Our enemies, and let us be clear - the capitalist system and everyone who attempts to represent it are enemies of our people and humanity - would have you believe that we live in some sort of "post-race" society where there is no need to even talk about injustice against African people, not to mention wasting time educating about the history of this backward country. They even have the audacity to suggest that it is us who are the racists because we refuse to buy into their corrupt paradox of lies and confusion. My stomach knotted up with nausea at listening to such ignorant "people" such as Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, etc. and the rest of the little rascals using sacred words like "reparations, slavery, and oppression" to dismiss and disrespect the daily suffering of the African masses. Little rascals indeed in the areas of intellect, honesty, and integrity.
There is absolutely no logical and feasible method in existence that can intellectually refute clear historical facts. Nine out of 10 people in the U.S. today couldn't name 10% of the countries in Africa. Couldn't speak five words from any language spoken in Africa. Couldn't even name five languages spoken in Africa. Are incapable of naming five foods eaten in Africa and God help them if they had to name five Ethnic Groups from anywhere in Africa. This is astounding enough because this country is pretty much the only place on the planet where people are that unquestionably ignorant about the land base that contains some of the oldest civilizations recorded. And the thing that makes this ignorance so incredible is that approximately 50 million inhabitants within this country descend from Africa because the wealth and history of this country is drenched in the blood of colonialism and African slavery. And, that's just the tip of the ignorance iceberg. Those same 90% couldn't give you two cohesive sentences of who the people were who were here before 1492, five languages those people spoke, and probably any of the foods they ate outside of maybe fry bread. Although these same folks probably couldn't tell you too much more about Europe, if anything, that doesn't have anywhere near the same impact because even in just mentioning Germany, Britain, France, Italy, etc., there is prestige, respect, and an understanding, even without details, that those places represent culture and civilization. This doesn't exist for Africa and pre-1492 Americas because the agenda of manifest destiny and colonial domination to finance the development of capitalism required the 500+ year lie to remain in tact. We weren't worth learning about because there was nothing worthy to learn. This lie was the only way the masses of Europeans could be lulled into accepting the lie of white supremacy so they would support continued capitalist domination of our people's today. That's why they tolerate state sanctioned murder against us. Blatant disrespect and miss-education of our children in substandard schools. Mass incarceration of our women and men in the face of clear indiscriminate sentencing. And, daily disrespect and dehumanization against us. And us? We have basically accepted their version of history too, at least on some levels. That is the only thing that can explain why so many of us tolerate such injustice right? In fact, its a fair statement to say a significant percentage of us are not even really interested in destroying white supremacy. Some of us just simply want a place where we can exist peacefully within it.
We can easily go on and on, but you get the point. Anyone who fixes their mouth confidently to suggest studying African history is no longer needed is either a complete fool, a tool of the capitalist power structure, or probably a combination of the two. But no problem. Regardless of what the animals continue to preach, we can assure you, we will continue to educate our babies of the truth. This is nothing except an empire. A criminal enterprise built on the backs of our people and a whole lot of other people too. And the beauty of it is we can teach them that simply by exposing them to the simple truth. The foundation of this capitalist economy was built on the seed money accumulated by enslaving our ancestors. Even your multi-national corporations like Barclays, Lloyds, Lehmen Brothers, J.P. Morgan Chase, Aetna, etc., have all had to admit that. They didn't work hard. They robbed, stole, and murdered to get on top and they remain on top today by continuing to support a system built on the same bloody principles. This is why the children of Ghana speak correctly when they exclaim "when you eat chocolate, you eat our skin" to attempt to inform you of the cruelty of the cocoa industry.
So, African History Month is here to stay. Actually, for those of us who do this work, there is no African History Month, because that's every day. We just look forward to February because the things we do and talk about every day are much more palatable to the people we want to reach who are primed to hear it in February. So every day is not only African History, it's African Liberation Day. To us, there is absolutely no doubt about this and really, we know that is true also for our enemies. That's why they try so hard to quiet and marginalize us. This is all we need to know to keep doing exactly what we are doing.