There is a cure for this sickness. Its called coming home to Africa. And, just coming here on some bourgeois tour isn’t going to give you what you need. You have to come home as a part of a process designed to liberate our people from the bondage that keeps us confused. As I sit here preparing to begin the 50th Year Commemoration Conference for the creation of the All African People’s Revolutionary Party (A-APRP) here in Accra, Ghana, West Africa, I’m pondering all of this. I’ve been a member of the A-APRP for 34 of those 50 years. The intense political education process I’ve participated in during that time e.g. our work study process, has prepared me to understand my place as an African in the world today. It has helped me understand that African isn’t just an identity based on biology. It’s a political identity based on my relationship to Africa. Its an understanding that as a people, we can never reach our potential, we can never be truly free, until Africa is free, united, and socialist! So, as I sit here, I take in the environment. My political education has prepared me to properly interpret the conditions Africa faces today. I know that Africans have no control of the systems we live under anywhere we exist on Earth. I know that our work is designed primarily to change that. To build capacity for us to seize that power. And, once we get it, for us not to use it to plunder resources and control populations as the imperialists do, but to use Africa’s vast resources to solve Africa’s problems, the problems of African people everywhere, and to contribute towards advancing the entire world’s populations. Because I understand that, I am able to read between the lines and recognize my place here.
Its understanding my place that creates space for peace in the midst of all the hard work we must do. You see, while Africans are disrespected every second of our existence in the imperialist U.S., here in Africa, I feel at home. I am welcomed by our people here because they know that unlike most of the people who come to Africa today, even Africans born outside of Africa, I'm not here to expand the U.S. military. I'm not here to spread an imperialist inspired religious message. I'm not here to serve as paternalistic charity. I'm here as a long lost and humble family member to make my small contribution towards Africa's forward march. The love I receive when here is overwhelming. This is in contrast to the constant attacks and disrespect that defines the African existence within the U.S. and other imperialist countries. And, I should note that seeing those attacks from Africa brings to the forefront an entirely different perspective. Whereas we are made to feel in the U.S. that we have no choice except to endure that inhumanity, here in Africa its quite obvious how pitiful and desperate racism actually is within the U.S. The entire thing only exists to prevent us from connecting with our true power - Africa. When I'm here, that is as obvious as the sun in the sky so no amount of primitive behavior within the U.S. can make a dent in that armor.
None of this is to say that every African outside of Africa must come here and move here immediately. Some of us are so infected by imperialist thinking and values that my personal preference is that you stay right there under the watchful eye of your master until you decide its time to break free. And to be clear, deciding you hate Europeans isn't breaking free. The capitalist system couldn't care less if you dislike Europeans because that does absolutely nothing to weaken the capitalist system. Breaking free can only mean making the conscious decision to side with the masses of our people against the evil empire of capitalism and imperialism, led by the united snakes of amerikkka. What this is saying is a major part of that freedom process is recognizing that if all you know is what you have learned in the U.S., there is an overwhelming level of experiences you need to have because you are missing out on so so much knowledge. Particularly about who we are as a people. Even if you try and read "alternative" theories within the U.S., but you are basically stationed and stuck there, even if you have traveled under the auspices of the imperialist military of the U.S., even if you have traveled to the Caribbean or Africa with your personal family or on some tour, you still are basically functioning within the parameters they provide for you. And, despite whatever ways you invoke to try and argue that, you won't fully understand it until you take that journey to free your mind from the shackles of capitalism and imperialism. That's going to take some concerted effort and study, but if I can do it, you certainly can do it. In fact, you can surpass me, easily. Then, maybe we can sit here together someday and continue to contribute towards our forward progress. When you are here with me, able to do that you will marvel, as I do, on how little the U.S. seems to actually be from this vantage point.
We walk in the shoes of Shirley Graham DuBois, W.E.B. DuBois, Amy Jacque Garvey, Amy Ashwood Garvey, Kwame Nkrumah, Sekou Ture, Madame Ture, Amilcar Cabral, Carmen Peierea, Imbalia Camara, Patrice Lumumba, Muammar Qaddafi, Malcolm X, and so many others who rose far above the petty existence of the imperialist U.S. When you live your life based on those principles, it influences how you move. How you treat people. And, that is how people can easily determine what type of person you are and why you are here. So, I am without question home. I experience a peace I only dream about when in the U.S. No need to look over my shoulder here. I can relax. I can sleep. I can laugh. I can live. I can contribute towards our complete and total liberation and I can envision our future generations living with something much, much better than the latest cell phone, knowledge of the latest reactionary song lyrics, and a total lack of dignity.