These are facts friends so please stop reacting to them showing up places with no plan other than you being there when they get there. By doing that, you are playing directly into their hands and actually, you are helping to legitimize them which serves their interests for recruitment purposes. Look, we know its hard for you because from your perspective, these people don't really represent this society so you are shocked and offended that they exist. We get that even though we have been telling you for hundreds, yes that's right, hundreds of years now that these people simply are the underbelly of the much smoother and sophisticated outside of this decadent system. They always have been and they always will be. What's happening now isn't anything new. Surely you know this. Seeing them may be new to you, but its now new. So think about it for a moment. Stop reacting to white supremacists and when we say that we include the police in that category. Start planning your responses. Cut these people off at the base. That would mean going to the factories that produce them - uh, that would be the communities you grew up in. And start doing work to steer some of these people into a different more productive direction. Work in those communities on a daily basis. Do a survey. Go door to door. Ask the people what they want. When they tell you better schools, etc., use whatever they tell you as an organizing mechanism to reach them. Educate that their true enemy is this capitalist system, not the brown people who have less, and have always had less, in this system than they do. For the Europeans reading this, the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee issued a call for European (White) people to start doing this work 50 years ago and we are still waiting. For the Africans and everyone else reading this its difficult for us to understand why and how you could ever think it to be a good idea to show up anywhere white supremacists are without a plan?
My concern is that many of you really aren't all that interested in solving this problem. Compare it to dating. Some men who pursue women for example. Some of these guys have absolutely no interest in finding a woman and building towards a serious relationship with one. They want the possibility of establishing a ready entry into someone's pants, preferably on a need to have basis, but they can't say that because most women aren't going to give them the time of day once they know that. So, instead, these guys play along like they are in it to win it. We realize that this is how many of you are approaching this struggle for justice, even if you don't yet realize it. Like that guy who only wants to roll around the bed, you really aren't interested in engaging this struggle with the commitment it requires and deserves. You are just doing this while it provides you the thrill that you get from showing up when the "enemy" is going to be there. For those of you where this applies, this writing isn't for you. This writing is for those of you who want to seriously end this suffering. The only way its going to happen is through hard work. Showing up isn't anywhere near enough. It requires serious planning and commitment. Much more of that then we see happening right now.
So, consider a reality where wherever the white supremacists showed up we didn't meet them there. If your fear is if they go unchallenged that will make it easier for them to recruit that wouldn't be true if you are doing the necessary work with the communities they wish to recruit from. Just think about it. If you are white, you can do that work to a certain point where you can organize your communities enough where you can build capacity so that the communities themselves will start to refuse to permit this trash to stink up their environments. When you achieve that the police won't be able to stop you. Nothing will be able to stop you. For you Africans, we have already seen examples where our people, either through the efforts of the Black Liberation Army, Black Panther Party, Nation of Islam, Universal Negro Improvement Association, Democratic Party of Guinea, etc., have achieved levels of organization where the police could not even enter our communities. We desire to bring that back in higher levels of organization, but we need soldiers who are committed to sticking it out and doing the hard work to make this come into existence.
You know, we get it. You are sickened by naked white supremacy. That nauseous feeling you are having I've had my entire life. So we get it, but we also get what it takes to heal that nausea once and for all. And at a certain point we have to question your seriousness when we continually give you the solution and you ignore it. I mean, are you in this for a serious commitment are you just doing a hit it and quit it stint in this struggle for liberation? Ten years from now will you be one of those tired @ss people who claim to have "already done that" as it relates to this struggle? Bitter, annoying, and doing nothing except contributing to our continued oppression? Never being self aware and honest enough to admit that the "already done that" you did was nothing more than the getting in the way that are doing 10 years from now, just in a different form. C'mon now. Our children and future generations deserve much better than that, don't they? Especially when we can give it to them if we just focused a little more. If we don't, we can't blame it on the white supremacists. That one will be all on us.