Despite all of this gloom and doom, revolutionaries are never discouraged. We have the tools of science that help us place whatever is happening within its proper historical and political perspective. Dialectical materialism teaches us that every material element within the world has weight and occupies space. And, all of those material entities have within them the process of positive and negative components. Those positive and negative components are engaged in a constant and relentless struggle for dominance. This is universally true of every element that exists. By understanding this scientific phenomenon, we know that regardless of whatever bad is happening to us, the fact that its happening, tells us that there has to objectively be a way to correct the injustice. No matter what it is, this science confirms there has to be a way to change it. Revolutionaries understand this as our basic operating principle so we cannot ever be discouraged and disillusioned. Instead, the problems of the day provide us with opportunities to come up with methods to prepare the people on how to effectively fight back.
Since reformist methods designed to gain influence within the capitalist system have plenty of airspace everywhere, we will instead focus here on revolutionaries strategies to confront the challenges of this day. First, we must ask everyone to join and/or start an organization working for justice. We say this often, but we recognize that people are programmed to view the world through a strictly elitist and individualistic vision. Consequently, it will take some time for us to process the significance of this statement about organizations. We need each other to build capacity to win. And, in order for us to learn how to shed that individualism and learn how to respect and work with each other, we have to first get involved in the vehicles - organizations - that permit us to work together. Look at it like this, the organization is the motor vehicle. If you have a vision of getting somewhere, and the vehicle is your mechanism to get there, the only way you will understand the journey is by getting in that vehicle and moving in the direction you wish to go. If we understand this concept, we wouldn't waste time arguing about the type of vehicle (like we want to argue about the type of organization or which organization). Even if the vehicle is a bucket, if it moves, it helps you participate and understand the journey. Once you are moving, you can then learn that you can potentially find a vehicle that has a better stereo system, more comfortable seating, better gas mileage, etc., to help your journey advance more effectively. Its the same with organizations. By participating, you can decide whether the mission, philosophy, ideology, and action program is acceptable to you. If you don't ever start out on the journey, despite the vehicle you use to do it, you will never understand what it takes to have a more effective journey. You won't even ever know for sure if you can even complete your journey. Equally so, if you never belong (meaning participate and do the work, not just belong on paper) to any organization, you can never understand the factors needed to build capacity to win.
Once we have people involved in organizations, we must push our organizations to focus on organizing various sectors of our communities. There is enough work here for everyone. Students, elderly people, workers, women, non-men, peasants, criminals, etc., all of these segments of society must be organized. The way to approach this is for organizations to work together to work with sectors. We build self-determination infrastructure. We can start with housing for example. Pick a neighborhood and canvass it explaining to people that vacant houses in their neighborhood will soon be filled with needy families. The conversations are focused on helping people understand that it benefits banks, not them, to have empty houses in their communities and that everyone deserves a place to live. Introduce the neighbors to the people moving in and organize block parties to introduce the new families to the community. Have the family participate in community work designed to help people see the benefits of having them there. Sign people up to protect the new family and create an environment where people begin to see police as enemies coming in to evict a great family that you know. After this work in instituted, the people in the neighborhood will decide to refuse to let police evict that family and you will have a dynamic where people are learning to solve their own problems without police in healthy and collective ways. We can organize this type of self-determination on all levels and the same models can be utilized in the work place, schools, etc. The objective? To raise people's consciousness to the reality that the capitalist system is not here to serve our needs. We will have to do that ourselves and when we learn to do that, we learn that the only thing we need from capitalism to do it is control of the resources that the capitalist system stole from us in the first place. In other words, you are instituting socialist consciousness among the people. The more they get, the more they are going to want it.
If we cannot move to these levels of fighting back, the best you can hope for is electing a politician who will hopefully hold off the negative results for a year or two. We deserve much better than that and the reason we don't have it is the masses of people are not organized to empower themselves. All we have working right now are efforts to empower individuals to influence within the capitalist system when our true objective has to be destroying this backward system.
No one is saying organizing our communities will be easy. In fact, the reason we don't have it today is everyone is looking for the easier shortcut out of dealing with our oppression. Dialectics teaches us there is no shortcut. As Malcolm X said and as dialectics teaches us "extreme conditions require extreme solutions." As long as we attempting to resolve extreme conditions with shortcut solutions we will forever be stuck with shortcut results. All of the tragedies I mention occurring today as daily policy are happening because the capitalist system is declining and as a result, its ruling classes, and its class flunkies (national bourgeois everywhere) are trying to consolidate their power by turning the screws tighter around you. Are you ready to get serious about this? Or, are you content to just continue to pretend you are fighting back for a better world and a better future?