I've read scores of reports of Muammar Qaddafi's capture and murder today, but you can make note that this will be one of those posts that declares loud and clear that Qaddafi's death is a significant blow to Africa's future development. To those rightwing hacks, fools, idiots, and buffoons who will have a lot a words, but nothing to say about Qaddafi and Africa (at least not anything tangibly credible), this statement of support for Qaddafi is unforgiveable, but you should know by now we don't write for those simple minded people. For anyone who wants to know why anyone would say Qaddafi's death is tragic, here are the concrete reasons (and for the idiots reading, if you have an opinion, deconstruct these ill-refutable facts, don't just disagree with your usual baseless rhetoric): Under the Libyan Jamihiriya, it's ill-refutable that Libya's standard of living was the highest in all of Africa as it relates to health care, education, and overall quality of life. It's a fact that the people of Libya enjoyed the highest level of development in Africa as it relates to technological infrastructure e.g. the construction of the Wasra dam project which supplied sustainable drinking water to all citizens in Libya and the surrounding drought stricken countries like Chad (it's also an unfortunate fact that the NATO e.g. U.S. bomb strikes against Libya have intentionally destroyed the Wasra dams). It's also a fact that Libyan families enjoyed the highest income and standard of living of any country in Africa. How was all of this possible? Because the Libyan Jamihiriya utilized the massive oil wealth of the country to distribute that wealth to create opportunities for education, free education, and we all know an educated people is a self determinative people. It's unquestionable that Libya had been the only African country to avoid falling into the International Monetary Fund's financial extortation trap and consequently, it's not a surprise that Qaddafi was a major supporter and provided a major push for the creation of a true African Union with teeth, not the present model which is simply a mouthpiece for African heads of state who have to bow down to Western capitalist interests. Qaddafi used the A.U. to push for a united states of Africa as called for by Kwame Nkrumah, the first president of Ghana, and founder of the All African People's Revolutionary Party, whose government was overthrown by the CIA in February, 1966. If you understand how neo-colonialist institutions like the I.M.F. work to maintain control of African resources, then it also shouldn't come as a surprise to you that South African President Zuma could be so confused as to state that Qaddafi was so militant about creating a united states of Africa that he "intimidated" other African head's of state. Let's think this through. We're talking about governments that all have relatively similar population sizes, militaries, etc. We aren't talking about neighborhood gangs. We're talking about diplomats who created a setting, the Organization of African Unity (by Nkrumah) and later the A.U., to facilitate the discussion of ideas, proposals, structures, and programs to benefit the African continent. If this is the case, how could one president intimidate anyone else in such a setting? There is really only one way. If you have one entity whose arguments, positions, and abilities to function are based solely on the direction and interests of another party, and that entity is forced to deal with an entity that is not beholden to any other interests, then obviously, the entity that can think and act independently is always going to intimidate the other entity that can't spit without getting permission from someone else. This is the reason Qaddafi was so important for Africa and the A.U. and this is why his absence will push back the progressive movement for justice and forward progress in Africa. Still, whether he is truly dead or not, and no matter how much the capitalist propaganda machine continues to try and build animosity towards the Jamihiriya, there are a couple of things you need to pay attention to. First, watch how the standard of living for Libyans will drop. Don't just listen to the sound bite comments of handpicked individuals, study the issue. You will see that the standard will drop. We are sure of that because it's obvious that once these whore mongering people who claim to be "rebels" from the so-called Transitional Government take power, they will establish the same exploitative "pay me and take what you want" corruption that has come to define post-independence politics in Africa. Second, study as much as you can about the political and economic reasons supporting a united states of Africa and try to understand why Qaddafi would support such an entity and why we support it. Analyze the ill-refutable fact that Qaddafi himself had nothing personal to gain from uniting Africa. His country was already mineral rich e.g. oil, although there is absolutely no evidence that he sought to manipulate that wealth for himself (even his enemies don't make that accusation against him or least they can't prove it because it doesn't exist!). There's no advantage for him, but there is a huge upside for Africa and Africans to unite and that was Qaddafi's primary motivation. In fact, I would argue it was his militant push for African unity over the last five years that led to the attacks against his regime. Finally, understand what we mean when we say united states of Africa. We are talking about one political government in Africa under an all African committee for political coordination which unites all of Africa's mineral, political, and economic potentital. We're talking about one continental government. One currency, and most importantly, one political government with one Pan-Africanist and socialist objective and agenda for Africa. This makes perfect economic sense because the 54 countries in Africa were created for the most part by Europe to facilitate colonialism, not African self determination so if you understand Africa's history, it shouldn't be a surprise to you why the I.M.F and imperialism control Africa today. It also shouldn't be a surprise that anyone who speaks out against this robbery, like Qaddafi, would be isolated, and eliminated. So there it is......And remember. We have no problem with you disagreeing, but disagree with the facts presented here. One unified socialist Africa....Libya's advancements and position within Africa over the last 42 years. Don't listen to the type of idiots who suggest Qaddafi's death as some sort of victory. If you want an example of how that plays out, look at Iraq. They killed Saddam Hussein 8 years ago and where is Iraq today? Don't let them corportize your brain and don't become a non-thinking idiot. Question them. Question them.....QUESTION THEM!!
January 2025
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