I’m choosing to write about her, not because I spend five seconds thinking about the reactionary racist views she and the people who support her spout and believe. I’m writing about her because I’m constantly faced with viewing her stupidity on my social media feeds. I’m a writer. I have written and published full length quality literary fiction books. I’ve also had a European based publishing company find enough merit in my graduate thesis on mass incarceration to publish that study into a book. Since all of my books articulate an uncompromising perspective of support for revolutionary change and the complete dismantling of this backward capitalist empire, all of the promotion for my books, I generate. Due to that work, I know how expensive it is to promote through social media platforms like Facebook. To have the level of visibility that this Candace Owens women has on social media is not cheap. She clearly has strong and well-oiled support which shouldn’t surprise anyone who understands how propaganda is spread in this capitalist society. The only democracy that exists in this society is the democracy you can afford to purchase. To have a voice that reaches the multitudes, you have to possess the capital to buy that airtime. The only people who have that type of capital are the people who benefit from this system. The exploitative nature of this system. An exploitative nature that has to be upheld by justifying the mechanisms from which this system achieves its wealth, power, and control over the world. Candace Owens definitely provides that type of analysis. Were it not for our desire and responsibility to defend our people from attack, I wouldn’t spend a moment thinking about worthless people like Owens and her flag wavers. The issue here is everything she vomits out is based on lies and she clearly has support to spread those lies as far and wide as possible. And, since unlike her, I work regularly among the African masses, I see the damage these constant attacks against our dignity pose for our people.
Calling her out is worthwhile because so many of our people are hurt by this type of justification of our oppression. For example, recently, this sad piece of human flesh distributed a video denouncing the character of George Floyd. To do that, she referenced a highly unimpressive list of African sellouts like Thomas Sowell and Shelby Steele, people who have been discredited within the African community decades ago. The ridiculous perspective she advanced about George Floyd is that according to Sowell, Steele, and other parrots of white supremacy, the African community is “the only community that calls for justice for those who” as she called it are “the lowest levels of our community.” In other words, her point is that Africans are the only people in the U.S. who herald justice for someone who was committing a crime.
First, her logic is continuously absurd. This entire country was built on crimes against humanity so that means her and her supporters, all of whom are flag waving patriots for US. Imperialism, are clear examples of what she’s attempting to denounce. Also, in her “analysis” she adopts the same tired and discredited position of attempting to analyze the conditions of the African masses without including the forces that oppress our people. Her position is based on the capitalist logic that everything that happens results from individual decisions and that no analysis of the objective conditions is required to understand the decisions people make. People like George Floyd or Eric Garner, who were harassed and murdered by police were accused of committing low level crimes of the most insignificant manner. If police spent just a fourth as much time in rural and suburban communities harassing petti bourgeoisie and working class European youth, its not like they wouldn’t find illegal drugs, sex work, guns, and all the things they prey on us to prosecute against our communities. And, there isn’t a single logically thinking European from any of those rural and/or suburban communities who can realistically deny that last sentence. People protesting against police terrorism understand these contradictions. What is being protested is the systemic basis for how our people are set up. Then, the brutal basis from which police terrorize and murder us. Finally, the systemic discrimination from which those who manage to avoid death by police gestapos are railroaded into the prison system. Candace Owens says nothing ever to repudiate anything I’ve just articulated. Instead, she sticks with the individualist decisions value which plays well with the masses of Europeans in the U.S. Europeans who spend their entire lives making bad decisions just to have the systemic benefits of not being held accountable like we are.
Besides the analysis above, just on face value, her dumb statements about us being the sole community in the U.S. pleading justice for “low level” members of our community should be viewed as a poor attempt for any thinking person. This is true even if you dismiss colonialism and slavery. Today, there are hundreds of thousands of Europeans in the U.S. who rally every-day to support preserving the confederacy. This is a segment of the population who celebrate people who serve as some of the most brutal and barbaric in human history. It doesn’t get more low level than that.
Finally, Candace Owens and the primitive approach she utilizes is nothing new. Malcolm X told us about the house slave and the field slave. As he articulated, there are always Africans who make the decision to commit class war against the African masses. They do so because, and Owens is an example of this, its profitable for them. Any African who can create a portfolio, is articulate, and adopts an analysis that favors capitalism and white supremacy can always find an enthusiastic audience among the masses of racist Europeans. In fact, as those two clown women who apparently had a show on FOX news illustrates, you don’t even need to be able to logically articulate your betrayal to the masses of African people to cash in.
Candace Owens will continue to be the mouthpiece for capitalism and white supremacy. All one has to do is look at her life to confirm she appears to have absolutely nothing to do with African people in the political and personal realm besides passing herself off as an analyst of our people. She belongs to no African organizations and can produce no evidence of any substantial work she’s done in African communities. None of this is ever required by the scum she caters to. So, she will continue. That shouldn’t be a concern for us because as Malcolm told us, there have always been Africans like her. Our responsibility is to continue to build our struggle so that we can inoculate our people against the harm this anti-African rhetoric does to the mentality of a people consistently reeling from our oppression. Also, building our movement permits us to build capacity to hold people like her accountable to the damage they do to us so that one day soon, they will think twice before enacting such a predictable house slave routine.