Some of the more interesting answers are spirituality, especially when its a grounded spirituality that is based in the conditions of humanity. Grounded spirituality recognizes the social problems that dominate our existence and tries to provide believers with a value based platform from which to make contributions towards addressing the problems of the world. In our view, this type of spirituality is healthy and interesting. We are 100% in support of this type of spirituality as opposed to escapism spirituality that purports to rise you above the suffering of the people. The latter type of religion often even blames the people for their suffering. Since this latter form is simply another tool of imperialism to control people, its no wonder that it functions as it does, but the former method, is inspirational. And, it certainly fits quite nicely with the type of spirituality I live by. No, I don't ever talk about it because I believe if I am practicing right, I don't have to convince you by arguing with you about it. Instead, you will observe how I practice it in my behavior. You should see me placing people above my own personal interests. You should see my heart for humanity and that gives you the answers right there as to what I believe in. The balance in this happens because in order to practice this former version of spirituality, a peace of mind and a healthy understanding of humanist values is front and center. This is more than enough to combat the anti-human values that dominate society today.
What other ways do people create balance? And, I don't just mean going out into nature and sitting there. What about that brings peace to you and how can people who may not have access e.g. a car, etc., replicate that peace? If you have insight into this, please share with people. Its sorely needed. For me, it's not a formal process. Referencing back to the previous paragraph, I really don't pray per say. I do have a daily axiom that I use that is posted on this site, but that's the closest I come to praying. My daily statement does keep me grounded because it reminds me that my responsibility is to confront the day with integrity and courage and then I must let the chips fall as they may. I have learned to release that of which I cannot control so that it doesn't consume me. And, I permit humor to play an active role in my life, especially as it relates to laughing at myself. I love to laugh at what happens in my life. For instance, I practice a healthy respect for all creatures. I try to make sure I don't hurt plant life and insects need not fear me, even if they are found inside my place of lodging. I enjoy talking to crows, pigeons, dogs, cats, squirrels, rats, seagulls, and other animals and I talk to them whenever and wherever I can. My conversations with animals gives me great joy as I try to anticipate the animal's personality. I talk to babies and I almost always get a smile from them. This I attribute to the energy they can sense coming from me which is their only way to interpret what comes across their path.
Another thing that I believe is essential for balance is having something that you do that gives you a sense of accomplishment. I don't believe this "thing" can be in anyway disconnected from the forces that shape the world today. I think that exercise must in some way address those forces in a way that gives you power and energy to create the morality you need to propel you forward. For example, for me, this "thing" is writing. Literary fiction is my thing. It's done it for me because the stories I write permit me to create the type of world I want. The way I develop my characters allows me to make people behave the way I think they should behave and I find this to be very healthy and empowering. It also permits me to process my emotions. Every fiction author includes parts of how they experience and/or interpret the world in their writing. I desperately try to keep that as subtle as possible and the ways I do it has a focus of helping me process through difficult times I have in my life. That's why I often cry while writing and doing so is fine with me because if I'm not crying than no one who reads my work is going to be impacted emotionally. Since, my writing is totally based in trying to get people to take action, that's a critical component of my work. Sometimes I even go back into the two previous books I've published to read sections. This helps inspire me for the book I'm writing now (especially since its the third installment). This practice brings me so much peace I can do it for hours. In fact, if I go more than a week or so without writing, I crave it. Maybe for you its singing or painting. Whatever it is, you must prioritize time in your life to do it. You'll be glad you did.
There are other things that I do. I workout regularly e.g. every day. My 54 year old body is in better shape than most people my age and probably better than many who are much younger. This is obviously a good thing for anyone to do. When people tell me they don't have time to workout I always respond by telling them they don't have time not to. My diet is decent also. It cracks me up when Europeans are always shocked when I tell them my age. They always react with disbelief. And, I ask them who do they know in this capitalist form before essence society who is over 30 that lies about being older than they are? Then they proceed to telling me that African people age better than Europeans. Some of that may be true. Its not my field or concern, but you can't tell me my disciplined diet and exercise has nothing to do with. And, probably the other things mentioned above have as much, if not more, to do with it. Add in singing a karaoke song whenever I can and taking every opportunity to ride my bike on a nice day, drive through the Gorge (a beautiful river, mountain range drive east of Portland), etc. Besides, isn't it funny how most Europeans deny any and every form of white supremacy except where it benefits them e.g. we age better. Comedy.
All of the above are great things to maintain balance, but the most important thing is doing the political work I do in the way I've been trained to do it. Working hard and without compromise for nothing else except the chimerenga of our people and humanity. Yes, this work comes with daily pain and trauma, but if that's all you see from it, you are completely missing the point. The work and my ability to do it with strength gives me all the armor I need to fend off a lot of this problematic stuff. And, some of the other ways I've set my life up that I've mentioned before also make contributions. The point is if your life is about wage slavery and paying bills for material stuff, your life expectancy is unquestionably limited if all you are doing to balance that out is watching television, eating, getting high, etc. The programmatic objective of imperialism is to wear you down one minute at a time. Whether its the heat of a standoff with police or the day to day struggle to build consciousness and capacity, the capitalist plan is to keep you at bay while they wait you out. Either hunger, fatigue, or demoralization, their entire plan is on getting you to one of those breaking points. What would happen if no matter how long they waited, you had enough capacity not to break? Think about it. We want you around and healthy, unless you are one of those enemies of humanity who regularly troll this site. For you, we wish nothing more than what is happening, the continued development of our ability to crush all that you hold dear, dear.