First, let's acknowledge the fact that a young African child was savagely killed. And that this young child represents generational trauma of young Africans savagely murdered for no reason other than to intimidate us out of our humanity. This is true from Emmett Till to Tamir Rice. Then, let's acknowledge that European women have been lying and causing the deaths and incarcerations of African people for centuries which explains why you could only see a small representation of African women at your marches last week. White woman like Carolyn Bryant have consistently and systemically chosen white supremacy over justice and solidarity with oppressed peoples. Then, we should look at the fact that this white woman chose the privilege to never speak about this atrocity for 52 years! How was she able to get away with this, especially since she was lying all the time? Because our lives don't matter! That's why.
Its not as if no white people knew she was lying until 2007. Immediately after the trial in which her husband and his brother - the murderers of young Emmett - were acquitted, the two of them admitted in an interview that they had brutally killed the innocent young man. And, they were paid $3,000.00 for that interview, a hefty sum 62 years ago, thus continuing the American tradition of profiting off of African suffering ala Darren Wilson, the murderer of Mike Brown in Furgeson in 2014, George Zimmerman, the murderer of Trayvon Martin in 2012, etc.
What this all means is that no one had any decency and commitment to holding these people accountable. So, while young Emmett (or Oscar, Eric, Sandra, etc.) had their life cut short needlessly, some cowardly white people, some murderous white people, were permitted to live out their lives, profiting from cold blooded murder, in peace and without even being so much as challenged about their role in a gruesome murder.
This is a long standing theme in this white supremacist society. That's why every time I see one of those cannabis shops and the young European people working in them, making money, I want to see that place burn to the ground. White people can get rich on selling weed while thousands of us rot in jail for doing the same thing. Another glaring example of white supremacy and don't say that the white youth are selling weed legally because that's just a question of white interests lobbying to make weed legal, something they never had any interest in doing before they were able to position themselves to profit off of it.
I don't know why after 50 years Carolyn Bryant decided to finally admit that her cowardly and vicious lies against one of our youth caused him to violently lose his life. I don't even care why she decided to admit it because I knew she was lying already. I knew she was lying when I was 14 and three grown white men jumped me and beat me until I was hospitalized. Yet, she's never been held accountable for her despicable actions. In fact, I understand that this barbaric woman has profited further from an autobiographical piece that she's written that she was able to contractually deny her publishers the right to publish before she dies. What a filthy coward. I hope she started talking only because she hasn't been able to sleep for decades because of her guilt. And, if the stress of all that kills her its still far to little too late. That's all true because what she did represented what happens everyday all over the world. White people act in dysfunctional ways, we die, they profit, and they are never held accountable.
So, next time you are wondering why people are protesting think about all of this. The next time you are wondering why there is a race problem, think about this. The next time you try to pass the blame for all of that on the people who are trying to do something to change these conditions, think about all of this. Your country, your flag, your worthless values, none of it is worth the words being used to write about it. And like the disgusting Carolyn Bryant, I hope each and every one of you who believe in this lie cannot sleep a wink until the backward system you love so much comes crumbling down all around you.