Meanwhile, the genuine leadership provided in the past by people like Marcus and Amy Jacque Garvey, Malcolm X, Kwame Nkrumah, Sekou Ture, Amilcar Cabral, Kwame Ture, Assata Shakur, Huey P. Newton, and others, is being discredited on a daily basis. This trend is continuing as people like Robert Mugabe, Muammar Qaddafi, the leading voices in Somalia, Guinea-Bissau, and grassroots revolutionary Pan-African leadership everywhere are vilified and painted as criminals, terrorists, and thugs. The enemies of African people use the personality flaws and imperfections of these people, as if those things are enough to wipe out their outstanding contributions to us, as proof of their lack of qualities to warrant our respect. At the same time, every uncle tom and piece of shoe scum - from Mobutu Sese Seto to Don Lemon - are offered up by our enemies as appropriate leadership choices.
Our youth are growing up in a world where capitalist propaganda is being beamed into their impressionable brains 24/7 by cell phones, computers, etc., with messages that attack the integrity of Africa and her children, along with all just loving humanity, in favor of pro-corporate messages.
Go to any African community, from South Los Angeles to Port a Prince, Haiti, to Freetown, Sierra Leone, and guns and drugs are easier to acquire than information about organizations attempting to organize our people for justice. Racists and opportunists are able to gun down African people without due process. African entertainers, worldwide, sell out the integrity of our culture on a daily basis for a few pieces of silver, producing music and other so-called "art" that isn't fit for pig consumption.
Even conscious Africans are operating under the assumption that our salvation as a people lies in the micro-state we reside in thus alienating and isolating us from each other and permitting imperialists and opportunists to have free reign to continue to exploit the African continent, the real key to our forward progress as a people.
This is a very sober and ill-refutable picture of the present day reality for African people. Still, the dire straits we find ourselves facing are nothing for anyone to be dismayed and discouraged by. The good news here is that we still have available to us all of the rich struggle and tradition that has been supplied to us by those who have brought us to this point in history. And, in spite of all of the problems we face, the collective consciousness of our people is more advanced today than ever. Examples? Although it is true that we have been divided based on artificial national boundaries, it only takes minutes of us talking to one another to break down those barriers because deep down, we all know that we are all one people and that our true salvation is linked. This is true in spite of the constant propaganda aimed at making us think otherwise. This is also evidence that the genuine messages of our ancestors imploring us to take action are slowly creeping through. Also, in spite of the vicious and sustained efforts of the worldwide capitalist system - led by the united snakes of amerikkka, to force us to believe that a profit over people system is the only method available and viable for us, we are beginning to understand clearly that capitalism is incompatible with Africa and the future of Africa's people (one unified socialist Africa is the only solution). Finally, in spite of our enemy's efforts to divide us from other people who are also struggling against injustice, we are slowly beginning to understand that healthy (revolutionary) alliances with other peoples against our enemies is a logical and productive strategy.
The missing link is committed women and men to carry out the work to organize our people to engage in the protracted struggle we are facing. If you are African (all people of African descent are African and belong to the African nation - Kwame Nkrumah "Class Struggle in Africa), and this makes sense to you, and you live in the Portland, Oregon, area, come out to Portland State on February 26th from 6-9pm in Smith Memorial #333 to continue this discussion about the relationship of Africans born inside Africa and outside Africa. If you live in other parts of the world, go to for information about other similar events and activities in your area. Forward ever, backward never! Stand ready for revolution!