strengthen those institutions and build more.
There's nothing wrong with having a day off. People under U.S. capitalism work more than any people in the so-called industrial world. What we want are days off for African Liberation Day and other days of unity and liberation and the elimination of false propaganda days like Memorial Day. The only thing we need to memorialize today is the suffering of those who imperialism terrorized. The political prisoners like Mumia Abu Jamal and Leonard Peltier who spend decades in prison for standing up to imperialism and of course the masses of people on Earth who suffer from imperialism. Those are the people who's lives you stand on while living under U.S. imperialism. I know that like many of my posts/articles, I'll get plenty of hate mail for this one. I get it. They have many of you based on emotional extortion, but we don't bow down to extortion. We are revolutionaries which means we operate based on science. We will continue to organize against this system and if that upsets you, that's only just the latest clear sign that we are winning.