It’s now obvious that this system is incapable of even addressing the most basic contradictions. For example, working class people are always expected to take full responsibility for any financial difficulty they experience and find individual solutions for these hardships while these capitalist governments immediately step in to bail out corporations the minute they experience financial struggles. With this type of unquestionable confusion dominant, its no wonder why people are having a very difficult time interpreting the constantly changing reality we are facing. This process becomes even more difficult when much of the information people are getting is wrong, and I mean intentionally wrong.
Now, even when the capitalist world of Europe is the epicenter of this crisis, the political leadership of the U.S. is now attempting to act as if this worldwide pandemic will completely disappear within just a couple of weeks. Reactionary chicken wing, pigs feet preachers are popping up everywhere having church services where 1000 people thumb their noses at the coronavirus. The president of this evil empire is now pompously coming on national television everyday telling us that all of this will be completed by Easter, 2020. He wants everyone in church on that glorious day to celebrate the end of this worldwide trauma.
I’m quite sure that even a complete idiot like the empire president knows confidently that this epidemic is not going to be safely concluded in 30 days. The actual scientific evidence indicating the opposite is overwhelming. Just yesterday within the U.S., the daily death toll rose by over 100 people and there is absolutely nothing indicating this trend is going to reverse course. This government’s motivation for promoting this 30 day fantasy is – as is always the case with capitalism – motivated by its drive to ensure corporate profits are protected. Despite the clear economic evidence that U.S. capitalism is consumer driven (meaning the obvious and most logical stimulus would focus mostly on placing cash reserves in the hands of working people, not corporations), this system, ever loyal only to its multi-national corporate benefactors, is intent only on ensuring those corporations are prioritized, even while people suffer and die all around us.
So, to facilitate this staged corporate salvation, the demons who run this political system are engaging in the most vile and despicable campaign of fear mongering. Appealing to the insecurities and anxieties of everyday folks who are uncertain about having to stay in their residences for an undetermined period of time, these people hope to exploit all of that to force people into risking all of our lives so that corporate stocks can stabilize.
The beasts in power have demonstrated their complete indifference to us by using their bourgeoisie spokespersons to openly express the need for the sick, the elderly, all of those people these lowlifes deem unacceptable and unnecessary, to voluntarily sacrifice themselves in the interests of capitalist longevity. All of this is unfolding right before our very eyes.
With all of this dysfunction facing us, each and every person will have a choice to make. Every bone in your body should be telling you that we need much more time to even make a clear assessment of this crisis. Not to mention what the next steps should and can be. I’m no doctor, but basic common sense should dictate to you several undeniable facts. We know coronavirus is asymptomatic meaning you can have it and not know it because your body exhibits no physical reactions to the virus. You feel fine, no aches, coughing, fever, etc. There are even coronavirus patients who are telling us that they had no fever symptoms which means even the advice of checking your temperatures isn’t a sure answer. Since we know about this asymptomatic element within healthy people who contact the virus, and the overwhelming majority of people have not been tested (and won’t be tested in the foreseeable future), even the most basic fool can take that information and deduce that we clearly have no way whatsoever to stand here today and conclude anything except that the virus will continue to spread. Unfortunately, people will continue to get sick and many of them will continue to die. That’s the only sober and truthful assessment that we can produce right now. And, no one can provide any science to refute that. This empire president is so stupid, he doesn’t even try to produce evidence, but maybe he’s a little smarter than most of us because even without an analysis, there are those among us who actually believe 30 days will be sufficient. Just because he said so and we are so insecure we want to believe him. I mean, he is giving some of you $1,000.00 or whatever the bribe ends up being.
For anyone who has a brain operating on even limited capacity, you have to make the correct decisions in the coming weeks. Protect yourself, your family, your community, your world, by absolutely 100% refusing to heed the calls of the demons in chief to pretend that our lives are not in danger. Now is the time to be talking to your friends, families, co-workers, etc., whoever, about taking a stand for ourselves and refusing to go along with their corporate agenda. The ask for you is simple. If they call on you to go back to work in 30 days, don’t do it. If they call on you to start going out to restaurants, bars, etc., in 30 days don’t do it. If you are struggling and feel the urge to open your business in 30 days, think about the potential risk. Don’t do it. This is the bare minimum. Its something we all can do. And, just this basic display of collective power can lead us to the organization we need to demand more of our tax dollars back to us and away from bailing out these criminal corporations.
Tell yourself and everyone you know, don’t listen to this federal government one bit. Resist them. Do something your children, grandchildren, partners, etc., can be proud of. Do as George Clinton and Parliament-Funkadelic told us in 1978, “think! It ain’t illegal yet!!” There really is no other logical choice we don’t want a death and suffering.