The above statements represent a scientific analysis of the role of police in oppressive societies. And the evidence supporting this analysis is ill refutable (its been cited repeatedly in this blog and countless other sources so if you are still confused on this question, do your homework). Since we are talking science, the people who are operating on simplistic points of view around this shooting are again going to be easily discredited.
For the record, lets state that we are against all police departments in all cities in every country on each continent on the entire planet. We occupy this position because as was previously stated, we know that in oppressive societies like the U.S. police are there to repress the masses of people to prevent them from rising up against the state that oppresses. In other words, police are there to protect their bosses who are controlled by super rich multi national corporate interests. That's all police, including any misguided and confused Africans who decide to take on this sad responsibility. Still, just because a confused African who decides to become a security guard for the capitalist class (the true definition of police) shoots a White woman, that cannot be gauged to represent anything other than what it is, the state operating in a way that permits its armed guards to summarily execute people for no reason.
What makes this incident interesting in a different way is the role of racism which fuels the way we are trained to see everything within the capitalist society. This incident should provide us with clear evidence that police are not on the side of working people. And, if most white people were thinking, instead of reacting to racist stimuli as they have been doing to 500+ years, this is exactly what would be happening. Instead, white people are being consumed with the same stupid and barbaric racist thoughts that cloud their vision on everything. For example, while driving through a rural community yesterday, I heard a radio host describe the shooting as a case of an African wanting to shoot a white woman. This deranged idiot actually said that the African joined the police force just so he could develop the opportunity to shoot white people. Then, this fool had countless people call in to chime in with their own home cooked racist theories about this. And, one doesn't have to search far to hear this type of nonsense. Another racist concept floating around is that the Black Lives Matter movement supports the killing of this white woman. Now, I'm a revolutionary Pan-Africanist who has been involved in the same organization working for Pan-Africanism worldwide for almost four decades. So, I am not an activist in Black Lives Matter, but I know that this movement immediately issued statements condemning the killing of this white woman. I also know they did that because they recognize that police killing people is a function of state supported terror against the people. Simple facts that are oblivious to the masses of white people and their trained parrots from other nationalities, including my own.
And, because this dysfunctional racism is the dominant ideology that operates within this backward society on everything, you can expect the accompanying circus of sickly behavior whenever something like this happens. While Africans are killed by police on a routine basis with no response from police, politicians, capitalist media, except to justify those killings and dehumanize the victims, the police in Minneapolis respond immediately to express their condolences for this white woman. Not only that, there are no efforts to reduce the quality of her character. No queries into any questionable behavior in her past and because white lives do inherently matter much more than our lives in this sick society, the fact that this incident happened at all is enough to force the police chief to resign, before any clear facts of the case are even made public. So, for those of you well meaning people who expect police and the state to condemn police violence because a white woman was killed by police, you are going to be sadly disappointed. Since racism is always the go to weapon for the capitalist system, whereas the state moves to protect police (of any nationality) who kill Africans, which is their role, in this instance, the state will isolate this African police officer. Within hours of the incident, we already knew he had three issues of misconduct and you can expect the efforts to discredit him to continue. And I'm saying this not to say he should be protected. I have a difficult time understanding how any African would ever want to become a part of any police department. My point is he cannot expect the state to rally behind him because everything the state does is designed to protect its interest and its interest is to widen the divide between working class people.
Since white people continue to demonstrate that they are completely committed to serving as committed hoes to the capitalist system, despite whatever it does to dehumanize them, why wouldn't the state continue to play that card? When white or other police kill Africans or Indigenous people its because we are criminals and they are doing their job. Works with white people. When an African cop kills a white woman its because that cop wants to kill white people or is unfit to be a cop. Works with white people.
Most of the time I believe that white people around the world will eventually wake up to this sham they are being pimped over, but sometimes I feel like that will never happen. Its not a major source of emotions for me because our objective is Pan-Africanism and we will achieve that whether white people get their stuff together or not. Still, when these things happen, I wonder if white people ever will figure out how they are the primary caretakers over their own oppression. Of course, the source of my doubt is the lack of wide spread work taking place within white communities. The seemingly most conscious elements of white activists seem to be content to just engage in ego gratifying physical acts against individual working class white supremacists without doing anything to challenge the power of the system itself. Then, others within the white activist community keep articulating this fantasy vision of a society without government where everyone functions based on values of altruism. This concept is laughable and elitist to the masses of suffering Africans who possess a mass culture which teaches us that any level of consciousness we will achieve will only happen through our mass struggle together. No progress will be made through individualism and anyone who believes that is operating through lenses of bourgeois idealism. Yet, this is the status of white activism. Meanwhile, the masses of white people are being bombarded with racist ideology at unprecedented levels. And while the masses of so-called conscious whites are patting themselves on the back for punching one white supremacist, who doesn't even represent the power structure, hoards of white people are being recruited over to white supremacist thought everyday with no one offering a counter perspective to challenge this process. Yes, we are aware of some recent efforts being made to work within white communities, but excuse us if we reserve judgment - for a long time.
This system is rotten to its core so anyone who is paying attention shouldn't be surprised by what is happening surrounding this killing in Minneapolis. The racism isn't what's surprising. The fact that it continues to work, without any extra effort or even any new criteria and/or implementation...That's the part that's just pathetic.