This contradiction is at the root of the problem with people like Kelly. The fact so many so-called intelligent white people like Kelly could actually be so clueless and ignorant about the racist history of this country tells us a few very important things. First, it tells us that most white people, meaning I'd estimate about 98%, don't have enough real information about racism to fill a thimble. That 98% has never read one single book about racism, white supremacy, police terrorism, the prison industrial complex, the military industrial complex, Africa, Asia, Central, South America, or the Caribbean. They haven't even read anything about Europe or the U.S. Yet, that 98% has plenty of opinions about all of those places and the people who live there. This is the social equivalent of me considering myself an expert on carrying a child for nine months. Absolutely and unquestionably worthless. Since we know this, we have to dedicate ourselves to creating a culture where these 98% of white people have no space from which to vomit their ignorance. At least anywhere that we exist, this should never happen. And, there are plenty of ways to shut that nonsense down so lets' start committing to do it because the rest of us have the right to live in a world where every place we go, we aren't disrespected by ignorance. If we create an environment where this is no longer acceptable, people will have to change e.g. learn something and become better people in the process, but power concedes nothing without a demand attached to it.
The second thing we need to remember is the fact someone as old as Kelly, and supposedly as educated, could actually be so dumb and ignorant says one thing. It says that if a person is comfortable enough to be so arrogant about knowing so little, yet thinking they know so much, this signals how systemic white supremacy actually is. At this rate, in another 20 years, these people will be saying the transatlantic slave trade never happened. The fact they are currently arguing to reduce the impacts of the slave trade is setting up that next step. What we need to take from this is if people are so easily taken in by such utter and complete nonsense, that should tell us that we are absolutely wasting our time attempting to try and revive these people, the 98%, on any level. In other words, in 2018 and beyond, we are wasting our time if we are trying to talk to white people about racism. The 98% of white men I'm speaking about have clearly demonstrated their commitment to white supremacy on every level. And, white women who consider themselves radical feminists are walking around talking about "metoo" in a vacuum, completely ignoring the multitudes of white women who have historically and continue to accuse African men of rapes that never happened. That's not to diminish sexual assault at all, but it is to say that patriarchy and white supremacy are the combined appendages of capitalism and white women continue to comply with white supremacy while they complain about patriarchy which should tell us they will never be dependable allies for us, especially for African women. History has confirmed this to be true time and time again.
The remaining 2% of white people we should wish well in organizing their people to do and be better. We encourage them and wish them the best while we add that those white people who continue to complain about how hard it is to organize white people? You are a part of that 98% because you meet all of the criteria e.g. you drain the energy and resources of brown people while doing nothing to get your relatives. So, to us, there is absolutely no difference between you and the rest of the racist white people out there who are doing the exact same things just mentioned. Back to the 2%, we support you and we are going to do that in the best way possible. We are continuing to organize our people for revolution in the vision of one unified socialist Africa. You see, we understand fully that the only reason someone like Kelly could say the things she says, repeatedly, is because there is no respect for African people anywhere on Earth today. We can be shot down like dogs. Disrespected in public. Completely abused because we have no respect. And we have no respect because we do not control our destinies. African liberation under one unified socialist government is our way to control our destiny and once we have it, no white countries/institutions/people will be comfortable as they are now to disrespect us because if they do, there will be consequences. Let's start down that road of self respect by agreeing and deciding that the days of white ignorance to our suffering being unchallenged are long over.
The final piece of this is how we change this culture. People like Kelly, that 98%, are sure they are right. As previously mentioned, they really believe they have information. They believe they understand African people (for example) without knowing any of us and/or having done any comprehensive study and analysis of us. This is a textbook example of insanity, yet this is where we are today. Our task is to figure out how to turn the tables on this thinking, not because we have to prove anything to white people. We most certainly don't and the reason for figuring this out is actually to accomplish something opposite to proving anything to them. Its to prove to ourselves that we are not the crazy ones. Franz Fanon wrote in great detail about the psychology of oppression. The fact that they will demean and dehumanize us in such a consistent fashion that we cannot avoid believing it after a while. The disrupting of this ignorant culture is part of our contribution to reclaim our dignity and defy their efforts to convince us there is something wrong with us. We have to underscore our claims that this is an oppressive system while debunking their position that we are insane for saying so. And, to place them in the light where they realistically belong; as the self serving ignorant problem children that they have always been. Kelly, and all of that 98% just like her should bow down to their so-called statue of liberty. Just like the statue, they just stand there, self righteous, completely oblivious to what's actually going on all around them.