Of course, no matter how intelligent and stubborn you may think you are, all of us within this capitalist society are fed a never ending tirade of ideas, values, and thought processes 24/7 for our entire lives. The process is so systematic that we are not to blame for mistakenly believing we are thinking of this stuff ourselves. The thing that's important, is we have to acknowledge that much of what we believe we are led to believe for a reason, and that reason is to convince us to support specific political and economic agendas. Often, that don't represent our own interests. Let's use the example of protests because demonstrations of all types have been hot topic news for some time now. Protests against police terrorism. Protests against discrimination against trans people. Protests against taking away reproductive rights. Protests at clown rallies for clowns running for president. Protests are talked about so often that what I'm finding is a lot of people who have never actually attended a protest of any kind are being led to believe they have an analysis and perspective on protests without ever having participated in one. Since news is heavily slanted towards corporate interests, any type of protest is labeled as bad because corporations function as policy in ways that don't represent the public interest. Therefore, most protests are aimed against them so since they finance the commercial media, they want your family, friends, co-workers, and the people you are seated across from at the restaurant, to believe protests are bad. Even if those people have never attended a protest and don't even know the reasons why the protesters are demonstrating.
An example of the problem. The rally just a couple of days ago in Chicago that was shutdown. Pay close attention to the narratives coming out on all corporate media about that action. They are saying the rally was shutdown by "Bernie supporters." Think about how stupid that is. The demonstrators at that rally were clearly people who support Bernie as well as people who support Clinton. Many of them were also people who support the Green Party as well as revolutionaries who don't support any party that participates in capitalist elections. The reason why I know that is because I've attended and organized so many rallies and protests that I have a good sense of who generally shows up. In other words, I have my own frame of reference besides the filth they put out, but if you don't, how do you have anything to compare (and challenge) to what they are saying to you all the time? Another example. The corporate media pronouncements that the protesters were violent. Think about that one for a moment. You will have to conclude that this premise is equally as stupid. They don't even bother to offer a shred of proof. All the videos that they show demonstrate all types of people engaging in all types of physical activity. It is impossible based on these videos to confirm who started what, yet the corporate media assumption is always that the protesters are guilty. That's especially odd since the only proof of clear blame are those videos of unprovoked Trump supporters aggressively and cowardly punching, pushing, and kicking people at previous rallies in other cities. This is clear evidence of Trump supporters promoting violence. At least much more evidence than any protesters doing so. Yet, the capitalist media uses none of that to label those Trump people as violent.
Since the capitalist media has worked so hard to dehumanize people who stand up against injustices, it becomes so much easier for people who depend upon capitalist media not to care what happens to these subhuman protesters. Its the same as if an ant or roach died. Its something that was supposed to happen in these people's minds. So, what's important here is to realize that this isn't about Trump or any other issue. It's about the capitalist system and how it manufactures values and guides people to take the action it wants them to take. The violence surrounding the Trump presidential campaign certainly is his fault, but the problem existed long before his tired routine came along and it will be here long after he's good and gone. What's actually happening is the capitalist media, which is simply the propaganda arm for the capitalist class, is working overtime to get the people around you to focus on individuals like Trump and not on the fact the reason these protests are happening is because people are tired of being oppressed by capitalism. And, the reason people are reaching that breaking point is because capitalism is unable to supply for the needs of the people existing within it because it is a dying system that is declining more and more each day. This is true for the protesters demonstrating against capitalist oppression, and believe it or not, it's also true for the people supporting Trump and all the backward ideas he represents.
As long as the capitalist media has people convinced protesters are criminals, Africans are criminals, Indigenous peoples are criminals, Arabs are terrorists, Muslims are terrorists , women are out of control, LGBTQ people are destroying your family, and White working class people are the face of white supremacy, they keep us from focusing on the real culprits. As long as people are believing all of this nonsense coming from the capitalist system, your family and friends won't be thinking about why it is that any of you would actually believe for five seconds that a billionaire, from either party, really cares about what you need? Millionaires, billionaires, they don't pay taxes the way you do. They don't work the way you do. They don't have or care about the problems you have because much of your difficulty is the result of the system they have created and maintained, at your expense. But, they cannot risk your family coming to that realization. So, the protesters are criminals. Run to your family and tell them the protesters are college students. The protesters are workers. The protesters are parents, neighbors, the people driving beside you. The people seated next to you on public transportation. The protesters are you. Tell your family that and get prepared for the capitalist propaganda you will receive in return. And when you stumble as to how to respond to them, that's your signal that you have received quite a dose of that capitalist propaganda yourself. Once you get to that place, we should talk.