Second, you make the same tired discredited argument about Che Guevara being a murderer. This argument is so simple minded it's incredible that people can actually believe it. I'll make it simple, even if Che did oversee the killing of a few hundred people, he and the Cuban revolution have long since acknowledged error in that regard. The reason why their apology has merit to me is I know Cuba in general, and Che in particular, are directly responsible for saving milliions of African lives through their military commitments fighting apartheid and white supremacy in Africa and their humanistic healthcare endeavors there and in the ghettos of the U.S. Still, besides that point, who the hell are you to question Che and Cuba? The united snakes government has murdered millions of people, continuing on today - not a few hundred 50 years ago in Cuba - and has never apologized for anything. Instead, they keep killing and justifying it and they have idiots like you helping them do so.
Anyone with even an ounce of critical thinking skills sees through your dishonesty. Your logic is anyone who uses violence in any way outside of the united snakes government is evil whereas the U.S. can use 40 times the violence and in your mind it's always justified. Well, the masses of people in the world don't accept your foolish math, but I think you know that. This is the reason why you create a hit video on an activist like me. I'm not interested in posting anything attacking you because I know my truth will always overwhelm your lies so I'll let people decide for themselves once they read this and watch your perverted video. Keep the attacks coming by the way because there was one thing you said that is true. I am intelligent and I'm an extremely hard worker. Always have been and always will be. I am a prolific writer and organizer and I'll continue to be those things so thank you for the compliments because while your spreading your other lies, I'll keep organizing and we'll see where that takes us.